After Huo Ba Tuo returned to the family, he truthfully reported the incident to the patriarch Huo Kuishan.

After Huo Kuishan learned of this, he was shocked.

He also didn't expect that there was a great emperor level behind Wang Fan.

In this way, many of the methods of the Huo family can no longer be used.

With the big bullying the small, although this kind of thing can be done, it can only target those rootless duckweeds.

And to deal with those who have a foundation, few people dare to do so, unless they have a mortal heart, and the two sides still have blood feuds.

In fact, when you have cultivated to the realm of the immortal emperor, where is there to take risks in order to kill a immortal venerable? Not to mention that it's not worth it, and it's too stupid.

Use the life of the strong immortal emperor to exchange the life of the immortal monk, and only the brain can do this.

After simple thinking, Huo Kuishan went to Li's house soon.

The two leaders discussed for a long time, and quickly made a decision. The two immortal monks joined forces to deal with the Yun Family monks.

In this way, the Yun Family's Immortal Venerable will soon lose money, and once the Yun Family feels pressure, it is very likely that they will compromise.

As for Wang Fan, they also have a way.

Although Wang Fan is strong, he is not yet so desperate.

Because Wang Fan's strongest record was nothing more than just killing Li Fei on the Immortal Venerable List.

Not to mention anything else, just Huo Ba Tuo has absolute self-confidence and can kill Wang Fan alone.

What's more, in addition to Huo Ba Tuo, Huo Li's family also has three strong men on the list, so they are not afraid of Wang Fan.

Even if Huo Ba Tuo couldn't beat Wang Fan, they could use the crowd tactics to kill Wang Fan abruptly.

After the two parties made the decision, the monks of the Immortal Zun were dispatched on a large scale and began to challenge and siege the Yun Family Immortal Venerable who had experienced outside.

In a short period of time, the Yun family lost more than a dozen immortal monks, and even five immortal peaks.

Such a loss, although the Yun family can bear it, is unacceptable.

After all, it is definitely not an easy task to train an immortal monk, and it is even more difficult if you want to cultivate an immortal peak.

Even though the Yun Family has hundreds of immortal monks and nearly a hundred immortal cultivators, they can't stand the massacre of the two families.

Soon, the immortal monks of the Yun family withdrew back to the Yun family, and never dared to go out again.

Because at this time, only the Yun family is the safest, and if you dare to go out, you will undoubtedly die.

Seeing that the Immortal Venerable Yun family was afraid to go out, the Huo and Li family arrogantly blocked the door of the Yun family.

This directly caused the Yun family's reputation to plummet, and it almost became the laughingstock of Yunwu City.

What a shame it is that one of the three dignified families is being blocked and humiliated by others now?

In the future, if the Yun Family wants to recruit some geniuses, it will probably not be so easy.

After all, who would dare to enter such a family?

Even the details of his own family can't be sheltered, so how about sheltering the recruited masters.

Yun Family, inside a large hall.

"Asshole thing, it's deceiving too much. I dare to send someone to block the door and humiliate my Yun family. The Huo Li family is too much."

"Yes, these two companies are so shameless to the extreme that they use such despicable means."

"Ah, this emperor can't stand it anymore, this emperor must go out and kill those bastards."

Some of the elders of the immortal emperor of the Yun family were all filled with righteous indignation, and they were so angry to death.

Yun Wudi sat on the top of the list, and although his face was a bit unsightly, he was still able to accept it reluctantly.

Because of this scene, he had expected it.

The Yun family was weak in Xianzun's generation, and now it is being targeted, and it is normal for others to block the door and humiliate it.

"Wang Fan, isn't he very powerful, why didn't he show up? There are so many people out there verbally abuse, can't he hear it?"

Yun Tianzun flared his teeth and claws there, but the spear did not point at the Huo Li family, but at Wang Fan again.

Most of Yun Family Immortal Venerable heard this, not only did not feel angry, but also felt even more humiliating.

When did his Yun family really fall to the point of relying on an outsider?

Moreover, this outsider is only on the eighth floor of Xianzun?



Of course, most of the immortals did not speak, but some people agreed.

"Yes, how about that Wang Fan, why didn't he show up again? Is he deaf? Didn't you hear someone swearing outside?"

"He didn't dare to show up? After all, this time is different from last time. Last time, it was only Li Ran, but this time, there are more than a dozen strong men from the Huoli family."

"I saw Li Yinyang from the Li family also came. That guy is also a strong one on the Immortal Zun list, much stronger than Li Fei, but only weaker than Huo Ba Tuo."

"It's really hateful, what the **** is he doing if he doesn't show up at the critical moment!"

These Yun Family Immortal Venerables gritted their teeth and took Wang Fan's help for granted.

They never thought about why Wang Fan wanted to help them, and why he wanted to help the Yun family.

Although Wang Fan took the Yun Family's cultivation resources, to be honest, is it really worth paying such a high price for just such a small amount of cultivation resources?

Let's not talk about beheading Li Fei, if this is replaced by a task, the reward will be very high.

Just say that the immortal Emperor Wudao was forced to go last time, this is not a measurable value.

The name of a great emperor is not so easy to borrow.

To put it bluntly, if there was no Murongxian's jade pendant last time, the Yun Family would have been forced to the point of not knowing what it was now.

When Yun Tianzun and others were talking and swearing at Wang Fan, Wang Fan was practicing in the courtyard in retreat.

While he was cultivating to break through the realm, he was cultivating the ordinary sword on the other.

He really doesn't know what's outside.

The last time Huo Ba Tuo came arrogantly, it still brought him a lot of pressure.

Even though he easily avoided Huo Ba Tuo's attack, he only relied on his body skills, which did not mean that he could easily defeat Huo Ba Tuo.

If the two really played against each other, it would be hard to say which one would win or lose.

It was precisely because of this pressure that Wang Fan did not dare to continue to relax, but began to practice frantically.

It is precisely because of this that he has no idea what happened outside, let alone that someone has hit the door to humiliate him.

Yun Fei had also visited Wang Fan's courtyard several times, and wanted to ask Wang Fan for help, but looked at Wang Fan's closed door, and finally left.

The maid had also been here several times, but she did not dare to bother Wang Fan either.

At this moment, Yun Fei was standing outside Wang Fan's yard, anxious, but also apologetic.

She didn't want to come to Wang Fan either, but she couldn't solve the problem if she didn't come to Wang Fan.

She is not the opponent of the Huoli family at all.

Moreover, at this time, many Yun Family Immortal Venerables were already defeated, and even shot dead on the spot.

Yun Tianzun's group of people are scumbags, but it doesn't mean that everyone in the Yun family is scumbags.

There are still some **** monks who can't stand the humiliation and go out to fight.

But the ending was obvious. After those people went out, most of them died.


Just as Yun Fei sighed and planned to turn around and leave again, with a soft noise, Wang Fan's door opened.

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