Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 726: Super Dragon Ball

The great elder hand landed on Taisi's head, and soon Taisi's breath also soared at an extremely fast speed.

"Okay." The elder smiled and retracted his hand.

"Is it all right?" Taysi's face was full of excitement, "It's incredible, I can actually feel my becoming stronger, and I feel like I can destroy mountains and seas now, no, it's better than that. It's like being able to smash the stars with one punch. By the way, what is my combat power? Do I have the ability to destroy the universe of stars?"

"Don't be stinky!" Da Buma snorted.

The elder smiled so that his eyes were narrowed: "You have the same physical constitution as the Ms. Bouma just now, so you must be sisters, so your potentials are also the same, and your combat power values ​​are also the same."

"How much is that? Is it stronger than her?" Taisi knew that she had been in the universe over the years, just to avoid the annoyance of artificial people. Since she doesn't live as tired as Big Bouma, she should be more for reasons. powerful.

"Your combat power value is 650 points." Monkey King shouted.

"It's only 650?" Tays was unconvinced, "I live a healthier and more tasteful life than Bouma. Why is it only a little bit more than her?"

"Don't get cheap and sell well." Da Buma looked unhappy, "You are 12 years older than me, and you are actually a little bit taller than me. This is good enough."

"That's true." Taisi smiled, and walked forward, only to see her foot move, and her body rushed forward, although the speed was much slower than when Da Buma rushed towards Sun Wuben before, but Unable to stop, Taisi rushed to Sun Wu himself before she even had time to scream.

Put a hand on her shoulder.

"It seems you are not much better than Bouma." Monkey King smiled.

"It's embarrassing." Da Buma smiled, "I was not prepared before, so I couldn't stop it. You are clearly prepared, but you are still like this. Wouldn't it be deliberately pounced into Klin's arms?"

"Who makes me stronger than you, it's normal to be caught off guard." Taisi snorted, she grabbed Sun Wuben's hand with both hands, and then carefully turned to the side and stood still.

"It's my turn." Bouma ran to the great elder at this time, her eyes were full of expectation. Seeing her sister and Big Bouma, Bouma also knew that her value would never be lower than them.

"Your body is young enough." The elder placed his hand on Bouma's head and nodded slightly. After a while, Bouma's breath rose wildly.

"Okay." The elder let go.

"How much am I?" Bouma exclaimed excitedly.

"Because you are younger than them, your value is much larger than them." The elder said with a smile.

"Bouma, your value is about 955 points." Sun Wuben smiled, "It's a little higher than I thought. It should be the reason why I became my woman." Sun Wu originally remembered his previous life when Bouma was the elder. He was five or six years younger than now when he led his potential, but his value was only 896 points. Now he is older and has stronger potential, completely violating the rules.

"Don't put gold on your own face." Bouma smiled, but she was also a little admired. When Sun Wuben was on the earth, he said that he would bring them to find the great elders to guide their potential. At that time, they didn't have much confidence in themselves, but Sun Wuben was very kind to them. I have confidence, and when I gave her an evaluation, I said that it would never be less than 700 points of combat power.

Bouma took a step forward cautiously. The first two steps were very steady, but in the third step, she used a little more strength, and rushed towards Sun Wuben, who even reached out and pressed her hand on Bouma's shoulder.

"The next step should be to look for Dragon Ball, but your strength suddenly increases, so you should adapt first."

"No need to remind you!"

Half an hour later, Da Buma took out the Dragon Ball Radar and pressed the button.


When the sound sounded, Da Buma was surprised to see a flashing yellow dot on the radar screen.

"What's the matter, Bouma?" Sun Wuben leaned his head, after all, he needed him to fly over to find the Dragon Ball.

"This radar only shows the location of one dragon ball." Da Bouma frowned, "Obviously, the radar is very good, why is there only one? It's not that other dragon **** were swallowed by Namek's friends. ?"

"Really only one is shown." Monkey King glanced at the yellow dot on the radar screen, then turned to look at the Great Elder, "Great Elder, it seems that the other six have fallen into the hands of the noble clansman."

"Then leave it to me." The Great Elder said with a smile.

"Buma, let's find this dragon ball displayed on the radar." Sun Wuben glanced at the position and number marked on the radar, and activated teleportation. Over a high mountain, Sun Wuben, Da Buma, and Bu Ma , Taisi appeared.

"The position of the Dragon Ball..." Da Buma was about to speak, when she suddenly felt something was wrong, she could not help but her eyes brightened when she looked over. At this time, Sun Wuben, Buma, and Taisi also looked down with their eyes wide open.

The light flickered, and saw a piece of yellow-orange-orange under their feet, like smooth yellow glass, and even reflected their shadows.

"This won't be..."

Sun Wuben's heartbeat accelerated violently.

The yellow glass in front of him was exactly the same color as the Dragon Ball, and Sun Wuben was so sensitive that the glass didn't seem to be completely flat, it seemed to have an arc.

"Could it be Dragon Ball?"

Sun Wu originally knew that dragon **** had one characteristic. The bigger the dragon ball, the stronger the power of the dragon. The omnipotent super dragon's dragon balls, each one is as huge as a planet.

The last time he and Dandy made the dragon, Dragon Ball also became very big.

And although the materials this time were the same as the last time, they were all boundary trees, but the last time they were just a small cut-off branch, this time it was a big, thick tree.

Coupled with the appearance of the Shenlong this time, Sun Wuben also brought him closer to the super Shenlong.

"It's so beautiful!"

Tays' eyes flashed with stars: "Is this their Namek star building?"

"It's weird." Doubt flashed in Bouma's eyes, "Such a large piece of yellow glass floor, the color is almost the same as the dragon ball."

"It's not the same, but exactly the same." Big Bouma called. "Klin, let's go down. The ground looks so clean. I can't think of Namek's beautiful square."

"This may not be a square." Sun Wuben appeared in the higher air with his daughters, and the situation on the ground was fully revealed at this time.

"It's really Dragon Ball!"

"How is it possible, how could Dragon Ball become so huge?" Taysi and Bouma exclaimed in surprise.

"Impossible!" Da Bouma screamed, "I remember that Namek's dragon ball is the size of a human head, and it is much larger than our earth's dragon ball, but this dragon ball occupies dozens of areas. Inside."

Sun Wuben was very excited at this time, such a huge dragon ball, obviously this time the ability of the Shenlong produced is very powerful.

"Buma, Taisi, this is a good thing." Sun Wu Benlian explained, "The bigger the dragon ball is, the more energy it can store. For a huge dragon ball like this one, if it is a dragon like the earth, I doubt it can count. Ten million wishes."

"Is it true?"

The three women were pleasantly surprised, but there was also a hint of suspicion. After all, what Sun Wu said was incredible.

"Of course it also depends on what the Shenlong looks like. If I made this Shenlong, it would be difficult to make a few wishes, maybe only one wish." Sun Wuben said, "Of course, his wish can be realized. Much more than the dragon on earth."

"I also think it should be a good thing." Buma smiled and narrowed her eyes. She knew that the dragon that Sun Wu originally helped Dandi made was very powerful, and this time, in order to empower the dragon, Sun Wu originally gave out spiritual fruit to the big Elders take.

Da Buma and Taisi also nodded. After all, they had seen the process of making dragon **** with their own eyes, and they even sensed the aura when the dragon was born.

"It's just such a big dragon ball, how do you take it away?" Da Buma muttered, and was taken aback. "No, the dragon ball is so big that it cannot be swallowed by the Namekians, nor can it be given by any creature. Swallow it into the stomach, why the Dragon Ball Radar only shows one Dragon Ball?"

Sun Wuben was also taken aback. Indeed, such a large dragon ball could not be swallowed by a creature, and as long as it was not swallowed by a creature, it could be detected by the Dragon Ball radar.

"It's not that this time the dragon has only one dragon ball, right?" Taisi's eyes lit up and said, "Look, this dragon ball is so big, it is worth many dragon balls, maybe there is only one. "

"But there are three red five-stars on this dragon ball. If there is only one dragon ball, either one five-star or seven five-stars, it can never be three-star." Da Buma shook his head.

"The remaining six dragon **** are not on the name of Sun Wuben smiled bitterly, the stronger the dragon, the bigger the dragon ball, the greater the recovery energy needed, so the territory they occupy will change accordingly. It is very large, because otherwise, it will not be able to quickly absorb enough energy, and after one use, the cooling recovery time will become extraordinarily long.

"Not on Namek, where is that?"

"In the universe, even on other planets." Sun Wuben said solemnly.

"No?" Taisi, Bouma, and Da Bouma stared.

"It's absolutely possible." Sun Wuben looked at Da Bouma, "Now we only have to expand the scanning range of your Dragon Ball Radar. Although it does not need to be expanded to the entire universe, it is as large as possible. Isn't that okay?"

"It's a very simple thing, but I didn't bring any tools, I'm afraid I have to go back to Earth."

"No, I have tools here." Bouma stretched out a box and took out a universal capsule from it.

"Well, Bouma, you are here to transform, I'll talk to the Great Elder." Monkey King put the three daughters on top of the dragon ball, and then the moving figure disappeared in an instant.

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