It is clear that the mind and consciousness are becoming more and more transparent and clear, but the thinking is becoming more and more chaotic and ignorant.

"What is life?"

"What is death?"

"Why create?"

"Why destroy?"

Gradually there was only one sentence left in Sun Wu’s mind, but gradually such a sentence disappeared. At this time, he was like a fool and a baby. His consciousness and thoughts existed, and he was even very sensitive, but he had no thoughts. Sad without joy, without worry...

At this time, Sun Wuben seemed to have entered a strange world.

This is a white world that seems to be covered with endless white mist, and the whole body is made up of light. In this world, it seems that there is a huge sound resounding all the time, but as time goes by, the world is white mist. , The light is getting dimmed, the sound is getting lower and lower, and gradually the whole world has no light, no sound, and even no temperature.

This silence, darkness and coldness reached a limit.

"I understand!"

There seems to be a trace of consciousness in this world.

As if a bolt of lightning resounded in this dark, silent, and icy world, the center of the world where the lightning occurred was a very faint light, like a looming star in the night sky, and gradually this light became brighter and brighter...

"Dao begets one, one life two, two begets three, three begets everything!"

"Wuji produces Tai Chi, Tai Chi produces Liang Yi, Liang Yi produces three talents..."

If you can see clearly at this time, you will surely find that the light in the center has changed from one point to two points, and then metamorphoses into three points... so the light gets brighter and brighter, and finally becomes a seed, this kind of seed is still continuous Is growing...

Sun Wuben was completely immersed in that strange world and couldn't feel the passage of time. One day, two days, three days... Time flew by, and a month passed in a blink of an eye.

In that piece of the world, the shining seed has grown to be as radiant as the sun, dazzling, but it is still growing, and no other changes have taken place.

In the dark, dead, and icy practice room, Sun Wuben's body was still completely dead, not to mention breathing, pulse, body temperature, blood circulation, etc., even the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth did not enter Sun Wuben's body.


The watch on Sun Wuben's wrist made a strong vibration.

Sun Wuben’s completely dead body began to have a heartbeat. Although it was very weak, it became stronger little by little. The blood began to run faster and faster, and then the breathing gradually began to develop, and then Sun Wuben’s mind began to change from that one. The strange world left and gradually recovered.

After only three breaths, Sun Wuben woke up completely, and his eyes opened suddenly.

"That's it."

A smile and joy appeared on Sun Wu’s face. This smile and joy was full of tranquility, which was different from the smile of any other person in the world. It was a smile full of Zen like the twisting flower of the Buddha.

"The changer, the Tao!"

"The avenue is simple, so it is easy! The avenue is always changing. It doesn't matter whether you live or die. It doesn't matter if you don't die or life. It's the way if you don't die or you don't.

Sun Wuben's voice seemed to resound through this space at this moment, and then his figure disappeared, and the figure of Sun Wuben appeared outside the practice room that Da Buma was doing for him.

Sun Wuben walked forward step by step, and before long he left the door and came to the square outside the heaven.

At this time, Dandy, Bouma, Da Bouma, Kiki, Vidili, and Klin were all present in this square. I saw Monkey King stepping on the ground and walking towards everyone, but no one saw him. arrival.

"Why isn't this guy Aben coming out yet?" Klin cried out, and he looked at Bouma, "How about you go and call him?"

Buma frowned. Since Sun Wuben had a clone, he had been a fool for more than a year and was not doing his job properly. So a month ago, Sun Wuben entered the training room specially made by Da Buma for him, but he never came out again, Buma. Not only is he not in a hurry, but he is very happy. I have been holding back from calling him for a month, but now Sun Wuben hasn't come out yet...

Today is the day when Trunks went to his original time and space, because according to time, today is the day when his original time and space artificial man appeared, so it is impossible to wait any longer.

"Wait a minute, isn't there still some time." Big Boomer smiled and said, and she glanced at Klin's clone. "Why don't you go to Trunks first?"

"It's not necessary. If Trunks can't wait, he will come here. Hey, Trunks is flying here, I'm afraid he will be here soon." Klin said. He couldn't help but muttered, "Aben is also true. It's okay to practice crazy at ordinary times. Now it's time to go, and we are racing against time. Is it necessary!"

This year and a half, although the clone of Klin has been cultivating crazy, he often paid attention to the dynamics of the clone of Sun Wu. Of course, he only paid attention to it with aura induction.

Kelin didn’t ask how Sun Wuben cultivated. As a result, Kelin discovered a very strange thing. The clone of Sun Wuben spent a lot of time in the heavens, either with Bu Ma Gian or Da Bu Ma. Together, or just with Kiki, Vidili, and Dandy.

Of course, Sun Wuben also spent a lot of time practicing alone, but some practitioners Klin could feel it through his movement, but some Klin didn't understand it very well, because Sun Wuben sometimes stayed in one place for several hours without moving.

In Klin's inherent impression, Sun Wu was originally a spiritual lunatic.

Therefore, even if Sun Wuben's clone did not move for a long time in one place, Klin would never think that he hadn't practiced, but would only think that he was practicing in another way.

This time, Sun Wu had stayed motionless in the special training room that Da Buma gave him for a month.

"That guy Aben has the experience of two lifetimes of cultivation and the realm of martial arts. The way of training must be stronger than me, and he is so crazy. This guy is crazy. It seems that this time, I have to be left behind by him. "Klin felt a little helpless and a little bit angry. You are already so strong, and you are still practicing so crazy, can't you give me a little face.

What Klin didn't notice was that Sun Wuben had already walked behind him at this time.

"What a fortune!"

Sun Wuben’s eyes were shining, and he sensed his own physical strength. Originally, before he entered the practice room made by Da Buma, his physical strength was changed to a value of a little more than one million. Strange phenomenon, all his power was absorbed into one place.

"Tao is Tai Chi, heaven and earth are one Tai Chi, one thing is one Tai Chi, everything is Tai Chi!"

"The Tao is the universe, the heaven and the earth are one universe, one thing is one universe, everything is the universe, and I am also a universe!"

Sun Wuben's greatest achievement this time was to create his own Dao seeds and generate his own universe.

"Dao changes and transforms all the time, and death is not Tao, so when the outside world is closed, everything is closed, and everything falls into extreme tranquility and silence, new life must be born."

"This time I cut off contact with the outside world. When the outer universe is closed, there is no source of external force, and the inner universe naturally arises."

Sun Wuben closed his eyes, and his mind entered the strange world that he had entered earlier. This space was empty, as if boundless, only one bright, as if the sun was emitting light.

Looking at this shining sun, Sun Wuben knew what it was inexplicably.

"Tao Kind!"

Sun Wuben opened his eyes and returned to the real world.

In that state of cultivation this month, Sun Wu's body was cut off from the outside world, unable to draw nourishment from the outside world, and then he produced a Dao seed himself, or a cosmic seed of his own.

"Unfortunately, my Taoism is still too low."

Sun Wuben was a little bit emotional. His severance of contact with the outside world could not truly achieve complete severance because of his weak Taoism.

"Maybe, this is not a bad thing." Sun Wuben's state of mind at this time, naturally, will not be brooding about this. "My power has all become the nutrients of the born Taoism, and now it is only 10,000. It is really rare. Pathetic."

Sun Wuben felt his own strength, and his heart was still full of joy.

"Alin, you said bad things about me behind your back, but I heard all of them." Sun Wuben said suddenly, standing behind Klin's clone. As soon as the voice came out, Klin seemed to be frightened by a frightened cat, his figure suddenly He escaped and appeared ten feet away.

Buma, Da Buma, Dandy, Kiki, and Bidili also opened their eyes in surprise, looking at the Sun Wuben who suddenly appeared in their eyes.

"Aben, were you just now?" Klin Clone looked at Sun Wuben with a puzzled face, "Wouldn't you stand behind me long ago?"

"What do you mean?" Monkey King smiled.

"Then when did you come?"

"When you asked Bouma to call me, it was already here."

"No, if you were standing behind me at that time, they couldn't have not seen it." Klin muttered. Just now, Da Buma, Buma and Qiqi were standing in front of him.

"Buma, Kiki, you are too bad, and Aben won't tell me when he arrives." Klin said with a bit of resentment.

"I didn't see him." Da Buma looked at Sun Wuben with bright eyes, "Aben, what have you done, how do I feel that you are now and a month ago, something extraordinary has happened to you? !"

With what she said, Bouma, Kiki, Vidili, and Klin also discovered changes in Sun Wu's temperament.

"It's a little different, but it doesn't seem to be very strong." Klin said with a helpless smile on his You guys can't be strong, but your changes are really real. It's very interesting. It makes people feel comfortable facing the sky, the earth, and the stars of the universe. "

"Because my practice has improved a bit." Sun Wuben turned his head and looked aside, and saw a little light shining from the horizon. In an instant the light turned into Trunks, and in the blink of an eye, Trunks fell on everyone. before.

"Mom, Aben, Uncle Alin, Aunt Kiki, Dandy, Vidili." Trunks shouted and suddenly his eyes fell on Sun Wu himself, surprised, "Uncle Aben is really getting more and more handsome. Up."

"Tranks, you are also very handsome." Sun Wuben said.

"Don't say these disgusting things to each other." Big Boomer smiled, "Tranks, time is almost up, you can take out the space-time machine, let's start quickly."

"Okay, Mom."


After a while, Da Buma, Monkey King, Klin clone, Trunks sat on the space-time machine, and then the space-time machine disappeared above the heaven in a flash.

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