Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 784: Attack of the Metal Legion

"Don't waste your energy." A lazy voice sounded behind No.16, No.17, and No.18. The three of them turned their heads and looked sharply at Sun Wuben.

I saw Sun Wuben carrying his hands on his back, looking at the sky, with a calm smile on his face. This look was the same as before when he took the crowd to play with Namek.

No. 17 and No. 18 looked at each other.


The figure 18 appeared behind Sun Wu himself, a jade hand grabbed Sun Wuben’s arm, and the huge silver planet in front of him could not be destroyed. Once they collided, the three of them had nowhere to escape, but Sun Wuben was different and possessed an instant. Move, you can leave at any time.

So Sun Wuben was very relaxed, and he could even smile like a landscape, but they couldn't.

Previously, No. 18 did not leave with Sun Wuben for the sake of face, so he was frightened for ten minutes. This time, No. 18 could not care about face. It is the kingly way to grasp Sun Wuben first.

"What do you mean?" No.18 yelled coldly.

"Your attack will never work." Sun Wuben said lazily.

"You laugh at our strength?" No.18 stared at Sun Wuben, "Tell you, our Qigong bomb has destroyed the inside of that planet, but it will take a while for this planet to explode, and it will hit us before it explodes. On the planet, I said, we have already done this task for you, right?"

"Don't be kidding me, on the 18th, this Bikdas planet is a super giant that swallowed and absorbed countless planets in the universe. It can swallow even planets. Does it care about your few qigong bombs?" Sun Wuben was calm. Said, "But you don't have to worry, we just need to wait here."

"Waiting for?"

The 18th voice was cold, and she stared at Sun Wuben, as if she was afraid that Sun Wuben would run away.

"If I’m not mistaken, Bixida will not directly hit our Namek star. Even if it is an impact, it will not use that extreme impact, because the explosion of the planet will cause the energy in the star to disappear. I can't bear this energy." Sun Wuben explained, "It will release countless tentacles like an octopus to the stars that need to be swallowed, and decompose the stars to grab materials. Therefore, we have to wait for their tentacles to come to the stars. on."

"Who knows if what you said is true or false." No. 18 snorted, her hand still not letting go.

"Ten...Nine...Eight..." Monkey King suddenly read the count, and No. 18 couldn't help but get nervous again: "What are you doing?"

"Seven...six...five..." Sun Wu didn't care about No. 18, "!" When the word'one' fell.

Countless densely packed silver arms emerged on the silver planet in the sky, and these silver arms shot towards the ground of Namek.

The qigong bomb was lit up in the hand of No. 17, but soon the qigong bomb was extinguished. After all, No. 17 is not a fool, not to mention that those silver arms are too many, so if you don’t let those silver arms touch the ground, maybe Bix. Da Xing will directly hit Namek star, which is not beautiful at that time.


The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

A hundred miles away in front of everyone, a huge silver antennae crashed to the ground, and the huge mushroom cloud that surged could be seen clearly even if everyone was separated by a hundred miles, and that silver antennae was extremely huge, like a sky-reaching sky. Like a giant pillar.

"Yes, the diameter of this stone pillar is at least 30,000 meters." Monkey King commented as if enjoying the scenery.

No.17 frowned: "What do you do next?" This was naturally asking Sun Wuben.

"Wait, the wonderful drama has just begun." Sun Wuben smiled, "On the 17th, 18th, 16th, this kind of drama is rare. Of course we have to appreciate it, and we don’t need to take the initiative to attack. Kiesdaxing will send a mechanical army to deal with us, so we only need to watch the show first, and wait for their mechanical army to dispatch, then we can destroy as much as possible."

"Is that so?" No.17 said coldly.

"Where's Nakvila?" No.18 shouted.

"Perhaps Kevira will appear with the Mechanical Legion at the same time, or he may appear later when the Mechanical Legion can't hold us." Sun Wuben stretched his hands, "Anyway, only God knows this."

"Okay, let's wait."

Although the 17th, the 18th, and the 16th said to wait, they were not as relaxed as Sun Wuben. The three of them watched the surroundings very seriously. The previous attack could not destroy Bixida and made them really serious. After all, their It seems that the power that can destroy the stars is also limited.

The silver star became larger and larger, and ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, a strange phenomenon occurred. In the eyes of everyone, the silver planet that was constantly approaching the ground seemed to be shrinking and pulling away, as if to leave.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

At this time, everyone finally discovered that the silver planet in the sky was indeed shrinking, and the shrinking speed was getting faster and faster. In just five minutes, something stranger happened.


No. 17, No. 18, No. 16 stared at the sky.

That's right, the silver planet in the sky has completely disappeared at this time, and the silver pillar to the sky a hundred miles away seems to be rapidly shortening and shrinking.

Soon the silver sky pillar also disappeared.

"It's not that it has disappeared, but Bixastar is like a liquid, and it has been integrated into our Namek star." Sun Wuben explained, "Now our planet has resided in the core and everything of Bixastar. The device, therefore, it should start to formally disassemble and collect this star. In other words, the mechanical legion is coming soon, three of you, you can move your hands and feet."

"Is the mechanical legion coming soon? Very good." No. 17 raised her eyebrows, her eyes flashing light.

"I don't know how powerful the mechanical legion is!" On the 18th, let go of the hand holding Sun Wuben. After all, the silver stars in the sky disappeared, and the crisis of the two planets colliding has disappeared, although she is still a little worried that Sun Wuben will abandon them. Fleeing, but at least there is no crisis in front of him, at least, this Namek star, Sun Wu should have been impossible to abandon.

At this moment, the ground cracked a mile away in front of everyone and saw a huge silver circular fortress drilled out of the ground.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Silver arms shot out from the circular fortress in all directions. If the four arms shot at Monkey King, No. 17, No. 18, and No. 16, they turned into four huge mechanical creatures after landing.

The mechanical creature leaped towards the four of them.


As if a flash of lightning flashed by, it was No.17 that shot, and No.17's body passed by the four huge mechanical creatures and appeared in the place where he had stood before.

"Awning!" "Awning!" "Awning!" "Awning!"

Four huge mechanical creatures broke into two pieces and fell to the ground.

"Too slow!" No. 17 said coldly. His voice just fell, and the circular metal fortress in front shot out arms once again in the direction of everyone. These arms turned into huge mechanical creatures, still the same as the previous ones. Kind of creatures in appearance, but the number has become densely packed.

These creatures are about to leap to Monkey King.


The 17th shot again, still passing by these creatures like a ray of light, and returning to the original place again, the densely packed mechanical creatures were once again broken into two pieces.

"No amount of trash like this is useless." No.17 said coldly.

Sun Wuben's eyes narrowed slightly. Although No. 17 had killed hundreds of mechanical creatures in one breath just now, Sun Wuben could see that the mechanical creatures that appeared for the second time were a hundred times stronger than the previous four mechanical creatures in terms of strength and speed.

"What a powerful mechanical army, I don't know the next wave..." Monkey King smiled and watched.

I saw countless tentacles on the ground near the metal fortress. These tentacles would be connected to the remains of the mechanical creatures. In just a blink of an eye, hundreds of mechanical creatures appeared in front of them, which are different in appearance from the previous ones. biological.


These hundred mechanical creatures jumped up.


Sun Wuben looked at the hundreds of mechanical creatures that rushed forward, and he could see that the speed of these hundreds of mechanical creatures was once again a hundred times faster than the hundreds of mechanical creatures just now.

"Damn it."

No. 17 frowned slightly. Of course, he could see the power of the mechanical creature this time. Of course, No. 17 still didn't pay attention to it. However, these metal legions, killing one wave and appearing one after another, let 17 more powerful each time. No. somewhat surprised.

Almost the next moment the 17th shot again, still a spike.

This time, after half a minute, no new legion appeared, but suddenly—


The ground shook, and the ground around the four of them cracked, and silver metal pipes popped out like bamboo shoots after a rain. These silver metal pipes grew as big as they were blowing when they drilled out of the ground, and in just two or three breaths, they became huge, terrifying silver metal creatures with four legs.

In a blink of an eye, the endless metal army concealed the space around the four people, including the sky.


"According to my perception, it seems that this area of ​​a hundred li is occupied by these people, at least one million!" Sun Wuben exclaimed, with a smile on his face, "No. 18, it seems that we have encountered a little trouble again. One million, even if you can kill it, you can kill it softly."

"This rubbish, don't worry at all." No. 17 said coldly. No. 18 just stretched out her finger and touched the blond hair between her forehead. For her, as long as the opponent's combat power is weaker than her, she is not afraid of siege at all, but she is. Curious, what would Sun Wu do in such a situation.

But what she didn't expect was that a pair of big hands hugged her waist.

"It's Klin bastard!" No. 18 softened, almost unstable, her face was hot, and she was about to get angry.

"Shoo!" "Shoo!" "Shoo!" "Shoo!" "Shoo!" "Shoo!"

I saw a silver metal fist banging, and the surrounding metal warriors launched a frantic attack. On the 18th, he didn't care about getting angry, and even barely lifted his strength to launch a counterattack.

"Asshole, what are you doing?" Number 18 shouted angrily.

"I hired you as a bodyguard, of course you have to protect me?" Sun Wu said naturally, "If I don't hold you, let me hold No. 17 or No. 16?"

"Don't!" No. 16 shouted. Although he is a robot, his gender is set to be male. And No. 16 is made by Dr. Gro because he missed his dead son too much. Yes, he has a lot of personality hobbies and so on of Dr. Gro's son.

No. 17 frowned, and of course he saw Sun Wuben wipe his sister's oil.

"Don't hold me!" No.17 said coldly.

"The three of you are bastards!" shouted the 18th.

"Should I teleport and leave first?" Monkey King tentatively asked.

"Teleport away?" No. 18 frowned slightly, "Asshole, you can't even deal with these metal warriors, can you?"

"Of course." Sun Wuben opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"No?" No. 18 was a little helpless, "You are the famous Klin."

"Of course the deity can deal with it, but the clone, I am not yet 2 years old, and I am not a human being like you. If we want to be good, we must go through very hard cultivation." Sun Wuben said.

"It seems to be right." On the 18th, the martial arts school has to practice for years and months. In fact, it is common sense. It is just Sun Wuben these days...

"Then why don't you practice these days? Are you there all day long?" No.18 said angrily. UU reading

"Who said I didn't practice seriously? I was practicing very hard. Traveling in the mountains and playing in the water is just practicing hard." Monkey King was righteous. No. 18 couldn't help but also had some doubts, but at this time she had adapted to Sun Wuben's hug, and no longer talked nonsense and babbled with Sun Wuben, but killed these metal warriors with no expression.

"The combat power is still too low."

"This kind of combat power is useless." Monkey King leisurely hangs on the 18th to watch the show. Although this time the metal warrior is more powerful, the individual strength is only 200,000. The combat power is low, but the number is too large, at least one million in Sun Wuben's calculation, and it is constantly increasing.

Such a crowded tactic, even Piccolo and Vegeta would have a headache, but No. 17 and No. 18 have infinite stamina and are not afraid of team battles. Sun Wu didn’t understand the situation on No. 16, but there were No. 17 and No. 18. Support, coupled with the fact that the opponent's single body is too weak, the power recovery of No. 16 should keep up with the consumption.

The 17th, the 18th, and the 16th became more and more crazy. Almost every second, hundreds of metal warriors were destroyed by three cyborgs.

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