Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 845: Unprecedented brutality

"Crack it~~"

I saw Yamu hugged his hands, pinched the sound of joints, and then twisted his neck, which seemed to make a clicking sound of joints.

"Yes, you are much better than that idiot Satan, but with these, not enough, well, the first stage of the warm-up is completed, then..." Suddenly, Yamu seemed to have disappeared from the eyes of everyone, that's because The speed is too fast, and ordinary people can't see his movement at all.

In a moment, Yamu reached Sun Wu himself, and his huge fist blasted against Sun Wuben's chest. This punch was so fierce that it seemed to be able to punch Sun Wuben's chest.


Sun Wuben seemed surprised, but his body was bent, his chest shrank back as if it was sunken.

Punched out.

Yamu was a little surprised.

"It should be luck."

After Yamu landed with his foot on the ground, he kicked Sun Wuben in the abdomen, but Sun Wuben was panicked and jumped aside the moment he kicked, so Yamu kicked again.


Yamu still didn't care. After landing with this foot, he turned around and threw a third punch to Sun Wuben on the side, but just as he struck this punch, Sun Wuben squatted, so this punch brushed Sun Wuben on top of his head. It's empty.

Fourth punch, fifth punch, sixth punch...

In a short moment, Yamu didn't know how many punches he blasted, and Sun Wuben stumbled, panicking and hiding. Yamu thought that Sun Wu was luck at first, but gradually felt that it was wrong.

"Damn it, obviously I have done my best."

Once is luck, twice can also be said to be luck, but ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times cannot be luck. Although Yamu is evil in his heart, he is not stupid.

"By the way, it must be that he has amazing intuition, which can be counted as my attacking moves, bastard." Yamu was very angry. He frantically increased his attack power, but his attack power had reached its limit.


Sun Wukong in the player lounge shook his head.

"That Yamu is indeed a pity." Klin also said, "Obviously he has a very powerful power, but he can't use one percent at all, or his martial arts is too low. Even if he gives him unlimited power, he can't control it. Give full play to the power it deserves."

No matter Klin, Sun Wukong, Vegeta, Piccolo, or even the 18th can see that Yamu has a very strong Qi, but the real strength is actually not strong, it is just stronger than Satan.

In the eyes of Monkey King, Vegeta and others, Yamu was not strong, but they didn't understand why Monkey King could easily win the battle but didn't do it.


"very scary!"

Vidili's beautiful big eyes stared straight into the arena, watching Yamu's crazy attack, that amazing aura and terrifying speed, Vidili felt a little breathless.

"Why is that guy so terrible? Can Sun Wu instinctively handle it?" Bidi Li cried out worriedly. Although she didn't like Sun Wuben very much, she still cared more about Sun Wuben than Yamu.

"Don't worry, Uncle Aben is just playing with that person." Sun Wufan said with a smile, "Although I don't know why Uncle Aben is suddenly so playful, but with his skill, it is really necessary to defeat Yamu. It's easy."

"Really?" Vidili was still worried.

"It's amazing. Player Yamu is so fierce. It's hard to imagine. It seems that he didn't get any injuries before. What kind of physical fitness is this. Now Yamu is attacking like crazy, and Aben seems to be unable to stand it..." The excitement of the sunglasses host sounded at the martial arts conference, and the cheers of the stadium also sounded like thunder. Unknowingly, Zhong Yamu had attacked Sun Wuben for twenty minutes. In the twenty-minute violent attack, Yamu's speed did not slow down. Instead, it adds a little bit.

The so-called layman watching the excitement and the expert watching the doorway has shocked some martial artists.

At this moment, there was another change in the ring, and Yamu slammed into Sun Wuben with a punch. He had been swaying from left to right. Sun Wuben, who was faltering but always lucky, either avoided or blocked Yamu’s attack. This time, Sun Wuben was one. Reached out and grabbed Yamu's fist.


Sun Wuben's hand gripped Yamu's fist's wrist weirdly.


There was joy in Yamu's eyes, and then he bent his wrist, trying to hold Sun Wuben's wrist with his backhand, but when he tried hard, he found that his wrist seemed to be clamped by a pair of iron tongs, and he couldn't move at all.


Yamu's heart sank, and he pulled his wrist hard, but he still didn't move.


Yamu's other fist blasted towards Sun Wuben, but Sun Wuben raised his other hand and grabbed his wrist. So the fierce fighting on the ring finally came to a halt.

Everyone saw this scene. Yamu stretched out his fisted hands, but these two hands were grabbed by Sun Wuben's wrists. Yamu seemed to be pulling out with force, but the masked man was just like wind and light. Standing.

"what happened?"

"Didn't Yamu always have the upper hand just now?" The voice diminished, looking at the arena one by one, the scene only lasted less than three seconds.


I saw a cloud of blood exploding.

It turned out that Sun Wuben suddenly used force and tore off one of Yamu's huge arms, and blood spurted from the part of Yali's shoulder.

The blood turned out to be purple.


Screaming sounded around, some girls and women even fainted, and then there was a loud noise. The host also stared wide-eyed, looking at this scene in surprise.

"No, contestant Aben actually tore off contestant Yamu's arm from his body. I can't believe I would see such a tragedy..." The voice of the sunglasses host sounded.

Player room.

"What does Aben want to do?"

"With his strength, he shouldn't miss it, but why did he pull off that guy's arm?" Monkey King, Klin, and Monkey King frowned. A hint of surprise flashed in Vegeta's eyes, and a smile appeared on his face: "I don't think this guy Aben has some courage, I like it, eh?"

Vegeta was startled suddenly, staring at the ring in surprise.

I saw Yamu standing on the ring, turning his head to look at his arm, as if in a daze.

It was not screaming in pain, nor was he holding his broken arm in horror, but was stunned, and it looked the same as it was when he first entered the ring.

Not only Vegeta noticed Yamu's weirdness, but many viewers also noticed it. Even the sunglasses host also discovered Yamu's weirdness.

"Mr. Yamu, do you want to give up and surrender? If you don't get treatment quickly, you may lose too much blood and die." The sunglasses host shouted, but Yamu just raised his head to look at Sun Wuben, and his face was strange. His smile, and then the blood that spurted from his broken arm gradually stopped flowing.

"Give me your arm!"

Yamu's deep voice sounded.

"You want this arm?" Sun Wuben suddenly raised his hand, and saw that arm flew out of the ring and landed in the audience, immediately causing another scream.


Yamu's face was ugly, unlike his original intention to tease Sun Wuben, he was now very angry.

"Damn, this guy must be in the same group as Monkey King and Monkey King. Maybe he is the one that Babidi asked us to find. Even if he is not, it is almost the same." Yamu was very unwilling to admit defeat, but just now His attack had already made him exert all his strength, but he still couldn't do anything to Sun Wuben.

"Yamu, stop playing, business matters, surrender!" A hoarse and low voice sounded, and this voice sounded an uncomfortable sickness. It was Spobic who was yelling in the contest room.

Yamu was silent for a moment, and shouted, "I admit defeat!"

But no one heard his voice at all, except for himself, so the eyes of everyone around were still on the ring, and there were still people yelling: "Give up, don't hold on, Yamu, you are a hero!"

I saw a flash of phantom.

A person alluded to Yamu.

"Damn it!"

Yamulian dodged and threw his punches at the same time, but he fisted for a while, but instead was pierced by a hand in his chest. Seeing Sun Wuben stab Yamu in the chest with a punch, screams rang out again around the arena.

"It seems that he has noticed it." In the players room, the world king Xin and Jiebit looked at each other. Only they knew that Yamu and Spobic were immortal at all, that is to say, their bodies were actually already It doesn't belong to them, even if the injury is severe, even if the neck is broken and the head is screwed off, they can still fight.

"This Sun Wuben seems to know everything. I really hope that he will not really sabotage our actions." The Realm King said with a cold face. The immortality of Yamu and Spobic is not really immortal. With the power of Sun Wuben, If you really want to kill them, it's easy.

In the arena.

"This...this...Aben is too cruel..." The host's angry voice sounded.

Sun Wu pulled his hand from Yamu's chest and withdrew ten meters away. The dark gray blood dripped from Yamu's chest, dripping a large part of the ground under him. In the end, the blood did not flow out anymore, as if it had already flowed. It's done.

But Yamu didn't fall down, still standing firm, looking at Sun Wuben with a fierce expression.

"Yamu player, in my opinion, you still surrender!" The sunglasses host persuaded him, although he was uncomfortable with Sun Wuben's brutality, he still had a very professional ethics.

"Asshole!" Yamu glared at the host and roared, "I have already given up." But his voice was destined not to be heard by outsiders, so the host looked at him with surprise: "Yamu, you What did you say? If you really can't speak, you can..."


Sun Wuben appeared again in front of Yamu as if a golden knife lighted up. It was Sun Wuben raising a hand and cutting it down with a hand knife.


Purple blood mist burst.

In this **** fog, you can see a beautiful hand embedded in Yamu’s neck like an axe on a tree trunk. Yamu’s neck is already crooked at this time, and Sun Wuben slowly retracted his hand. At this time, everyone can see clearly. , It turns out that Sun Wuben's blow cut off Yamu's neck by half.

A hand was caught on Yamu's head, and then with a twist and tear, Sun Wuben actually tore the head from Yamu's head, and then threw it on the ground.

The world was quiet, and everyone was shocked. They looked at this cruel scene in disbelief. Even the host was open-mouthed at this moment, a stunned look. It's not that the world's number one martial arts conference has never appeared before. It was the first time that there was no way to obey the rules and murder, but the necks of others were cut off openly, and the necks were screwed off in the end. This was the first time that he was so brutal and tyrannical.

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