Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 788: 【Open the Tyrannical Street Ball King】

Mr720 has only a special ability of "epic dunk". The others are basic shots, basic dribble, and no defensive skills at all. The systematic assessment believes that this man is not defensive.

In the NBA, even Carter and Pierce, who no one says they are good at defending, can sweep out their defensive skills.

Wang Jun, a teacher of Carter, has learned classic actions such as 360 degrees, windmills, and crotch changing hands. Scanning Mr720 is still shocked.

His slam dunk moves are more and more gorgeous, and he can be called a stunt with more than ten moves.

Super long-distance windmill, 360-degree crotch changing hands with dart-style dunks, flying over people's legs for hand dunks, flying over people's back for hand dunks, empty catches and dunks, etc

Just looking at the dunk, he is indeed much stronger than Carter.

Of course, slam dunks with and without air defense, slam dunks in NBA games and exhibition games, attract fans to different degrees.

Carter's creativity in the game, and the courage of death buckle, Mr720 will never learn. When playing in the NBA, Mr720 thought about personal difficulties.

On the court, the street players are constantly performing wonderful slam dunks, and the hooked Wang Jun is addicted, hoping to play for a while and try two dunks.

After the game, something funny happened. No one was interested in the players playing the game. The reporters came to interview Wang Jun. Some fans asked for autographs and took a group photo.

After being robbed of the limelight, the street fighters were very upset.

After consultation, "Hot Sauce" came to Wang Jun and asked, "Wang Jun, are you interested in playing next game? The audience will definitely be happy and play a few balls."

Fans who had been preparing to leave the court would not go away when they saw the situation, and there were people around. "Heads-up! Heads-up!"

Someone was holding a portable DV to record video. Wang Jun came in sportswear and sneakers today and can play.

"Okay. Who's going? I can only play for 10 minutes, let the most powerful come." Wang Jun smiled and stood up and walked down the field.

Most of the audience stayed, waiting to watch Wang Jun and Street King singled out, this ticket is worth it!

Curry followed, and whispered, "Do you really want to fight with them? But there will be news tomorrow."

"I won't lose again, you should worry about them."

Wang Jun thinks that if he doesn’t fight, he will leave the news tomorrow, and there will be no good news in the news. Maybe he would not dare to single out.

The street players decided to put the hot sauce on and the five goals will be the winner.

Hot sauce is a superstar on the street stadium today. It is said that it has hundreds of extraordinary moves, and he has named each one, such as "Big Windmill", "Enchanted Turn", and the most famous is "UFO". law. However, he was only 185cm tall and weighed 73kg, and was easily broken.

The hot sauce came on and let Wang Jun attack first.

"Are you sure? Then I'm here." Wang Jun smiled and received the basketball.

He took the crotch dribble and took a step to the right. The back of the ball leaned on the hot sauce. The difference in strength between the two was too large, and the hot sauce directly lost its position.

He turned the ball to the bottom line with his right hand, turned completely, took three steps, jumped on the right side of the basket, changed the back of the crotch to the left and dunked it, 1 to 0.

The audience burst into applause, relaxed and beautiful.

With the hot sauce attack, Wang Jun lowered his center of gravity, kept his distance, and prevented sudden shots from throwing. No matter how the opponent shakes, he only looks at the footsteps and not the ball.

Wang Jun's defense is not what the opponents usually match in Hot Sauce, and he doesn't lose his position at all.

Wang Jun is a master at the retreat step. After the retreat, he can directly cast, and he can also take it forward, breaking through the rhythm. These street players are unlikely to retreat from step-up jumpers. They are mainly based on breakthroughs, which is too good to judge.

No matter how beautiful the dribbling action of the players is, the breakthrough still has to rely on changing direction to accelerate.

Wang Jun is blocking. The hot sauce wants the ball to be scored. He passed the ball under Wang Jun's crotch. He moved and was stuck, and the ball went straight out of the bottom line.

It was Wang Jun's turn, and the hot sauce was a little embarrassed. "Is it okay if you don't have to attack with your back? Your physical advantage is too obvious, I can't prevent it."

"Don't have to turn your back? Wait a minute, I think about how to fight." Wang Jun paused and smiled: "OK, come on, I will use your way to fight."

Hot sauce was very uncomfortable to hear his words.

What is your way?

It's as if you can do it with fancy moves.

Playing practical basketball, the people here are asking for themselves not being Wang Jun’s opponents, but many people are more confident to win him than the trick breakthrough, so they only proposed the game.

However, Wang Jun started to take the ball, and everyone was stunned.

His style of play has really changed. He dribbles eight times in a row. The rhythm is very fast. The face frame takes a step to the right. The back dribble changes the left hand to a meal. Then the back dribble gives the right hand to the right. Explore.

After the hot sauce withdrew the defense and broke through, Wang Jun pulled the ball back and dribble the ball to the left hand again. The hot sauce responded quickly and his body was flexible and traversed quickly. This step was a bit big.

Wang Jun once again dribble the back of his left hand, first reversed through his crotch, and put on the crotch of hot sauce, and gently rolled the ball to the basket. He flashed to start, struggling with speed, picked up the basketball, jumped under the basket and folded a back spike. 2 to 0.

Street players collectively dumbfounded, screaming from the audience.

Even Curry was dumbfounded. He hadn't seen Wang Jun play like this when he singled out. Was he still merciful?

Wang Jun did not show mercy, nor did he secretly practice a trick with Garfield at home, but used a prop.

In the system warehouse, there was a "dribble relax card" for many years, and finally came in handy today. Similar to the "Relaxed Shooting Card", he sent it when he was promoted to the tenth level and only had 10 minutes of effect.

Dribbling relaxation card: special rewards for training upgrades, host connection system, ten-minute dribbling feel, flexibility, and response have been greatly improved, in order to stimulate the host's interest in basketball, banned in regular games.

Without turning his back, Wang Jun is already merciful. The street player wants to challenge him because he wants to step on his high reputation and make him ugly. What is he polite?

In the second attack of Hot Sauce, the player didn't dare to play the ball. Cosover turned unsuccessful. Wang Junmeng hit him staggeringly, his long arm stretched across the ball, and the ball was directly cut off.

The spicy sauce is still a problem of poor physical fitness.

Some streetball fans blow favorite street players, UU reading www.uukannshu. Com said that it seems that they are disdain to play in the NBA, but actually can't play. The physique of hot sauce will be completely exploded against the small guards like Rondo and Paul.

The person next to him clearly saw that Wang Jun didn't move in his hand, and physical confrontation alone wouldn't blow the foul.

The other street players all squeezed sweat for their teammates. Can the hot sauce resist this time?

Wang Jun attacked, there was a basketball hip-hop on the periphery, he jumped "ghost steps" at the same time, and moved back and forth, the audience screamed louder, just like the French "mask man" playing basketball, Wang Jun did more than simple Dancing is more difficult.

The spicy sauce went out to steal, Wang Jun took the ball and threw the basketball to the ground to bounce off the ball. The ball bounced back and rebounded. Wang Jun jumped to catch the ball and drew it cleanly with his left hand! 3 to 0.

Originally, after finishing the hot sauce, the professor also wanted to fight with Wang Jun. After reading these rounds, he no longer wanted to fight.

The gap between Street King and the NBA's best player is too big. It's like an adult playing a child, a one-sided tyranny.

PS (to be continued ~^~)

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