Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 835: Fire fighting

"Mr. Sun Wuben, Mr. Sun Wuben, please help..." The firefighters and police officers also yelled, and immediately all their eyes fell on Sun Wu himself, especially the female fans of Sun Wuben. One by one, his eyes were shining, waiting for Sun Wuben's response.

Not far away, Monkey King, and An Qi behind him also looked at Monkey King.

Angel is also at the age of star chasing. With her personality, Sun Wu could have always been her idol.

"Student Gohan, it's Sun Wu Ben! Sun Wu is here, those trapped in the fire will be fine." An Qi screamed excitedly.


Sun Wufan was very happy.

Seeing a fire in the building, Sun Wufan had a headache just now. How to get rid of An Qi to fight the fire, now seeing Sun Wuben, he immediately felt relieved.

"Uncle Aben takes action, so I don't need to take action." Sun Wufan watched the show with peace of mind, but at this moment, Sun Wuben's voice came from his ear: "Gohan, stop watching the show, go and fight the fire. Right!"

"Ah, didn't you do it?" Monkey King exclaimed in surprise.

"Student Gohan, who are you talking to?" An Qi couldn't help but wonder.

Monkey King blushed, only to find that some people next to him looked at him suspiciously.

"Gohan, don't yell, I'm talking to you in the secret way of sound transmission. Listen, I won't deal with this fire, and Vidili has already arrived. If you don't want Vidili to have an accident, just Let's just stand by and watch." Monkey King's voice sounded in Gohan's ears again.

Gohan used his breath to check, and immediately found Vidiri in the sky. He even looked up and saw that a helicopter was approaching the top of the building.

"It's Vidili."

Sun Wufan was also in a hurry, and even spread his legs and ran towards the building.

"Where are you going, Gohan-san?" An Qi couldn't help but cried out in doubt. Sun Wufan turned his head and said, "I want to go to the roof to save those people." "But even if you get there, you won't be able to help them, and if there is Mr. Sun Wuben here, he will definitely take action." An Qi shouted. "What nonsense are you talking about?" Sun Wufan cried, "The more this is the time, the more the messenger of justice will appear."

An Qi stared in surprise, and soon Sun Gohan disappeared in front of her.

"Student Gohan!" An Qi felt that the soft corner of her heart was touched again.

"By the way, Mr. Sun Wuben." An Qi suddenly thought that her idol seemed to be still not far away, and she looked over and saw that Sun Wuben was **** at this time, looking like she was ready to do something.

With his appearance, he immediately won the applause from all around him. Even Satan, who pretended to have a stomachache, was a little dumbfounded. How could such a big fire save people? He was afraid of a master fighting master who had gone through a very hard practice. Is Sun Wu a fool?

I saw that Sun Wuben showed his strong muscles, and then rushed forward in large strides. He was about to rush to the crowd. His footsteps suddenly stopped, and he looked at the sky with a surprised expression.

"What's the matter, Mr. Sun Wuben?" the police captain cried.

A smile appeared on Sun Wuben's face, and then he made a silent motion, and the surrounding voices quieted down.

"Everyone, let me tell you a good news. Classmate Vidili has already taken action." Sun Wuben exclaimed, "Bidelli is the daughter of Mr. Satan. If she takes action, she will definitely save everyone."

The sound came out.

"Miss Vidiri shot?"

"Classmate Vidili is really here?"

The police captain became excited, and all police officers and firefighters were also happy. In fact, their superiors had notified Vidili when the fire broke out, but Vidili was in school after all, so they didn't know when they arrived. Now I heard that Vidili is here, and all of them are very happy.


"Vidilly is here, this is great!" The crowd around also cheered.

There was a strange feeling in Sun Wuben's heart.

"It's Bidili." Sun Wuben said with emotion that the tide of history is mighty and cannot be changed easily, just like history, because Satan has become the most powerful fighter in the hearts of ordinary people in the entire world, in the hearts of the younger generation. The hero, Bidili, has become a world-class national princess just like the original history.

It is also because Bidili is good at fighting injustices and specializes in solving various dangerous accidents. She has been on the frontline of accidents all the year round, which also made her reputation even more famous. In the entire government system, especially the police system, Bidili does not have any positions, but Actual rights are no stranger than anyone.

But what made Sun Wuben admire even more was that Bi Dili was completely self-taught, and his martial arts cultivation was actually better than Mr. Satan.

At this time, Satan stared at Monkey King, and even forgot to pretend that his stomach hurts.

"What the **** is this guy going to do?"

Satan was angry and confused. Sun Wuben lifted Vidili. Vidili’s skill is very confident. Satan is very confident, but this kind of building is on fire, no matter how strong his skill is, he is reluctant to take action. Now listen. By the time Monkey King said that Vidili had arrived, Satan was also very worried, for fear of something wrong with Vidili.

"This guy doesn't have much abilities at all, right..." Mr. Satan suddenly understood. "He took out Vidili, and then found an excuse to refuse to help. It must be like this, bastard, why didn't I expect it?" Satan The husband couldn't help but admire Sun Wuben's cleverness.

"It deserves to be someone who has walked to the same position as Satan in just a few years." Mr. Satan sighed in his heart, pretending to have stomach pains again.

at this time--


Sun Wuben made a silent gesture again, and soon the surrounding voices fell silent, looking at him one by one. "Although classmate Vidili has already arrived, I don't need any more hands and feet, but for safety's sake, I decided to personally help classmate Vidili." Sun Wuben exclaimed.


"That's even better!" Some people around cheered again. Satan couldn't help but froze for a moment, how the development of this situation was different from what he thought. At this time, Sun Wuben waved to the police captain: "Arrange a helicopter to send me to the sky." "Helicopter, please wait, I will call right away." The police captain cried, and took out the intercom phone. The lifter flew over and hovered over Monkey King.

"Mr. Sun Wuben, please hurry up." A rope hung down from the helicopter, and the personnel on it shouted loudly. Sun Wuben did not immediately pull the rope to climb up, but ran to Mr. Satan's side.

"Satan, Vidili has arrived, so I must have nothing to do with us this time." Monkey King said in a low voice, "I'm going to take a helicopter soon. This is a good opportunity to make a name for our new movie. Do you want to join us? go with?"

Satan couldn't help having a headache. Of course he didn't want to go, but he was also worried that Vidili would be caught in the flames, but if Satan went and fell into the flames, it would be even worse.

"Satan, Bi Dili can't handle it, we can't handle it, and it's normal, let alone you are still sick in the war?" Sun Wuben bewildered.

"Yeah, even if I am embarrassed, I am not ashamed of myself. Sun Wuben is still ashamed, let alone I am sick." Satan's eyes lit up, and he stood up and grabbed the rope hanging from the helicopter while holding his stomach, groaning. Soon Satan grabbed the rope of the helicopter, and of course Sun Wuben climbed onto the rope. "Everyone, even though it is difficult for me to get up straight, Satan has a stomachache, but the more I have this, the more I have to take action." Mr. Satan has his own loud horn, and a loud and incomparable voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Satan!" "Satan!" "Satan!" "Satan!" "Satan!" "Satan!"

Cheers rang into the sky, and soon the helicopter took Sun Wuben and Satan to the sky above the burning building, and both of them looked down.

Vaguely visible on the top of the building, Vidili was standing aside. At this time, there was an additional figure beside Vidili. The red cloak was fluttering in the wind. The red was so conspicuous. What was more conspicuous than the red was the green clothes worn by this figure. As well as the helmet he was wearing, this dress looked extremely dazzling.

"This guy, Gohan, really looks like this again." Sun Wuben was funny in his heart. Like the original history, Sun Gohan has been self-taught at home until his first time in school. After passing the entrance exam, he entered Orange Star High School. In the second school year, he met his classmate Vidili here.

In order to help Vidili cope with various emergencies, and at the same time, Gohan didn’t want to reveal his identity, so he asked Boomer to make a masked superman suit. Once activated, he will automatically put on his helmet, change into green clothes and red cloak. , It became what it looked like.

"But this time his masked superman suit should have been made by Dr. Breff." There is a trace of longing in Sun Wuben's eyes. In the past few years, Bouma and Da Bouma have also come by the time machine once, but that time and space. It was too manpower needed, so they didn't stay for a few months before returning.

"Let the helicopter down and let Satan and I go to the top of the building." Monkey King yelled at the man driving the helicopter.

"But the fire caused the airflow to rise, and the helicopter can't go down at all." The man driving the helicopter yelled, "You guys think of a way."

Satan's complexion became extremely ugly, and now they were in this sky, and the flames below were steaming, and the smoke was fascinating, even if they were so far apart, he felt that his eyes could not be opened.

At this time, in Sun Wuben's eyes, Sun Wufan shot.

He slammed a punch, and blasted on the huge water tower on the roof. A fist-sized hole appeared in the water tower made of steel several inches thick, and a huge stream of water spurted out from the hole.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Monkey King attacked repeatedly, blasting fist-sized holes in all directions of the water tower, and the water rushed out, sprayed on the floor, and flowed down the floor.

The fire was getting smaller and smaller, gradually extinguishing more than 70%.


Satan stared at him with a puzzled face. After all, he didn't have the eyesight of Sun Wuben, and he could see what was happening on the roof through thick fireworks.

next moment.

"Hahahaha..." Satan was and even forgot to pretend that his stomach hurts and laughed, "Hurry up, get down the helicopter!"

"But Mr. Satan, you don't seem to need you now, right?" the driver asked in doubt.

"Don't you see Vidili there?" Satan yelled, "I'm going to see if Vidili is injured."

"That's it, Mr. Satan is really a good father." The pilot even lowered the plane to the top of the building, and it quickly dropped to a certain height. Even a master of the martial arts master level on the earth would not dare to jump down at this height. , But Mr. Satan released his hand and jumped from the helicopter rope ladder to the floor.


Satan's feet landed firmly on the floor.

Vidili was staring, surprised and delighted, and looked at Monkey King in shock. At this moment, she heard the sound of Satan jumping and turned her head to look.


Vidili looked at Mr. Satan who fell on the floor in surprise.

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