Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 785: Progress on the 17th and 18th

Namek star is under the ground, here is the core of Bixida star, a bright light suddenly lit up in the originally dark space of this core.

"what's up?"

The sound faintly sounded, and I saw the silver light flowing in the air in the center of this space, a large amount of metal gathered, and it instantly turned into a creature with a long tail.

"Why wake me up?"

Kvera was a little angry, he felt awake just after falling asleep.

"Because there are powerful creatures that we can't deal with on Sakerris, we need your action."

"A creature that you can't deal with?" Kevela suddenly came to his spirits. At this moment, a screen appeared in front of him. This screen showed a picture of the 16th, 17th, and 18th massacres. Picture of the Metal Legion.

"These creatures are very powerful. We have dispatched the most powerful Legion fighters, but they are still completely unable to cause any damage to them. Even their shots have been stable in terms of speed and strength since the beginning, as if they did not consume a bit. The physical strength is the same, and they have already killed half a million metal warriors of us. According to estimates, their combat strength should be more than 100 million..." The sound of the computer and machinery rang in Kevila's ears.

"More than 100 million combat power?" Kevela was even more excited.

"Even if the combat power reaches 100 million, you should be able to kill them, right?" Kevela showed an elegant smile on his face.

"Absolutely, but... That consumes too much energy. Only those who are stupid will use that method, so please take action and solve them cleanly, so as not to waste energy and resources. Every bit of energy and resources cannot be wasted. ......" The nagging voice of the computer sounded.

Kevela frowned. Although he merged with the main computer of Bixstar and became the core of Bixstar, there are some things that Kevela cannot change, such as the Bixstar swallowed. All energy and resources are used to grow and reproduce themselves, including some garbage, and they don’t want to waste. For example, they don’t want to waste energy. Every energy and resource must be used to the extreme.

"Take back the Metal Legion, I will meet them." Kevela ordered.



In the center of the battlefield of the Metal Corps, No. 17, No. 18, and No. 16 still madly killed a metal warrior. After killing for so long, No. 16, No. 17, and No. 18 also discovered one thing, that is, the surrounding metal. The number of soldiers has not diminished at all.

In other words, how fast they kill, the metal warriors will be reborn around them.

Gradually, on the 17th, 18th, and 16th, a month ago, Sun Wuben described the situation of Bixida to Elder Namek, Dandy and others--because Bixida swallowed countless planets. Energy, so it has endless energy, as long as it is willing, it can generate endless metal legions.

At that time, the three of them didn't believe that what Sun Wuben said was true.

But at this moment--

Not to mention Kevlar and the like, at least the fact that Bixda Star can generate endless metal legions is the same as Sun Wuben described.

Although the metal warriors cannot be killed, there is no despair on the 17th, the 18th, and the 16th. For them, the current situation does not cause much pressure. After all, they are artificial humans, and even the 17th and the 18th have been killed until now. , The whole person has been promoted to a very peculiar realm.

Fist punched out, even more sharp and straightforward.

Kick out, the action is more concise, direct to the point.

This situation of being able to kill at will, is too important for No. 17 and No. 18 who have mastered incomparable power and have been improved by Dr. Groo's way of improving martial arts.

Originally, everything in their martial arts came from the modified body and memory, but now, in constant shots, No. 17 and No. 18 can use their own hearts to test the quality of these martial arts, and even try the thoughts in their minds to change from The martial art that imprints soul and memory during the transformation, and conducts various experiments.

Sun Wuben was still watching the battle with a smile at this time, but Sun Wuben's true mind was in the martial arts of the three cyborgs.

On the 17th and 18th, Sun Wu was naturally concerned about the attempts and improvements of martial arts.

"Sure enough, my idea was right." Sun Wuben felt emotional, because in the time and space of Grand Trunks, Sun Wuben discovered that No.17 and No.18 had gone the wrong way on the martial arts, and this time, he saw No.18 and Beiji. Although Ta and Trunks won the match on the 18th, the martial arts on the 18th, like Da Te’s time and space, were headed in the wrong direction. According to Sun Wuben, even though this direction could help the 17th and the 18th The strength was exerted to the fullest, but it prevented the two from progressing to a higher level.

Of course, Sun Wuben didn't want such good two seedlings to be destroyed. It would be a loss to the universe, but it is impossible to directly point to the 17th and 18th.

The only way is to guide indirectly.

But how to guide.

"The martial arts on the 17th is actually very bad in the Sharu chapter. No matter how hard he tries, he has not deviated from the setting of Dr. Groo, so he is vulnerable to Sharu."

"But when they don't need them to practice martial arts, and when they don't need them to take action, their martial arts improves like flying.

Sun Wu could have remembered that in "Dragon Ball Super", the martial arts realm on the 17th has reached an unimaginable level, and even at the power conference held by the whole king, the ten strongest martial arts masters in the eight universes fought in the ring, laughed At the end, there is a person on the 17th.

Although this does not mean that the martial arts cultivation of No. 17 surpassed Ji Lian, Monkey King and others in the ring at that time, the strength of No. 17 at that time can be imagined.

Why didn't the martial arts grow much in the time and space of Date on the 17th, but in the time and space of the Lord, it became so powerful in less than ten years?

Compare the life trajectory of the two and everything will become clear.

The martial arts reached the level of No. 17 and No. 18, and the pure skill was already inferior. What really needs to be mastered is the indescribable, mysterious martial arts, and in this respect, the real key lies in the heart.

In Da Te time and space, the 17th and the 18th took a detour, muddled and killed all day long, so angry, the soul could not be peaceful and close to nature.

But in the main time and space.

No. 17 did not kill evil, but because it was swallowed by Sharu, it was almost equivalent to death. There was a great horror between life and death, and there was great good fortune between life and death. After Sharu’s battle, No. 17 had a reborn soul. The same change.

After that, the earth fell into relative peace, and at least some things did not require the participation of the 17th.

Therefore, the 17th is integrated into the normal human life, but there are some differences from the normal people on the earth. In those years, the 17th was an animal caretaker, often alone guarding the island and protecting the animals on the island.

Far away from the mundane world, colorful temptations, entering the isolated island with flowers, plants, insects, and beasts, this also brings No. 17's mind closer to nature. Gradually, his heart has been cultivated, so martial arts naturally changed.

On the contrary, if she is too integrated into the human world, even the number 18 who has children with Klin will make progress slightly. Of course, the number 18 in Dragon Ball Super is also not weak, but she was not as good as the number 17, and then progressed more than The 17th is slow and naturally looks a little weak.

Therefore, it is not important to really make the No. 17 and No. 18 martial arts go on the right path, to teach them how to practice, to restore peace and tranquility to their hearts, and to feel the beauty of nature. This is the most important thing.

This is why Sun Wuben took them to Namek.

Sun Wuben was traveling with mountains and rivers to mingle with the kind and close-to-nature Namekians. As Sun Wuben's bodyguards on the 17th and 18th, how could he not be affected by following Sun Wuben.

One month of peace and tranquility, and a relaxed life accompanied by nature, naturally reduced the hostility of the 17th and 18th due to Dr. Groo’s imprisonment in the institute for transformation.

This time.

Killing a metal man is also a kind of vent, but unlike killing a metal man, killing a metal man is like playing a game. Killing in a game does not cause damage to the soul, but makes people get a kind of vent.

The most important thing is that on the 17th and 18th, the purpose of killing the metal man this time is to save the entire universe, because if Bixida does not destroy it, the world will become extremely bad, and it may even be destroyed by most.

In Sun Wuben’s eyes, the moves of No. 17 and No. 18 have been full of craftsmanship from the beginning, and now they are becoming more and more complete. Sometimes there is even a hint of mystery. This is a great improvement. If you follow this path If you go down, you will definitely be able to break away from your own cyborg, and by then you will be able to fight even if you meet Sharu.

In fact, the 17th and the 18th also felt their own progress, and the two of them were extremely happy, and even hope that this moment will go on forever.

But suddenly, the densely packed metal warriors in front of them melted like ice and snow, turning into liquid and flowing on the ground like water, and finally disappeared on the ground.


No. 17 and No. 18 awoke from that magical realm.

"Damn it, it's over!"

"Why is it gone so soon?"

Both the 18th and the 17th were reluctant to give up. In the realm just now, they could all feel their own rapid improvement. Of course, they hope that the longer the time the better.

But the two are not very depressed, after all, in the realm just now, they have already understood what their direction of practice will be in the It's not that they have finished killing, but they retired. "The 16th voice sounded.

"The fist is retracted to make it more powerful." Sun Wuben said, "I think they will come up with their real killer."

"Is it!"

There was a gleam in No. 17's eyes.

"I just nodded, and it's gone. I hope that we won't be disappointed in the future." No. 18's eyes also flashed, and suddenly she remembered that Sun Wuben's hand was still on her waist, and her face flushed again. However, the 18th did not yell.


Suddenly, Sun Wuben's heart moved. He even looked to the left. A silver ball with the size of a fist suddenly appeared on the ground ten feet away. The ball grew as big as a blow, and in less than a second, it grew his head, arms, Feet and a long tail.


A smile appeared on Sun Wu's face.

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