Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3795: Aren't you afraid of being beaten to death?

Yun Fei looked at Wang Fan who walked out of the room, and while he was relieved, she greeted him with joy.

Seeing Yun Fei waiting here, Wang Fan couldn't help but chuckle, and hurriedly asked, "Senior Sister Yun Fei, has something happened again?"

Yun Fei nodded in embarrassment, "Well, people from Huo Li's family, I've signed my Yun family."

"Huh?" Wang Fan frowned slightly, "What's the matter?"

Yun Fei didn't talk nonsense, and said the matter quickly.

After Wang Fan listened, his face immediately became weird.

Isn't this kind of thing something he often does? It seems that others will too.

But Wang Fan didn't say much, nodded, and walked out together with Yun Fei.

Outside of Yun Mansion, a tall temporary battlefield had been erected at this time.

Around the battle platform, there were huge crowds of people, and there were nearly a thousand monks.

On the battle platform, two flags were erected, one with the word Huo written on one side, and the other with plum.

At this moment, on the battle platform, there are two immortal monks fighting frantically.

The rumbling rumbling sound keeps ringing, and the battle platform prohibition that blows up is buzzing.

Wang Fan glanced around and found that one of them was being suppressed. It was an absolutely powerful suppression, and there was no way to fight back.

But his opponent didn't mean to kill him immediately, but kept leaving scars on his body, and his mouth still sneered again and again, which was obviously humiliating.

"Trash, it's really trash, are you from the Yun family, just trash like that?"

"It's such a waste, is your Yun family worthy of becoming one of the three major families in Yunwu City? You are simply losing my face in Yunwu City."

"Weak, it's too weak, it's really vulnerable."

"Desperate? Angry? It's a pity, it doesn't make any sense. You still have to be ravaged by me."

"Want to explode? Haha, in front of the deity, are you eligible to explode?"

The Li Family Xianzun frantically attacked Yun Family Xianzun while constantly swearing.

His swearing voice not only made the Yun Family Immortal Venerable's face extremely ugly, but even the Yun Family monk below was full of shame and anger.

This is simply too humiliating.

Setting up an arena in front of their Yun family and humiliating the monk of the Yun family so much is really a shame for the Yun family.

"Bastard thing, I'm going to kill you!"

"Li Ming, you are so deceiving!"

"I'm furious!"

The Yun Family screamed in a low voice, his face flushed, his fists clenched, but deep in his eyes, there was a sorrow of inferior power.

Once upon a time, the Yun family actually fell into such a situation.

This time, compared to the last time Li Ran came to challenge alone, the shame was even greater.

Yun Fei's face was also very ugly, her powder fist had been squeezed, but she did not speak.

Wang Fan wanted to appear calmer. After all, even in the entire Yun family, he was only having a good relationship with Yun Fei. Now that the Yun family was humiliated, he naturally didn't feel much.

Li Ming abused the Yun Family Immortal Venerable while wantonly, and it was only a few more rounds before he finally appeared impatient and blasted the opponent's head with a punch.

However, he didn't mean to end, but looked at the Yun Family's position and provoked, "The Yun Family is a softie, does anyone dare to come up for a fight? Next, get on!"


Extremely arrogant!

The cultivators of the Yun family were angry when they heard this, and one of them screamed and planned to rush forward.

However, a figure was one step ahead of him and flashed onto the void battle platform in advance.

Li Ming looked at Wang Fan who was flashing onto the battle platform, his expression changed slightly, and he said, "Wang Fan?"

He was very surprised and shocked. It seemed that he didn't expect Wang Fan to come up.

Although Li Ming's strength is strong, he is still much worse than Wang Fan, and he is not an opponent at all.

Not only was Li Ming shocked, but Huo and Li's family, the Yun family, and even the monks onlookers around were also shocked.

Obviously, he also did not expect that Wang Fan would appear at this time.

There was a brief silence, and soon, the monks of the Yun family and the onlookers became excited.

The Yun family cultivator knew that Wang Fan was great, and knew that Wang Fan could avenge them and get back his face.

Those monks onlookers didn't feel so bored anymore, and they could finally see a good show.

Wang Fan looked at Li Ming in front of him and nodded with a smile, "Yes, it's me."

His speech suddenly changed, "It's just that you are so arrogant in front of the gate of Yun Mansion, don't you think it's too much? Isn't it afraid of being beaten to death?"

There was an uproar in the audience.

What Wang Fan said was really not at all polite.

Li Ming's face is also a bit ugly, he slurped his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

However, in the next second, his figure was already in the air, and then hurriedly ran out of the platform.

This guy is going to escape!

He knew that he was not Wang Fan's opponent and he would die if he fought, so he wanted to flee.

This sudden scene not only caused an uproar on the onlookers, even the Huo Li family, they were also stunned.

"Li Ming, dare you!" Huo Ba Tuo gritted his teeth angrily.

"Shameful!" Li Jian, the enchanting evildoer of the Li family, also gritted his teeth.

"Want to escape?" Wang Fan looked at Li Ming who was rushing to escape, but there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

He didn't seem to be anxious at all, but when Li Ming's body was about to escape the battle arena, Wang Fan waved his hand casually.

In the next second, a ray of sword light suddenly ran across the air, and with a sneer, it directly penetrated Li Ming's head.

Li Ming rushed out of the battlefield and landed heavily, but after landing, he had no breath.

The audience was silent.

"Trash, it's really trash, I can't even take a random blow, so dare to show off such trash here?"

Wang Fan shook his head in disappointment, then turned his eyes and looked at the two monks Huo and Li.


The audience couldn't help being silent again.

This Wang Fan is really too arrogant and overbearing.

The same words spoken from Wang Fan's mouth gave people the feeling that it was many times more arrogant and domineering than Li Ming.

The Huo Li family cultivators all silenced, while the Yun family cultivators cheered.

They only felt much more relaxed, and Wang Fan gave them a bad breath.

Of course, there are also some Yun family cultivators who still feel uncomfortable in their hearts.

Because, even if Wang Fan is stronger, he is only an outsider after all, not their Yun family.

On the left side of the battle platform, Huo Ba Tuo stared at Wang Fan, his eyes full of undisguised murderous intent.

He really hated Wang Fan, and he couldn't wait to break his body into pieces.

He rushed up to fight Wang Fan, but his reason made him endure it.

The eighth floor of the mere Xianzun is not worth his hands, wait and see.

It didn't take long for a Li Family Immortal Venerable to fly onto the battle platform.

He had no intention to report to his family at all. After rushing to the battlefield, he went directly to Xianyuan and went violently. He went crazy and generally killed Wang Fan.

The dazzling Xianyuan was surging in the air, exploding ripples one after another.

Wang Fan didn't have any nonsense, and he didn't even release the Primordial Excalibur.

His figure shook slightly, and he escaped the opponent's attack. In the next second, his right index finger moved a little forward, and another ray of sword light passed, directly piercing the opponent's eyebrows.

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