Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 719: Challenger

Time is pushed forward a moment.

In the purple forest, there is a small wooden house. In front of the wooden house is a deck chair. On the chair lies a tall man with a beard on his chin and a leggings.

If someone can detect with a combat power detector, he will definitely find that this middle-aged man who looks like an ordinary uncle next door has an aura as high as 100 million.

Four figures appeared above the abrupt wooden house.


As soon as Sun Wuben appeared, he looked at the cabin not far away, and fell on the middle-aged man.

"Purple Forest, cabin, I didn't expect to come to Sarada Star, so I met Gabe's teacher, the former captain of the Rase Defense Force, Lian Suo." A smile appeared on Sun Wuben's face.

"Aben, are you at Sarada Star?" Boomer shouted from the side.

Sun Wuben nodded slightly, and after leaving Namek, because they didn't want to disturb the rituals of the new Namek people in their universe, everyone did not immediately return to their own universe, but traveled in this sixth universe.

"Klin, you are looking for Sarada Star everywhere, now it's time to expose the puzzle. What's so special about Sarada Star?" Taisi also called.

"Saradar Star, is it the hometown of the Saiyans?" Monkey King said with a smile, recalling the story of Dragon Ball Super.

Taisi couldn't help but wonder: "Isn't the hometown of Saiyan star Vegeta?"

"I'm talking about the real hometown, the hometown before Vegeta Star." Sun Wuben exclaimed. Many versions of Dragon Ball before Dragon Ball Super have pointed out that the aborigines of Vegeta planet are not Saiyans, Saiyans. It is a latecomer.

"I also heard Vegeta say that they came to Vegeta from another planet, because the aborigines on Vegeta were wiped out, and then they occupied the entire Vegeta planet." Dabu Ma said.

"Planet Vegeta was originally called Planet Plant, and the aborigines are Planters." Sun Wuben said.

"Aboriginal people are Planters?" Big Bouma couldn't help but giggled. "Kling, I finally found that you also had something wrong, but I heard Vegeta say that their Saiyans came to Beiji. After the tower planet, the people there are called..."

"Zufru people, right?" Sun Wuben couldn't help but stretched out his hand and flicked Da Buma's face. "Don't be proud, the Zufru people are also invaders. After they wiped out the Planters, they changed the name of Plant Planet to Ziz. The planet Vul, and then he was destroyed by the Saiyans, and then changed to the planet Vegeta."

Da Buma blushed: "Who knows if what you said is true?"

"Why don't we go to the planet Vegeta in this universe to verify it now, if what I said is true, you just..." Monkey King said while looking at Da Buma.

"What's the matter?" Da Buma called.

"Hey, don't tease the other me." Bouma couldn't help but slurred, and she pinched Sun Wuben's arm with her hand.

"Buma, where did you think of going." Sun Wuben looked back. "The hometown of the Saiyans before the invasion of Vegeta is this planet Sharada. Seeing that the uncle in front of the wooden house is not there, his name is Lian Suo, yes. The former captain of the Lasse defense team is also one of the masters among the Saiyans."

"Laser Defense Force, what is that? Is this strong link?" Taisi asked with interest.

"It's an organization that maintains the peace of the universe. Everyone in it is very powerful." Sun Wuben said with excitement.

"How powerful is it?" The three women couldn't help but wonder.

"Did you see this guy below? He doesn't need to be transformed into a Super Saiyan, and his combat power is not much worse than that of Goku and Vegeta who transformed into Super Saiyan." Sun Wuben said with emotion.

"No way?"

"That guy is so powerful?" Bouma, Da Bouma, and Taisi looked at the lazy uncle below in surprise.

"The Saiyans in universe 6 are stronger than our universe as a whole. This guy has a younger sister who is stronger than him." Sun Wuben smiled and looked at Dabuma. "In fact, it is not difficult to understand that the Saiyans in universe 6 are strong. Yes, you think about your family Trunks. Isn’t he a very talented person, and Gohan is also very powerful. Trunks and Gohan don’t need much practice to reach Goku and Vegeta. It’s a realm that I have worked hard to achieve.

"It seems to be the same." Da Bouma nodded, and then she shook her head again: "Although they started from a higher starting point, but I always feel that the progress will be slower as they go forward, it seems that they are inferior to Vegeta and Goku."

"This is natural, martial arts cultivation, martial arts and cultivation are one, they just have great potential, so their strength grows fast. When it reaches a certain level, their inferior martial arts will limit their strength growth." Sun Wuben explained, and then Leading everyone to fly to the link below.

Lian Suo sensed it, and he opened his eyelids and immediately saw four figures falling from the sky.

"No nose?"

Lian Suo's gaze fell on Sun Wu himself, his lazy, unexciting eyes suddenly added a hint of curiosity, but he did not speak. After having problems with his legs and feet, Lian Suo lived in seclusion in this forest. A leisurely and comfortable life, and as a former captain of the Lasse defense team, he has never seen anything before, and now Lian Suo has reached the realm of Gujing Bubo.

Ordinary things can hardly arouse his interest, but today there was an alien here in Sarada Star, and he found him here, and he couldn't help but feel a little curiosity.

"Mr. Lian Suo, I am a martial artist from the Seventh Universe." Monkey King said politely.

"The Seventh Universe?" Doubt flashed in Lian Suo's eyes. He didn't know what the Seventh Universe was, but he still didn't speak.

"Because I admire Mr. Lian Suo's skill, so..." Sun Wuben said here.

He even moved his head: "You go, I don't want to fight against people, I won't accept your challenge."

"I'm not here to challenge you, because you don't have the qualifications yet." Sun Wuben's mouth curled up, and a sneer smile appeared. After all, he could see that Lian Suo had no interest in fighting at all now, and in Dragon Ball Super, Gabe, please Lian Suo went out to participate in the power meeting, but Lian Suo declined.

A trace of anger flashed in Lian Suo's eyes, but soon his expression returned to calm and indifferent.

"Perhaps." Lian Suo said lightly, "Nothing else, just leave."

"Uh..." Sun Wuben was very helpless, so he couldn't provoke Lian Suo to make a move. It's not true that he just left?

"Mr. Lian Suo, I'm actually here to ask for training." Sun Wuben stared at Lian Suo. The power conference in Dragon Ball Super is related to the survival of the entire world. Among the contestants sent by the Sixth Universe, there are three Saiyans. The performance is amazing, one of the three Saiyans is Gabe.

Gabe was trained by Lian Suo.

The other is Lian Suo's younger sister, Calvra, and the third is Calvra's school sister, Kel.

Kell can even transform into a female version of Broly, allowing his aura to increase infinitely, and the stronger he is in the Vietnam War, this is terrifying.

Obviously, both Calvra and Calvra's school girl, Kaier, are deeply influenced by Lian Suo, so although Lian Suo has never shot in Dragon Ball Super, his martial arts must have a unique place.

The most important thing in Sun Wu's practice is martial arts.

The martial art has been improved, and the cultivation level can be improved accordingly. For the current Sun Wuben, the general direction of martial art, because he has practiced with the realm king, there is no major problem.

The rest is insight.

Lian Suo can make powerful Saiyans such as Gabe, Kel, and Kalifula appear in the sixth universe. Obviously, his martial arts are very good, at least in the general direction.

If such martial arts can learn from or even absorb...

Sun Wu was excited when he thought about it, which is why Sun Wu had to come to Sarada Star.

"Whether it is Gabe, Kel, or Califora, who did not perform Super Saiyan Transformation, and does not understand Super Saiyan Transformation, they will be able to train to the battle power and master the Super Saiyan Transformation Monkey King. At the same level as the others, Gabe, Kaier, Kalifula, and Lian Suo can even say that their martial arts are more advanced than those of Monkey King and others." Monkey King looked at Lian Suo.

"Ask me to practice?" Lian Suo was taken aback.

"You are strange. You used to be ridiculed and irritated, but now you lower your posture." A funny smile appeared on the corner of Lian Suo's mouth. "If you change someone, I'm afraid you have to go with your thoughts, but it's useless to me , Young man, I have no interest in fighting or even teaching martial arts, so you should leave with your woman."

"Mr. Lian Suo." A smile appeared on Sun Wu's face, "Actually, I am at my level and want to learn from your martial arts. It's not something you can refuse."

"What do you mean?" Lian Suo doubted.

"I have reached my level. The best way to learn other people's martial arts is to fight." Sun Wuben said coldly, "Playing against masters, fighting life and death, this is the best way to learn. If I want to fight against you, Mr. Lian Suo, Can you refuse?"

"It turns out you made this idea." Lian Suo couldn't help but laughed. He laughed happily. You must know that although Lian Suo had inconvenient legs and feet, his breath had never weakened. One leg was a bit bad, but he just lowered him. Part of the combat power is only, he Lian Suo is still the number one powerhouse in the universe besides Hitman Hitt.

Anyone who wants to study his martial arts by shooting at him is simply a dream.

The levels are so different that you can't see other people's moves, so how to learn.

Lian Suo was too lazy to speak, he grabbed a red stalk fruit, which was his snack, but at this time it had become the most terrifying weapon in Lian Suo's hands.

I saw Lian Suo's wrist flicked, and Hong Suo Guoli in his hand shot out.

"call out!"

Hong Suuo Guo shot Sun Wuben's chest.


Sun Wu couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and Lian Suo shot the red shuttle fruit very fast. The most important thing was that there was a strange drift in the trajectory.

"Even the trajectory of the thrown fruit is in line with martial arts, and it is worthy of a link." Sun Wuben said with emotion, his body's convergent aura was released instantly, and then he stretched out his hand.


Only **** caught the red fruit.

Lian Suo was taken aback, although he didn't exert his full strength, but the red suoguo that was shot was not something anyone could avoid, let alone just clamped it with two fingers!

"It's a bit of a way, no wonder you dare to trouble me." A red fruit appeared in Lian Suo's hand again.

At this moment, Monkey King was also taken aback.

"Bolunga, Grand Elder Namek, want to contact me?"

"Oh, I see, I'll go over right away." Sun Wuben was curious, and then activated the teleportation, and he couldn't run away. Anyway, he could come again after seeing the great elder.

Sun Wuben, Dabuma, Buma, and Taisi disappeared in front of Lian Suo. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

"call out!"

Lian Suo shot the second red fruit, which was completely empty.

"Huh?" Lian Suo looked at the empty front, stunned for a moment and then looked around, but there was no one around.

"Could this young man know the gap, so he ran away? But how did he go? Could it be the teleportation of the star Adrat?"

Lian Suo had seen the Star of Adrat, and had also seen the Star of Adrat cast teleportation.

"It must have moved instantaneously. This bald head is not a star of Adrat at all. It has actually learned the teleportation of star of Adrad, and it is considered a personal thing." Lian Suo was a little emotional, and then grabbed another one in his hand. Red Suuo Guo, Red Suuo Guo flew into the sky, Lian Suo opened his mouth, Red Suuo Guo fell from the sky and fell into his mouth.

It is not the first time that outsiders have come here to find him and even challenge him after living in this forest. What happened just now, Lian Suo wouldn't mind at all.

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