Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 727: resurrection

A figure walked out in the air in front of the great elder.

"Guest, but found the Dragon Ball..." The Great Elder said, and suddenly he was taken aback. Sun Wu had left with Bouma, but this time he came back alone.

"Elder, and everyone, I will take you to see something." Sun Wuben said.

"Look at something?"

The Great Elder blinked. Everyone also looked at Monkey King in doubt.

"Don't ask too much, you will know when you look at it, one by one, hold hands and form a circle, I will use teleportation to take you there." Sun Wuben said. The elder laughed and said, "Everyone, just do what the distinguished guest said." Soon one by one, they held hands and formed a circle, and Monkey King put his hand on Piru's shoulder and started his instant movement.

In an instant, Monkey King, the Great Elder and others appeared on the super huge Dragon Ball.

"It's here." Sun Wuben said.

At this time, everyone's eyes widened, and there was a mirror surface under their feet that looked like yellow glass, and this mirror surface seemed to be too big to be boundless.

Of course, some people's eyes fell on the bun villa that Bouma threw out earlier.

"what is this?"

"To be able to sense the aura of the tribe, isn't this place still on our Namek star, but..." the Great Elder and Pili Na muttered.

"This is indeed on top of Namek. The ground we are standing on is actually a dragon ball of a previously made Shenlong." Sun Wuben said.

"Dragon Ball?"

"How can it be?"

"If it's a dragon ball, how big is this dragon ball?"

The Great Elder, Pilu, Perina, Saonel and others didn't doubt Sun Wuben's words, but the Dragon Ball would be so big, it was incredible.

"Go." Sun Wuben started to move instantaneously, and suddenly everyone appeared at an altitude of 50,000 meters, "Look down." Sun Wuben said. The Great Elder, Pilu and others even lowered their heads and looked down, their eyes were instantly rounded. Although the overall shape of this dragon ball could not be seen from a height of 10,000 meters, it could be seen that it was indeed a dragon ball.

"Elder, according to my guess, this time there is only one of the seven dragon balls, that is, the following three-star ball is on Namek, and the others are not on Namek." Sun Wuben said.

"Not on Namek..."

The Namikists stared: "Where did that go?"

"I don't feel like being on Namek." The elder said in a deep voice. After all, he is the creator of the Dragon Ball this time, and he is slightly sensitive to Dragon Ball. "I feel like I'm in a far away place."

"If I'm not mistaken, to find other dragon balls, you must go to the void of the universe, or even on other planets." Sun Wuben said solemnly.

The expressions of the Grand Elder, Perina, Saonel, Piru and others changed suddenly.

"The universe is so big. If Dragon Ball is not on Namek, it would be impossible to find it, and if it is discovered by cosmic people on other planets, it will cause disaster." Pili Na said solemnly, "This is bad, why Dragon Ball Will there be such a mutation?"

"Don't worry. Although these dragon **** are in the universe, they must be near Namek. They won't go too far. And just leave it to me to collect the dragon balls." Sun Wuben grinned, "As for after making a wish. , Shenlong will once again become a dragon ball and fly around the universe. At that time, you only need to stop the dragon ball before it flies away."

"It's not easy to stop such a big dragon ball, right?" Deidas shook his head.

"It's really not easy, but Saonel and Perana are fully capable of this job." Sun Wuben said.

"Don't worry, Didas, just a few dragon **** can't trouble me." Saonel's eyes flashed with confidence.

"Saonel's aura is very strong, it should be fine." The elder made a final decision, he looked at Monkey King curiously, "How are you going to find the other six? Would you like us to help?"

"Buma is transforming the Dragon Ball Radar. When the transformation is completed, the other six should be found. Then I will take the Dragon Ball Radar to find it. It is really easy." After Sun Wuben finished speaking, he took the Elder and the others back. To the surface of Dragon Ball. Only a few minutes later, I saw Da Buma walk out of the bun villa.

"Klin, it has been transformed." She was holding a Dragon Ball Radar twice the size in her hand and walking towards Monkey King with excitement. "The positions of the other six Dragon Balls are displayed inside, and one of them ran away. It’s three hundred light-years away. It’s terrible."

"Three hundred light years." Monkey King exclaimed, "It's really far enough."

"I can't think of the dragon this time, even the spread of the dragon ball is so terrible." The elder was extremely emotional, and the people such as Pili Na, Saonel, Piru were surprised, after all, they also knew how far away light years are.

"Buma, you just wait here, search for Dragon Ball and leave it to me." Sun Wuben took the radar and immediately saw seven flashing yellow dots on the radar screen.

"That's the only way, you be careful, safety is the most important thing in everything." Da Bouma softly exclaimed.

"You are like a husband whose wife tells you to go out." Sun Wuben smiled. Dabuma Ergen became hot and spit: "You think too much, but we all have to go back and have to rely on you, so I have to worry about you. After all, you are dead, and many things are difficult to do..." Before she could finish her words, Sun Wuben had disappeared.

"This bastard!" Da Buma stamped her foot.

With instant movement, walking in the universe was very easy for Monkey King, and although there were many unpredictable places in the universe, the larger space was an extremely quiet void. Soon Monkey King collected all six dragon balls.

After half an hour.

At the location of Namek's three-star ball, seven extremely huge dragon **** were suspended in the air next to each other.

"Come out, Polunga!" the Grand Elder called.

The seven dragon **** were shining with intense golden light, and soon the golden light shone through the entire world. At this moment, everyone felt that Namek star had disappeared, and the heaven and the earth had also disappeared. You could vaguely see the golden light transforming into an extremely huge golden dragon shuttle. The universe is empty.

Suddenly there was a terrifying dragon howl.

The sacred coercion flooded the entire world. Under this coercion, an extremely huge golden dragon flew from the sky, opened its big mouth, and swallowed the entire galaxy where Namek star is located, including Sun Wuben and others, into the abdomen. Everyone I feel as if I am traveling in the universe, flying in one direction constantly.

Finally a huge dragon appeared in front of him.

The appearance of the dragon is similar to the dragon carved by Monkey King, but its body is blue-gold with golden light shining all over it, which is extremely sacred.

"This is the new dragon?"

The Great Elder, Saonel, Perina, Piru, Didas and others, and even Bouma, Da Bouma, and Taisi were all shocked.

Compared with this one, the dragon made by the great elder and Pi Lu before is like a small earthworm.

The dragon of the earth and the dragon of Namek in the seventh universe are also weaker than this dragon.

"Let's talk about your wishes, I can realize any of your wishes." The sacred and majestic voice of the azure golden dragon resounded through the world, "but only one wish."

"Is there only one wish?" Sun Wuben frowned slightly.

"Great Elder, let's resurrect your people first." Monkey King looked at the Great Elder.

"How can this be possible." The elder shook his head, "Bolunga was made with the help of distinguished guests. It is better to resurrect the friends of the distinguished guests first."

"That's it..." Monkey King also wanted to resurrect the human beings on Earth first.

"Klin, let's resurrect their people first." Da Bouma said crisply, "Anyway, those people on our planet have been dead for so many years, so I don't care about waiting so long."

"Yes, let's resurrect the people of Namekstar first." Taisi also said, "It doesn't matter if we wait any longer. The main thing is to solve the problem of artificial humans. That's the key."

"Are you a human being!" Sun Wuben smiled bitterly. He didn't want to do anything on the 18th, but if the 18th and the 17th continue like this, Sun Wuben is really embarrassed.

"If the cyborgs are not killed, even if the earthlings are resurrected and restored to the original state, they will not be destroyed again by them." Da Buma shook his head.

"In that case, the great elder, let's resurrect your people first." Sun Wuben said.

"This is really embarrassing." The elder said, and he also saw that at this time, Sun Wuben, Bu Ma and others were not people who didn't want to resurrect their planet first, but some things had not been completely handled.

"It's a pity that Shenlong can only realize one wish this time, or..." Pi Lu said crisply.

"Elder, please!" Monkey King said.

"That's good." The elder nodded and turned to look at the dragon, "Bolunga, please resurrect all of our dead people in these three days."

"This wish!" Shenlong spoke slowly, only to see a gleam in his eyes.

"Will it happen?"

"It should be!" Although the Great Elder, Piru, Perina, Saonel, Didas and others have sufficient confidence in the dragon this time, they can't help but feel a little nervous at this time. After all, the resurrection ten The 10,000-person project is too big.

But at this moment--

A breath of breath appeared on Namek.

"Your wish has been fulfilled, so goodbye!" Shenlong suddenly said.


The great elders, Perina, Saonel and others also sensed the dense new appearances on the entire Namek, and countless clan breaths is resurrected! "

"Grand Elder, it's resurrected!" Pilu exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, it's resurrected." The great elder showed uncontrollable ecstasy on his face, his eyebrows were flying, his wrinkles all smiled into a flower, "This new amount of breath should be resurrected."


"Sure enough, this time the dragon is extraordinary!"

"Yeah, it's not that Polunga can't do it, but the previously made Polunga can't." Saonel, Perina, Didas and others also said excitedly.

At this moment, the light and shadow in front of them changed, as if they were shuttled back from the distant universe, and then it seemed as if they saw a cyan-gold dragon soaring up into the sky, flying towards the edge of the universe.


The dragon became a powerful golden light, and then the golden light was divided into seven, shooting in all directions.

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