Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 846: Horrible undead

Monkey King, Klin, No. 18, and even Vegeta and Piccolo were all shocked at this time, and Monkey King actually screwed off his opponent's head.

"In the end what happened?"

"Why is this happening? What the **** is Aben doing?" Of course, Sun Wukong, Klin, No.18, Vegeta, Piccould not believe that Sun Wu was a cruel and tyrannical person, but why?

But soon.

Monkey King discovered that something was wrong, and then Klin, Piccolo, No. 18, and Vegeta also felt something wrong, although they didn't know where the problem came from.

Not far away, Bidili’s small mouth was open enough to fit an egg, and her eyes were rounded, and then a burst of discomfort rose in her heart. Although Bidili was also on the front line of various accidents all the year round, seeing a lot of blood, but Her kind heart is still not used to these scenes.

Then an angry flame burned in Vidili's heart.

"Unforgivable, this **** Sun Wuben is absolutely unforgivable!" Vidili murmured, his voice getting louder and louder, "This guy actually killed people in the martial arts conference. This is a blatant crime, a murderer, and absolutely unforgivable. !"

Before tearing off an arm, Vidili could still convince herself that it was Sun Wuben accidentally. After all, something like this would happen in a fight, but then he punched his opponent through the chest, which is a bit hard to explain, and now ...

No matter who it is, it is clear that this is not a mistake at all, but an obvious murder.

"Vidilly, Uncle Aben is usually a very good person." Sun Gohan said embarrassingly, but his voice was very low. After all, he didn't know how to excuse Sun Wuben at this time.


Yamu had been standing on the ring, even if one arm was torn off, even if his chest was punched out of a fist-sized hole, Yamu, who didn't fall down, fell on the ring like a jade pillar.

There was finally noise all around.

"Everyone." The dark glasses host sounded a heavy voice, "I don't know what to say. In short, we don't want such a thing to happen, but it has already happened. I can only say that Aben has violated the rules of the martial arts tournament. , Killed his opponent, and therefore will lose the qualification to continue the competition, and what I want to say is that although the martial arts competition will inevitably be missed, it is wrong to kill people openly and is subject to legal sanctions..."

At this moment, the eyes of the Sunglasses host suddenly widened, and his voice stopped abruptly.

Not only him, everyone looked at the ring in surprise.

The corpse of Yamu that had fallen to the ground without a head raised one hand at this moment, supporting the ground, and then his feet moved, unexpectedly slowly climbing up.

Finally the headless corpse stood up, and then walked towards the ring.


The headless corpse jumped off the ring and came to the head that was dropped by Sun Wuben under the ring. He stretched out his only hand and bent over to pick up the head on the ground, and then settled on his neck. After only a moment, There was only a scar on his neck.


Yamu grinned and walked to the players' lounge step by step.

Everyone in the surroundings was restricted to absolute crashes. After Yamu walked into the players’ lounge, there was a huge noise around them. Many people even kept twisting their faces with their hands to see if they were in trouble. dream.

"That's it."

Monkey King, Klin, Piccolo, Vegeta, and No. 18 looked at Yamu who walked into the players' lounge.

"This guy's body doesn't look like his own at all."

"It turns out that Aben had seen this a long time ago, so he was so cruel." Sun Wukong, Klin, Piccolo, Vegeta, and No. 18 all admired Sun Wuben's keen perception in their hearts.

For Vegeta, what was even more admired was that Sun Wuben was so cruel and successful. After all, another person, such as Monkey King, would not behave like Sun Wuben even if he knew that Yamu was an'immortal body'.


Sun Wufan became happy at this time: "Look, I said that Uncle Aben won't mess around. He did that. There must be his intention. I'm not wrong."

Bidelli patted her towering chest, and she looked at the golden figure on the ring beautifully with a complex expression.

"Everyone." The dark glasses host sounded, "I don't know what to say, because I don't know what happened..." His eyes fell on Yamu who had already entered the lounge, and looked at the ring again. The Sun Wuben, who was on the Internet, finally walked to the ring tremblingly and came to Sun Wu himself, "Aben, I think you know something?"

"Of course, if it weren't the case, I wouldn't screw his head off." Sun Wuben's elegant and peaceful voice sounded, which did not match his previous brutality.

"It's actually very simple, because I discovered that the real Yamu is dead. The Yamu who just stood on the ring and fought with me are actually transformed creatures. If it is simpler, we can call them aliens. , Biochemical man, demonized man... In short, he is no longer a normal human, so cutting off his head will not let him die, just like you cut off the head of a robot, the robot can still move freely unless you destroy him A chip hidden in a certain part of the body."

Listening to Sun Wuben's explanation, the sunglasses host showed a sudden look.

The people who were caught in a crash all around, did not know what happened, and finally no longer doubted that they had watched a magic show.

"Although I don’t know if the truth is true, I still have to thank the player Aben for his explanation. Because player Yamu did not die, player Aben is not considered a violation. The winner of this game is player Aben. ..."

Cheers rang out, and after listening to Sun Wuben's explanation, some people regained their affection for Sun Wuben.

After Sun Wuben got off the ring, he soon-

"Please, Bidili and Spobic..."

I saw Bidili and Spobic stepping onto the ring, and in the players room, Monkey King, Klin, Piccolo, Vegeta, and No. 18 were all interested.

The performance of Monkey King just now has revealed how terrible Spobitch is.

Faced with such a terrible and undead opponent, what will this girlfriend of Monkey King do? Everyone is curious.

"Videlie!" "Videlie!" "Videlie!" "Videlie!" "Videlie!"

Cheers surged like a tsunami. As Satan’s daughter, Vidili’s popularity was terribly high. The voices cheering for her were about to overturn the roof, and even in the corner of the stadium, the administrative team of Satan City formed a cheerleader. Cheer for Vidili.

Soon the battle started. Vidili took the initiative and seemed to be unaffected by the previous influence. Just like the original history, in terms of martial arts cultivation, Vidili was going to overtake Spobic, but it was still unable to achieve absolute crushing. Pressure, cannot be absolutely crushed, and Spobic knows how to dance in the air, this battle is troublesome.

Like a reincarnation of fate.

Vidili defeated Spobic again and again, and Spobic stood up again and again. The only difference from the original history is that Vidili was inspired by Sun Wuben, and started to be more and more merciless.

Therefore, not long after the battle, Spobic was seriously injured.

But he is immortal.

Therefore, no matter how serious the injury was, it would not affect his combat effectiveness, even if Bidili had kicked off his head and neck bones early and twisted his head to the back.

At that time, the entire arena became quiet. Everyone was staring. They wondered how Vidili, who had always been a good image, had become so cruel. They all thought that Mr. Satan’s daughter killed someone, Vidi. Rei actually beat Spobic to death.

Even the host began to give a mournful speech, but Spobic stood up again, grabbed his head with both hands and pulled it, snapped the head that had turned to the back of his head, and then continued to attack Vidili. .

And the speed of the offense is not weaker than before.

At this time, everyone suddenly realized why Vidili became so cruel. They cheered for Vidili again one by one, and even admired Vidili, who deserved to be Mr. Satan’s daughter, and could actually see what happened to Spobic. Mutations.

The battle lasted for ten minutes in a blink of an eye. At this time, Vidili was panting, and his physical exertion had reached the limit.

"How could this guy be so strong?"

Vidili was very angry and very unwilling.

"I have agreed with Gohan that we are going to compete in the world's No. 1 martial arts tournament. Gohan came to the martial arts tournament for this reason. I must not lose. I must win and keep winning. Until the final duel with Gohan." Vidiri squeezed her fist and attacked Spobic again.

"That guy, that guy named Sun Wuben, obviously defeated that Yamu easily."

Vidili didn't understand.

Just now she watched the battle of Sun Wuben, although both Sun Wuben and Yamu were very powerful, Bidili still had the confidence to fight and even defeat.

But this time it was his turn to fight Spobic.

This Spobic became so powerful and terrifying, especially no matter what she was beaten into, he was like a okay person. The next offensive power speed will not be reduced at all, and there is no hope of victory. This is the most terrible.

"That guy Sun Wuben can, and I can certainly." Vidili's eyes flashed with a strong unwilling She wanted to break Spobic’s arm with one blow, like Sun Wuben dealt with Asia. Cut off Spobic's head like wood and threw it out of the game.


Vidili hit Spobic’s arm with all his strength, and the powerful counter-shock force made Vidili’s fist very painful, but the next moment Spobic’s arm was hit by her, not only did not fracture, but this hand made a fist. Boom at Vidili.

"Damn it."

Vidili hurriedly dealt with Spobic's counterattack, feeling very angry. Her power had already achieved the best result by kicking Spobic's head with the previous blow.

Very strange, after such a long battle, Spobic's counterattack became more and more fierce. On the contrary, Bidili's physical strength had been overdrawn for a long time.


A fist hit Vidili's face hard.

Vidili was beaten to fly out and hit the ground hard.

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