Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 718: This wish cannot be fulfilled

Pili Na, Grand Elder, Saonel, and the four genius Nameks all looked at Shenlong expectantly. As long as the four people were killed, there was nothing to worry about.

Finally, Shenlong's huge mouth opened and closed again: "I can't completely fulfill this wish for you."


As if a basin of ice water was poured from the head, the hearts of Perina, the Great Elder, Saonel, and the four dragons were all chilled at once.


"Polunga, aren't you able to realize all your wishes?" Perina and Saonel exclaimed with extremely ugly expressions.

"I can kill those four people, three of them women, but that man is a terrifying martial artist, and I can't kill them at all." Shenlong said slowly, "Moreover, killing is not in line with me. Rules, so it consumes a lot of energy, are you sure you must kill them?"

"It's terrible? Even Shenlong feels terrible. Is that man so terrible?" Saonel cried unconvincingly, "How is he better than my martial arts?"

"You are a fit fighter with great potential, but this is only potential. As far as martial arts cultivation is concerned, there is indeed a big gap between you and him." Shenlong slowly said, "Do you need me to kill those three women?"

"Can we change a wish?" The elder was afraid that Perana and Saonel would make a wish in disorder, and even rushed to shout, "The man we want to kill is mainly the man. The other three women are not very capable, so there is no need to kill. dead."

"Yes." Shenlong said slowly, "Because I can't completely fulfill this wish for you, so I can change my wish."

"Polunga, please resurrect all the clansmen who died in the battle yesterday." The Great Elder Lian said.

"This wish!" The red eyes of the Shenlong lantern flashed again, "Please change another wish. I can't fulfill this wish for you."

"Can not finish it?"

The Great Elder, Pili Na, Saonel, and the four genius dragons seemed to be struck by lightning, and there was a blank in their minds.

"Why? Even the wish of resurrection can't be fulfilled. What else can you do? Are you not Polunga?" Perliana roared.

"Elder, those guys must know this, so they don't worry about letting us make Dragon Balls." Saonel was also very angry, and he waved his fist fiercely, "That guy must have a conspiracy."

"Elder, is there a problem with the method of making dragon **** taught by that guy?" Pili Na looked at the elder.

The Grand Elder said solemnly: "Polunga, as far as I know, you should be able to resurrect people, why can't you realize this wish?"

"Because of the limited energy, I can only resurrect one person." Shenlong said slowly, "Well, please state your wishes!"

"Hundred thousand people died. What is the use of resurrecting one person." Pili Na was very angry. "The energy is limited. What energy do you want, we can collect it for you."

"Let's talk, your wish!" Shenlong ignored Perina's yelling at all.

Saonel moved in his heart and exclaimed, "Shenlong, please let me have the same teleportation as that person."

"This wish!" Shenlong fell into silence again, and Saonel couldn't help but become nervous. He is now very confident in his skill. The only thing missing is teleportation. If you have teleportation, you don't need to be afraid of the bald head. .

Finally Shenlong spoke, and refused again: "This wish is impossible to realize."

"Why not!"

Saonel was extremely angry.

The Great Elder, Pili Na and the four genius dragon races were also angry and somewhat helpless.

"Polunga, I want to know everything about the group of people, including why they came to us." The elder said solemnly.

"I see." Shenlong fell into silence again.

The great elders, Perina, Saonel and others all looked at the dragon with expectation. Compared with the previous wish, this wish is too simple to be realized, and for them, since the previous wish If it can't be achieved, it's especially important to know the purpose of the man and three women.

"I can't completely fulfill this wish for you." Shenlong said again.

"You Shenlong is too bad, it's not okay, it's not okay." Standing next to the elder was a child named Namek, who was the youngest dragon genius in the Namekite clan. Lu, Pi Lu couldn't help complaining at this time.

"Because Mr. Klin has terrible power." Shenlong said slowly, "He can completely block my detection, and the information shows that he does not seem to be from this world."

"Not from this world?"

The Great Elder, Perina, Saonel and others stared. What does it mean that they are not from this world?

Just listen to Shenlong continuing to say: "So if you use the information of this world to detect, you can only detect a part of the reason, just like the reason and purpose of their coming here, but you can't detect all of their information."

"Polunga, Klin is the man you are talking about, he is from another world, does it mean another universe?" the elder asked.

"Klin is that man. He does come from another universe, but the other world I am talking about does not mean another universe." Shenlong said.

"what is that?"

"Another time and space." Shenlong replied.

"Time and space?" The elder frowned.

"What is time and space?" Perina called.

Shenlong was silent, and after a moment: "Speak up, your wish."

"Polunga, you just said that you can detect the purpose of their coming here, can you tell us?" the elder said.

"This wish is too simple." Shenlong was very simple this time, he continued, "Their original purpose of coming here was just to use your dragon ball to revive their companions on earth, but because you don't trust them, And there is no dragon ball, so they changed their minds later, just instructing you to make dragon balls. The purpose is to enable you to resurrect the 100,000 people who died yesterday. Now that they have told you how to make dragon balls, they naturally left."

"For this purpose?"

The Grand Elder stared.

Pili Na, Sananel and others also stared. If their purpose is really just like this, of course it would be great, but...

At this time, the majestic voice of the Shenlong sounded: "Since your wish has been fulfilled, then...bye!" Then the Shenlong turned into a golden light and shot up to the sky, and then turned into seven golden lights and shot in all directions.

The disappearance of Shenlong awakened everyone.

"Grand Elder, would he have done some tricks when he taught you to make Dragon Balls, so Borunga is completely under his control?" Pili Na asked suspiciously.

"Impossible." The elder thought and shook his head.

"The real dragon ball making is still made by us. That person just woke up some necessary things that our dragon ball made." A genius who learned dragon ball making also said.

"Dragon ball production, because we have never seen dragon ball before, so we don’t know many things, so we won’t be able to make it. That person’s guidance is like telling people that gunpowder is made by 15% of charcoal, sulfur, and nitrocellulose. The ratio of 10% and 75% is the same, so it is impossible to do tricks." The elder was so excited that he was shaking.

Because Sun Wuben is too powerful and possesses the ability to destroy their Namek Star, the great elder has been pressed by a mountain since the arrival of Sun Wuben.

Know the truth at this time.

It was as if the Mount Tai that was pressing in his heart disappeared without a trace, his whole body was unspeakably light.

"Yes, it's impossible to manipulate this matter."

"Elder, it seems we are really worried."

"Haha, great, I didn't think we were scaring ourselves!" The four geniuses who learned to make dragon **** also cheered and danced with smiles on their faces, very happy.

After all, they also know that Shenlong makes the key, so they absolutely believe that Shenlong will not be manipulated.

"Pili Na, Sananel, don't worry, Shenlong will never be wrong." The elder waved his hand fiercely, "This is the end of the matter, no need to worry about it, but..."

"What is it?"

"We misunderstood the benefactor. It's really unreasonable." The elder sighed slightly. "Although they helped us, they got so angry and left. I'm afraid they won't come again in the future. We want to apologize and warmly entertain us as well. Not anymore."

"That's not necessarily." Pirou said crisply, "Elder, we can use Polunga to invite the benefactor to come here again, and I think the benefactor may really have a way to resurrect our dead 100,000 people."

The big elder's eyes lit up.

The eyes of the three dragons next to them also lit up.

"We can indeed contact him through Polunga, but it is difficult to say whether he will come, and the resurrection of 100,000 people, I am afraid..." The tall middle-aged Namek star Didas next to Pilu said hesitantly. .

"Uncle Deidas." Piru smiled brightly. "Polunga just said that their purpose is to resurrect our dead one hundred thousand people. This shows that they think that Borunga can resurrect one hundred thousand people."

"What does this mean? Didn't we also think that Polunga could do it?"

"I know this is a little hopeless, but why not give it a try?" Pirou said.

"Even if you want to try, Polunga has already made a wish once, and the next one will have to wait one hundred and thirty days. Isn't it even more difficult for the tribes who sacrificed to resurrect?"

"Bolunga has indeed made a wish, but whoever rules can only have one Bolunga? Just now, that was the Bolunga made by the Great Elder. I think I can also make another Bolunga." Piru was excited. Said that he was very interested in making Polunga.

"That's not great, right? After all, we were so angry with him earlier, they couldn't have fired them all at once." Didas frowned.

"It's nothing bad." The grand elder's face was full of smiles, "I think Pirou said very well, why don't we give it a try, in case he really has a way to resurrect the 100,000 people? Of course, we did before. The benefactor has been wronged so much, even if he comes over to get angry at us, it is what we should suffer, so be it."

"Since the great elder has decided, then I have nothing to say." Didas laughed.

"Piru, you come to make the next set of Dragon Balls."

" Elder!"


Soon a new dragon ball was made, and Bolunga appeared again, but the appearance of Bolunga this time was not the same as the last time, and the power seemed weaker.

"Polunga, please resurrect our people who died yesterday!"

"I can't fulfill this wish for you!"

"Polunga, please let me have the ability to teleport!"

"This wish cannot be realized!"


After trying to make a few wishes, everyone had to give up the most important wish.

"Bolunga, we want to contact the distinguished guests who instructed us to make Dragon Balls. Can you help us contact him?" The elder made a wish.

"This wish is too simple!" This time Polunga was very simple.

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