Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3347: Kill, kill, kill!

Communication beads are items used by monks to pass messages to each other, and each communication beads can only send a message to one person.

Therefore, there are many communication beads on each monk, so even if others get those communication beads, they don't even know who they belong to.

The reason why the Immortal King took out all the communication beads from that Divine Sword Sect disciple was to send a message to all the communication beads.

He believed that as long as the monk had Wang Fan's communication method, Wang Fan would definitely receive the message.

Although this method is brutal, it is very effective.

If you change to those big power disciples, these immortal kings dare not do it at all, because doing so will expose them and cause endless trouble.

But the opponent was just a disciple of the Divine Sword Sect, so he was not afraid.

It's just a Divine Sword Sect, he hasn't paid attention to it yet.

The disciple of the Divine Sword Sect saw the immortal king's performance, his face was a bit ugly, but he didn't say a word.

Soon, the strong immortal king sent a message, and then began to wait.

Although he wanted to torture the Divine Sword Sect disciple, he knew it was meaningless.

The most important thing is that he was afraid that he would accidentally torture the other party to death, that would be bad.

With the other hostage, Wang Fan might still appear, but without this hostage, Wang Fan would never appear.

When Wang Fan noticed this scene, his face was extremely ugly, and the killing intent in his heart roared like a violent storm, violent.


Unprecedented anger!

At this moment, Wang Fan only wanted to kill people, killing people regardless of all consequences.

Because these people are really too arrogant and too pretentious.

As a strong immortal king, it is simply abhorrent to persecute a group of immortal monks.

Especially when he witnessed the death of the two Divine Sword Sect disciples, Wang Fan felt a bit heartbroken.

He was madly shuttled through the mountains and forests, rushing towards the prescription position at the fastest speed.

He only hated, and only hated that his cultivation level was too low and his speed was too slow, so he was implicated in the Divine Sword Sect disciple.

Wang Fan's speed was so fast that he flashed past like a photoelectric.

Even if he had appeared within the spiritual power of those immortal kings, those immortal kings still didn't even notice.

This is the gap between mental strength and strength.

It wasn't until Wang Fan was nearly five hundred miles away that an immortal king barely noticed Wang Fan.

He looked at Wang Fan's position in shock, his face changed drastically, "Who is that person, so fast!"

Accompanied by his voice, the complexion of the other immortal kings changed, and all their spiritual power swept towards Wang Fan's direction subconsciously.

However, they had just scanned Wang Fan's shadow, and Wang Fan had already appeared in this space like a photoelectric.

A horrible killing intent enveloped the entire space, and there was a sneer in the air, and the surrounding trees burst open.

"A group of immortal kings actually insulted three immortal monks, you are looking for death!"

A furious voice came out, and when Wang Fan fell, he rushed to the two monks who controlled the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect.

Without the slightest fancy, the Immortal King Domain was madly released, and he punched it out.

The two immortal kings saw Wang Fan kill, and the whole person was in a state of ignorance.

Not to mention they reacted, they didn't even think that Wang Fan would come over so soon, and even went directly in front of them and launched an attack.

"Wang Fan, you!"

"you dare--"

They just murmured two words subconsciously.

With two bangs, Wang Fan's fists had already hit their heads severely.

The red blood mist exploded directly, and the two fairy kings fell from mid-air, and the headless corpses fell directly to the ground.

They won't look down!

They just broke through to the fairy king, and the future looks bright.

However, he died.

Completely humiliating death.


Twenty-one immortal kings were killed by a second, and only nineteen were left in an instant.

They looked at this scene, their faces were also a little ugly, very deadly.

This, this, this is too strong, right?

Then, where are the two strong immortal kings, they are inferior to ordinary people, and they were blown to the head by a punch.

Wang Fan killed the two fairy queens, did not continue to do it, but grabbed a few healing pills and stuffed them into the mouth of the Divine Sword Sect disciple, and at the same time stretched out his hand and quickly tapped on him twice.

"Sorry, I am late." Wang Fan's voice was full of apologetics.

The disciple of the Divine Sword Sect looked at Wang Fan with complicated eyes. He sighed, "You shouldn't have come."

"Wang Fan, you are so bold that you dare to kill the fairy king of the Dayan clan."

"Wang Fan, you are so arrogant and bloodthirsty, aren't you afraid that you will be overwhelmed?"

"What a bastard, I'm going to walk for the sky today and kill you butcher!"

The nineteen immortal kings came back to their senses, bursting with a violent aura, and roared at Wang Fan.

Wang Fan glanced at them coldly, he didn't talk nonsense, and with a swish, his figure disappeared.

In the next second, he had already appeared in front of the few immortal kings who uttered wild words, his fists turned into afterimages, and he bombed out directly.

A wave of violent fists exploded, the space cracked gaps, the ground burst open, and the rocks were shattered.

Wang Fan's double fists are like the top magic weapon in the world, unstoppable and destroy everything.


There was an explosion.

The head of a fairy king exploded.


There was another explosion.

Another fairy king heart crushed!

Boom boom boom boom!

Next, the explosion sounded through the entire space, and in an instant, this space set off a **** storm.

The seven fairy kings are like the biggest joke in the world, there is no room for resistance at all, they are directly killed by Wang Fan's random fist.

Watching this scene, the whole scene was dead again.

The twelve fairy kings all watched this scene blankly, completely unable to believe their eyes.

How the **** is this possible?

Is this a dream?

Seven immortal kings were unexpectedly beaten by Wang Fan, even in the later stage of the immortal king, are they not so powerful?

They all burst out swearing in shock, and even some of the fairy king's face was pale.


It is too strong!

Wang Fan is so powerful, even if the twelve of them add up, they are not opponents.

They originally thought that twenty-one immortal kings threatened Wang Fan, and if Wang Fan came here, he would definitely die.

They pretended to think that in front of them, Wang Fan was just fish and meat, letting him kill him.

But now they know what kind of existence they provoke.


Absolutely invincible!

Wang Fan is so powerful, even if it is the peak power of the Immortal King, or even the early stage of the Immortal Venerable, it would not be easy to kill him.

Once Wang Fan grows up, even the forces behind them will probably have to worship.

"Wang, Immortal King Wang, this matter has nothing to do with me, it is their idea."

"Wang, Immortal King Wang, this matter was the idea of ​​the Immortal King Zong's, and the one who killed and insulted your Divine Sword Sect was also from Dahaozong and Haotianmen. It really has nothing to do with us."

"Wang, Immortal King Wang, we are willing to withdraw, and we won't be mixed up at this time, please forgive us."

There was a brief silence, and several immortal kings directly confided and began to admit counsel.

They also have no alternative, they will die if they don't admit counsel.

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