Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3346: Deceive too much

In an underground place, three disciples of the Divine Sword Sect were hiding here.

Since they separated from Wang Fan that year, they have been hiding here and have never been out.

Because they knew that with their strength, if they went out, once they met the disciples of Jiuxiaocheng, it would be a dead end.

In fact, not only them, but many cultivators are like them. After discovering the dangers of the Vast Sky Secret Realm, they all hid and did not dare to go out to find opportunities.

For many cultivators, the Vast Sky Secret Realm is a place of great opportunity and a place where the Supreme Dao can be achieved.

But for some people, it's also a place where you can lose your life.

Only after experiencing the danger and cruelty of the Haotian Secret Realm, will you know how difficult it is to get a chance here.

Don't look at the people who got the chance to increase their strength, and don't look at the monks who broke through to the fairy king. After all, those are a minority. Looking at all the arrogances who enter the Haotian Secret Realm, such people can be called very few.

No matter where it is, no matter how bad the chance is, there are only a few who can really get the chance.

Most people will become a stepping stone for those people, turning into bones.

It can be said that this behavior of the disciple of the Divine Sword Sect is already extremely wise.

"Four years have passed, and we have been hiding here for four years. We just don't know what happened to Brother Wang Fan."

The disciples of the Divine Sword Sect had been cultivating for several years, and their resources had already been used up, and they were just chatting about everything.

After all, such a dark day is really boring.

If they weren't for monks, they could bigu, or they would have starved to death.

"Hey, Senior Brother Wang Fan is unparalleled in talent, and his combat power is against the sky, but unfortunately he fell in the Shigu area. If the Sect Master knew about this, he would definitely be sad."

One of the disciples thought of Wang Fan, and said with some regret.

The news of Wang Fan's fall was full of rumors, even if they were hiding here, they still heard about it.

After all, some of the conversations of the passing monks could still be heard.

"Hey, who can say no? Let alone the Sect Master, I am afraid the Eight Peak Masters will all be sad. He is the future and hope of my Divine Sword Sect."

Another disciple sighed.

Although Wang Fan has been "dead" for several years and may have been forgotten by others, they still think of Wang Fan from time to time.

After all, Wang Fan is too enchanting, too amazing, too unparalleled.

Such a character can have a similar experience with them, and it is difficult to forget it.

As for the news that Wang Fan did not die, Wang Fan's deeds of becoming an immortal king, or even the collapse of a deep sea meteorite, they didn't know these things.

After all, they hide here and do not go out. Only when the monks pass by this area and the conversation is heard by them will they know what is happening outside.

It was extremely rare for them to hear that Wang Fan had died by chance.

As for other things, naturally I would not know.


Just as the three were talking, suddenly, an explosion sounded.

In an instant, their restrictions outside the cave had been smashed, and the three directly exposed them.

Their expressions were shocked.

It's just that they haven't had time to react, or even have time to say a word.

It felt like a bound of domain avenue fell on them, and in the next second, the three of them were already lifted up with the palm of Xianyuan like chickens.

When the three were lifted up and mentioned in the air, they only saw these people in front of them.

Looking at these people, they were stunned for an instant.

His face was pale.

"Haotianmen evildoer, Dahaozong evildoer, Zongshi evildoer, Thunder evildoer, Yanyu Pavilion evildoer..."

So many big power evildoers, unexpectedly all gathered together.

Not only that, but looking at their breath, these people are also powerful immortal kings.

One, two, three, four, five...

God, there are 21 fairy kings, who can tell them what happened! ! !

"You, what do you want to do, we seem to have not offended you?" A disciple of the Divine Sword Sect forcibly resisted the anger and fear in his heart, and asked hoarsely.

Such a powerful figure, unexpectedly teamed up to deal with the three of them, which made them all feel that something big has happened.

Immortal King Dahaozong sneered, "You really haven't offended us, but Wang Fan has offended us."

"Now I give you three breathing time, and immediately send a message to Wang Fan, let him get here immediately, otherwise, die!"

"Wang Fan?" The disciples of the Divine Sword Sect couldn't help but change wildly. "Isn't Senior Brother Wang Fan dead? Is it possible that he is still alive?"

He was shocked, happy and worried.

He was happy that Wang Fan didn't even die, and he was worried that so many people joined forces to deal with Wang Fan.

If Wang Fan really came here, there would really be a dead end.

"Three breaths have passed, you have a lot of nonsense." The Dahaozong Immortal King didn't have the slightest bit of muddy, directly snorted, and slapped the Divine Sword Sect disciple with a palm.

With a bang, the Divine Sword Sect disciple didn't even have time to react, so he was slapped to pieces, and his life was like an ant.

"Next, it's up to you two to talk." Dahaozong Immortal King said coldly.

"You, you are so deceiving! You kill us, even if you kill us, we will not send messages to Senior Brother Wang Fan."

A disciple of the Divine Sword Sect forcibly resisted the anger in his heart and shouted frantically.

As a disciple of the Divine Sword Sovereign, as a sword repairer, he would rather bend than bend, so how could he succumb to these people?

What's the fear of death?

"Huh?" Immortal King Dahaozong's expression changed, and he looked at the disciple of the Divine Sword Sect coldly, but this time he didn't do anything.

With so many immortal kings, he would not kill all the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect by himself.

The reason why he was the first to do it was because he came up with this method and he had to show his attitude.

"Yes, you have the backbone." The Immortal King Zong came out and said coldly, "Are you really not sending messages?"

The disciple of the Divine Sword Sect gave a cold snort, without speaking.

The Immortal King Zong didn't hesitate, and slapped him directly, killing him.

Of the three Divine Sword Sect disciples, there was only one left in an instant.

The man stared at them coldly, his eyes breathing fire, but he didn't say a word.

These people are too arrogant, too rampant, and too bully.

"Do you not send it?" An immortal king of Haotian Gate stared at the last person, and said coldly.

The man glanced at Haotian Gate and didn't speak.

"Okay, very good." Immortal King Haotianmen didn't hesitate, and slapped it directly.


With a loud noise, the disciple of the Divine Sword Sect was directly flew out, his cheeks swelled, and his broken teeth fell straight out.

Since he was the last one, the Immortal King Haotianmen didn't kill him.

"Since he doesn't post, then search his body and we will post. But we can't kill him, it's useful to keep him!"

An immortal king was afraid that these companions would kill the last disciple of the Divine Sword Sect as well, and said quickly.

His voice fell, and an immortal king didn't have the slightest nonsense, and he dodged over, avoided the space ring of the disciple of the Divine Sword Sect, and then found all the communication beads inside.

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