Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 834: Historical trend

"My lord, what's the matter?" Jebite couldn't help but exclaimed nervously.

Realm King Shenxin retracted his hand, his eyes were shocked, as if he had seen something incredible, but the next moment, Realm King Shenxin put away the shocked expression on his face.

"Excuse me, do you know Klin and Monkey King?"

Although the world king **** didn’t know much about the martial arts world of the earth, but Frieza was killed that year, he was still alarmed. Through inquiry, it was found that two people from the earth named Kelin and Monkey King defeated and killed Frieza. Lisa.

Then the Kurdish King and Kevela also died on the earth. The Kurdish King Realm King God did not know who killed it, but Kevela, he knew very well, that he died in the hands of Monkey King.

For these reasons, the Realm King God remembered the two names Sun Wukong and Kelin.

Despite these people like Frieza, if he shoots, he can kill with a finger.

After arriving on Earth, although he did not deliberately search for Monkey King and Klin, he also paid attention and found the trace of Monkey King, but Klin never found it.

But the Realm King God didn't care much about this. Monkey King and Klin were able to kill the Frozen Clan that dominates the universe. They were very powerful, but compared with the Demon Buu, they were insignificant.

"I know Wukong, it's my old friend." Sun Wuben grinned.

"Sun Wukong is your old friend?" The world kings Xin and Jiebitt both felt relieved. The Monkey King they knew was not a villain.

"As for Klin, you will know his relationship with me soon."

"What do you mean?" Realm King Shen Xin said solemnly.

"I came here this time because I was curious. Now that I have seen two great gods, I think I should say goodbye. In addition, the food on the earth is a must in the universe. Since you have come to the earth, don’t miss these. For food, of course, if you are short of money, you can go to the Universal Capsule Company to find Sun Wuben, which is me." Sun Wuben said with a smile.

The world kings Xin and Jebit are here to find Buu and Babidi.

In fact, a year ago, Sun Wu had discovered Babidi, but what about that? Babidi and Buu, the king of the world, Xin was afraid, thinking that they were so powerful that no one could beat them, but Sun Wuben didn't think so, so there was no need to tell these two of Babidi's whereabouts.

"Do you know that we are not people from the earth?" Realm King Shen said solemnly.

"Of course, you think you have reached my level, you can't even see these, I even know where you are from." Sun Wuben smiled.

"Yes, at your level, we can indeed see that we are from outside, but..." Realm King Shen Xin didn't say any more, but a smile appeared on his face, and a hint of sarcasm flashed in Jiebet's eyes. Living in the realm of the realm king and seldom walked around, it is impossible for anyone on this earth to know them.


Sun Wu started teleporting as he spoke, and disappeared in the eyes of the world king **** Xin and Jiebit.

"My lord, just now... what happened when you used mind reading?" Jiebet said solemnly.

"This person should have a very powerful soul, even I can't use mind-reading skills on him." Realm King Shen Xin said solemnly.

"How is this possible?" Jabet screamed.

"My lord, your mind-reading skills are incomparably wonderful. In my opinion, Frieza and Kvera are standing here, and they can't resist your mind-reading skills, that person?"

"I don't know what's going on, and you didn't realize that his bloodline is weird. I actually don't see what kind of person he is. He seems to be a very pure earthling, but earthlings can't be like that." Realm King Shen Xin shook his head.

"No matter what, if you can resist your mind-reading skills, this person should be a guy with a very strong combat power." Jiebet said solemnly.

"That's the case, so I asked him if he knew Monkey King and Klin." Realm King Shen Xin said, "It's just that after him, we will know the relationship between himself and Klin soon, which makes me wonder. "

"This man pretends to be a fool, and knows what we come from." Jebite sneered.

"No matter what, he said that he is a superstar across the film and music circles. I think we may still have to go to the earth for a walk. If you can't find Buu and Bibidi in the wild, there may be something new if you find the earthlings. We may still be too underestimated by the powers of the earth, and yes, it is not easy to get out of the powers such as Klin and Monkey King." The realm king Shen Xin said in a deep voice.

"Since your lord thinks so, so be it."


After meeting the world kings Xin and Jiebite, Sun Wuben's life has fallen into normal again. Apart from filming and singing, it is practice. Sun Wuben's cultivation level is still improving rapidly.

One year passed in a blink of an eye.

At this time, a very prosperous city on the earth, there was a lot of traffic on the street, and one of the vehicles was in the middle of the car with an extended scooter.

"Satan, what do you think?"

"Of course it's okay, hahahaha..." Satan opened his mouth wide and laughed. Suddenly the car suddenly braked, and Satan, who was looking up and laughing, couldn't sit still and fell forward.

"Be careful." Sun Wuben stretched out his hand and stood in front of Satan. Only when Satan held the outstretched hand of Sun Wuben with both hands did he stand firm. His face was flushed. As the world's most powerful fighter, he was actually Satan. Almost fell.

"Hahahaha... kidding, kidding!" Satan slapped haha ​​to hide his embarrassment, but he was also a little confused. Just now, the car braked abruptly, and the entire car without a seat belt was brought down forward, but in front of him Sun Wuben actually sat peacefully, and he could reach out his hand to help him with Satan.

"Mr. Sun Wuben, Mr. Satan, there is a traffic jam on the street in front. It seems that there is a fire in the building in front." The driver's voice sounded.

Satan's attention was immediately attracted.

"How can a good fire catch? How did the design and manufacturer of the building do it? It's another tofu project." Satan stood up cursingly and pushed the car door, "Aben brother, let's go down and take a look."

"Since you are interested in Satan, of course I don't care." Sun Wuben said coldly, and then opened the door and walked on. When Sun Wuben and Satan got out of the car, someone with sharp-eyed eyes on the road saw them.

"It's Mr. Satan!"

"Not only Mr. Satan is here, but Mr. Sun Wuben is also here!" Some people cheered, because the cheers of these people immediately alerted the police and firefighters who were responsible for fighting the fire.

"Mr. Satan is so good!"

"Even Mr. Sun Wuben is here, here is a rescue!"

These police officers and firefighters were having a headache and were unable to put out the fire. At this time, they rushed over and soon came to the guards of Satan and Monkey King.

"Mr. Satan, Mr. Sun Wuben, there are still people who can't get out inside, the fire is too big, everyone can't help it, please help." A leader of the police captain shouted.

"This..." Mr. Satan couldn't help but get a headache. He is a master of fighting, not a master of firefighting. What does this make him do? Do you think that he really can fly like the legendary Klin and Monkey King? Like in the movie, can you shoot people from a distance with a wave of your hand?

But it was too embarrassing to refuse directly.

"Brother Aben, you see... Once a person becomes famous, it is more troublesome." Mr. Satan pretended not to hear the police captain's yelling, and turned his head and said to Sun Wuben. Sun Wu's eyes fell on two figures under the building.


In front of these two figures was a black-haired teenager with big eyes in a yellow suit.

Behind the boy was a beautiful girl with long curly orange-red big wavy hair and curly eyes.

"Is that girl that An Qi?"

Sun Wu’s eyebrows were raised. Of course, Sun Wufan knew him. Not to mention his appearance, even his breath could sense it. And the beautiful girl with long orange hair behind Sun Wu himself, right next to Sun Wufan, he was super strong. Her eyesight can tell that she is actually wearing myopia glasses.

"This scene is really familiar." A picture emerged in Sun Wu's mind. It was the "Dragon Ball Z" and Dragon Ball Z Buu that he had seen before. Sun Wufan entered Orange Star High School to go to school because his family was too far away from Satan City. Far away, so every time I go to school, I use aerial dance to fly to school, but when I fly down from the sky, I was seen by a beautiful girl named An Qi.

Because Sun Gohan didn't want this matter to be known to outsiders, he was forced to have a date with An Qi. During the date, he encountered a fire in the building.

"This city is also called Satan City."

Sun Wuben whispered in his heart, because of Satan, this city has been called Satan City at this time.


Sun Wuben looked towards the sky, where a helicopter was flying from a distance, and Sun Wuben's aura naturally sensed that the person in the helicopter was Vidili.

"Bidelli and Gohan, is it a fateful meeting!" A kind of miraculous enlightenment occurred in Sun Wuben's heart.

At this time--

"Mr. Satan, Mr. Satan, please help, help us rescue those who are still in the building." Loud shouts sounded, and not only the police captain, but other police officers and firefighters also yelled. At this moment, Mr. Satan can no longer pretend not to hear.

"Hahahaha..." Mr. Satan slapped haha ​​first, and suddenly his face changed, and he covered his stomach with his hands and bent down with pain on his good, just ate just now. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... My stomach hurts so much that I can't get up. What can I do? Oh, it hurts..."

The policemen and firefighters were stunned.

The voices around were also silent, looking at Satan one by one.

"Mr. Satan, Mr. Satan, are you okay?" the police captain cried anxiously.

"Oh, hurts...I can't...get up, but...I must...will definitely you save people..." Mr. Satan wailed in pain, what does this look like? Can shoot.

"Since Mr. Satan can't do it, then Mr. Sun Wuben, you..." the police captain shouted to Sun Wuben. Although the official information, Mr. Sun Wuben is not a martial artist, and he has no experience in martial arts and fighting, but he has been all over the past few years. The most famous martial artist in the world.

Therefore, in the eyes of many movie fans, Mr. Sun Wuben should also be a master.

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