Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 769: Time flies

Streams gurgling, flying flowers and flowing water, birds and flowers are scented.

Sun Wu was very comfortable, just watching the flowers fall, the fish, the birds, and the birds...Unknowingly, he entered a very quiet, leisurely, peaceful and peaceful state, and his body and mind were like clouds on the horizon. Yun Shu, like a flower blooming... I don't know how time has passed.

A huge lynx passed by Sun Wuben.

But the weird thing is that it didn't seem to find the enemy who had been ‘fighting’ with him for a long time.

A few birds fell from the tree, stopped on Sun Wuben's shoulder and in his arms, and flew away until they found that there was no food on the big rock.

A tortoise climbed ashore, just stopped at Sun Wuben's feet to bask in the sun.


Unknowingly, Sun Wuben woke up in the middle of the moon. A ray of light flashed in his eyes, and then Sun Wuben stood up and patted the fallen leaves, petals, and all kinds of dust on his body.

"It's the same again, one afternoon passed."

Sun Wuben looked up at the moon in the sky.

"It’s okay to go out and smile. Clouds are in the West Lake and the moon is in the sky. It’s really not that easy to reach, but my cultivation base has skyrocketed..." Sun Wuben felt himself, and couldn’t help but raised his eyebrows. He sat like this for a whole afternoon. His body strength and breath have taken a big surge.

"It's worthy of being a Taoist body, even if you don't practice anything, your strength is still growing."

Sun Wuben stepped out and appeared above the forest. These days, he also discovered that he didn't need to deliberately practice martial arts. As long as his body and mind fit into one state in daily life, the cultivation level would naturally improve. The closer the body and mind are to nature. , The greater this physical improvement.

So when Sun Wuben talked to Da Buma, his cultivation base was rising.

When instructing Kiki and Bidili to martial arts, the cultivation base is rising, and when chatting with Dandy Dong-Rashiyila, the cultivation base may also increase, reading novels, and even when doing that thing with Bouma in bed. There will be a surge in cultivation base. The first time I did that with Bouma in bed, the surge in cultivation base shocked Sun Wuben, thinking that he had accidentally developed some double cultivation technique.


Sun Wuben looked at the air beside him.

I saw a pretty figure suddenly appeared in the empty sky.

"Aben, you were lazy for another afternoon today." Bouma pursed her mouth. The avatar of Monkey King can spare a lot of time to accompany her. Bouma was very happy at first, but she soon felt wrong, although She wanted Sun Wu Benduo to accompany her, but there was no need to accompany her all day long.

Then, seeing Sun Wuben not working hard all day long, Bouma could not bear it at first, but after two or three months, Bouma was also a little anxious.

"Although you don't practice, I still like you, but Alin's clone is practicing very hard." Buma's soft eyes were full of concern and a trace of complaint.

Sun Wuben was very helpless. Of course he knew that although Bouma was his wife and Klin's wife, she actually liked him even more, so she didn't want Sun Wuben to lag behind Klin too much.

"That fellow Alin was suppressed so badly by me, that's why he was so competitive. If I were to overpower him by this clone, he would not be good at martial arts." Sun Wuben smiled and hugged Bouma's waist, "You I don’t want Alin to be decadent, and what I’m going to do now is another way. This way is not a martial art, so it’s impossible to practice like Klin."

"Of course I know, but can that really work?" Bouma put her arms around Sun Wuben's neck and said softly, "That's something that you don't even know. You don't even know what'Tao' is, just like that. Come, can it really work?"

"You must do it, you have to believe me." Sun Wuben gave Bouma a long kiss, and then took her hand and fell into the forest, "Come with me, the moon tonight is very good."

"You, you always make people feel uncomfortable." Bouma was a little helpless. "Although I don't care if you are overtaken by Alin, it is not a problem to be thrown too far by him."

"Don't worry, I actually worked very hard to practice martial arts just now." Sun Wuben said.

"Cut!" Buma gave Sun Wuben a white look, "Do you look like you are working hard? You can't even smell sweat on your body, and I sensed it. This afternoon, you have hardly moved. You can Don't tell me that your martial arts practice is to lie under a tree and read novels."

"Bouma, in fact, you would be a little more cute if you weren't that smart."


Time flies, Klin’s clone is still racing against time every day, practicing crazy. What he chose is a clone that is very suitable for practicing martial arts. Under his crazy practice, this clone has improved its martial arts cultivation every day. terror.

But Sun Wuben is still doing his own way, not doing his job properly.

Qiqi still couldn't help but get angry at Sun Wuben every three to five, and scolded him for ‘do not do his job properly’, and wanted to wake him up to practice harder.

Even Bouma occasionally complains. Although Dandy and Vidili did not say it, their eyes revealed their true emotions. Obviously, like Kiki and Bouma, they didn't want Sun Wuben as a clone to lose to Klin. There are too many clones, but Da Buma is full of confidence in Sun Wuben, but often persuades Qiqi and Buma.

In addition, Sun Wuben and Da Buma spoke very relaxedly. Da Buma can always say many things in Sun Wu Ben’s heart. If Sun Wu Ben has any spiritual confidant, it must be Da Buma.

Although Sun Wuben didn’t work hard at all, his martial arts cultivation level has been improving rapidly, but he did not practice like Klin after all, so although the martial arts cultivation level has improved very quickly, it is still far behind Klin. .

During this period, Klin's clone also did one thing, that is, to pursue the 18th at every opportunity, but it was useless. Although the 18th was interesting to Klin, she knew that Klin had a wife, so she exercised restraint.

In the end, Klin had no choice but to ask the deity to go out.

At this time, a very strange phenomenon appeared. The clone had been pursuing it for so long without any effect, but as soon as the deity got out of the horse, the 18th became weak.

With the help of the deity, No. 18 and Klin finally came together, but neither of them broke through the last point. It was not Klin didn't want it, but No. 18 resisted.

In this state, Klin had no choice but to dispatch the last killer, asking Sun Wuben to take the lead.

It is naturally impossible for Sun Wuben to help Klin soak on the 18th. Even Klin nagging again and again is useless. In a blink of an eye, Sun Wuben has been in this world for almost three years.

The heavens and the earth are extremely silent, this is a space without any light and no sound at all, and a figure of a person appears abruptly here.

"There is still a month, one month later, Trunks will take the space-time machine again to my time and space." Sun Wuben whispered in his heart. Trunks is leaving this time. Of course, Sun Wuben has to go back, but it is not the main deity. Instead, go back as a clone.

"For more than a year, this clone of me has gone from less than a hundred points in combat power to one million points now." Sun Wuben was a little bit emotional. For more than a year, he hadn't practiced seriously in martial arts at all, that is, mission-style. He practiced for two or three hours a day. Until recently, even one hour a day was considered long, but his cultivation level still soared to the million level.

"Klin's clone should be much stronger than me."

Sun Wu knew that the clone Klin chose was the most suitable for practicing martial arts, and coupled with crazy efforts, the current cultivation base was absolutely terrifying.

The only pity is that Da Buma's repair of the Mental Time House is still a bit poor. It is impossible to repair the Mental Time House in a short time. Otherwise, if Klin is allowed to practice for two years, the martial arts cultivation will be even more terrifying.

"The Spiritual Time House may be better for enlightenment than for martial arts." Monkey King shook his head as he looked at this quiet world.

Although Sun Wuben opened his eyes here, it was extremely dark and there was no light at all. Although Sun Wuben had big ears, he could not hear any sound at all.

In the past, Sun Wu was in an extremely quiet place, and he could hear the sounds of blood flowing in his own blood vessels no matter what, but here, he couldn't even hear these sounds.

The most terrifying thing is this piece of void, which is surprisingly cold, and Monkey King feels as if he is completely frozen by the ice.

"It's Da Buma, I created this space completely according to my intentions." Sun Wuben muttered to himself, yes, this piece of world was created by Da Buma for Sun Wuben, although Sun Wu could have used instant movement to go to the void of the universe, even Go to the edge of the universe, where the world is the same as There is no light and sound, but Sun Wu would not dare to go to such a place, because the temperature there is absolutely terrifyingly low.

"I don't have enough physical strength right now. If it is stronger, I might be able to go to those places." Sun Wuben said with emotion. Although the void of the universe is terrifying, but Frieza can survive in the void, Saiyan said that it is impossible. Survive in the void of the universe, but Broly can, so it's not enough just because your life level hasn't reached that strong yet.

But Sun Wuben's current body is a Taoist body, as long as it reaches a certain level, it can definitely survive in the void of the universe.

"To the extreme of emptiness, keep quiet. Everything is done together, I can watch its recovery..."

Sun Wu’s mind echoed the sentences in Lao Tzu’s "Tao De Jing", quietly enjoying the silence and emptiness of this void. Gradually, his body became colder and colder, his breathing became longer and longer, and his heartbeat became more and more long. slow.

At some point, Sun Wuben seemed to be dead, his body was cold, the temperature was completely consistent with the world, and his heartbeat and breathing disappeared completely.

The body became more and more dead, but Sun Wu's mind and consciousness became more and more transparent and clear.

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