"To put it simply, we are from the seventh universe, and yours here is the sixth universe, and the sixth and seventh universes are twin universes. That is to say, your universe is very similar to ours. In our universe, we are Namek. People’s friends, because they are holding a ceremony now, and we need Dragon Ball to resurrect the dead friends, that’s why we came to you.” Sun Wu said coldly, since the other party doesn’t trust him very much, it’s useless to say too much detail. , On the contrary, it is better to cut the mess with a sharp knife.

"Dragon Ball?"

A ray of light flashed in the eyes of the Great Elder, and his heartbeat accelerated slightly, but he quickly suppressed it.

"I know that the outside world is very big and there are many universes. I didn't expect our universe and yours to be twin universes." A smile appeared on the face of the elder, "You said there are Namekians in your universe, so are they the same as us? ?"

"They have almost the same race and planets with similar locations, but many are different. These are not the key points. The key point is that you quickly find the dragons in your clan." Sun Wuben said solemnly.

The big elder's eyebrows twitched slightly, and the name of the dragon clan is now rarely known by their Namek clan.

"The distinguished guest really knows our Namek people very well, but what does the distinguished guest need the dragons of our clan for?"

"What do you mean, of course it is to make Dragon Ball." Monkey King said.

"But we don't know how to make dragon **** at all." The elder shook his head regretfully, "Guest, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. Although I know that some people in history can make dragon balls, no one can make them anymore. Something."

As soon as he said this, Pili Na looked at the elder in surprise.

"Elder, do we really have Dragon Ball for Namek?" Pili Na exclaimed in surprise.

The Grand Elder nodded slightly: "That's a very distant matter."

"Can Dragon Ball really resurrect our 100,000 dead people?" Pili Na asked expectantly.

"As far as I know, as long as the Dragon Ball is made well enough, it will be able to resurrect a hundred thousand people." The eyes of the great elder are also shining. He is the great elder Namek, who has inherited a lot of knowledge. , Knowing that Namek star is secretive and natural, including Dragon Ball.

Namek Star has made dragon **** in history, and only those who can make dragon **** are eligible to become elders, especially to become a great elder, one must be able to make dragon balls.

In each historical period, the Dragon Balls in their clan were inherited and maintained by the then Great Elder.

But a long time ago, there was a wise and predictable elder in the clan. He believed that although Shenlong was so magical, it was precisely because it was so magical that it was against the nature of the world, and even brought A terrible disaster came, so the Dragon Ball was destroyed.

Since then, the Namek star clan has stopped making dragon balls, and because they have not made dragon **** for too long, now the clan doesn’t know that they can still make dragon balls. If anyone knows, it’s every The first elder.

But even he didn't know what Dragon Ball was like.

How can it be made without even knowing the appearance of Dragon Ball and Shenlong?

So this time 100,000 people in the battle with the invaders were sacrificed. Although the Great Elder also thought of Dragon Ball and thought of summoning Polunga to resurrect the dead heroes, he didn't know how to make it, so he could only feel sad.

"It turns out that this is really the case. No wonder they asked us for Dragon Ball. The Great Elder, will we?" Pili Na squeezed his fist fiercely, and asked the Great Elder excitedly by telephoning.

"Don't think too much, I don't even know what Dragon Ball looks like. I just know that Namek can make Dragon Ball in history. How to make it?" The Great Elder Mind Transmission interrupted Pili Na's delusion.

Pili Na looked a little sad.

"Guest." Looking at Sun Wuben, the elder said with a sincere expression, as if he was putting his heart on his stomach, and said, "Actually, we also want to make a set of Dragon Balls. After all, you have seen that so many of us are dead now. Okay, but we really can’t make it, so please don’t get entangled in this matter."

"Elder, of course we know that you don't know how to make dragon balls." Bouma said with a smile, tilted her head and pointed at Monkey King, "But he will."


The great elder cried out in surprise.

"You said he would, then why?" The elder was still a little puzzled. If you would, why did you come to Namek.

"He understands the mystery, but the physical condition is not enough, just like a martial arts master can do when he is young, he can't do it when he is old, because the body does not support it, and the dragon ball can only be made by the Namike star." Ma Sui said, "So, we are here to instruct you to make Dragon Balls this time."

"So that's it." The great elder was full of joy.

"Elder, if there is nothing else, I'd better summon the dragon clan in your clan as soon as possible, let's start quickly." Sun Wuben said.

"Ah, this..."

The grand elder looked at Monkey King: "I wonder if the distinguished guests have instructed us to make Dragon Ball, what else do we need?"

"Nothing, we will leave after I have taught you." Sun Wuben said lightly. Originally, he wanted to use the Dragon Ball to use it. However, because Pili Na was ignorant before, Sun Wu Ben said that he was dead. Since I have already told Pili Na that he will not Borrowing their Dragon Balls is just purely instructing them to make Dragon Balls. Of course, they cannot change their minds now.


The great elder was taken aback for a moment, and then his face was difficult to look.

Is it possible for someone to come over to teach them to make dragon **** for no reason?

Dragon Ball is also called Wishing Ball. In theory, as long as Shenlong does well, any wish can be realized. So how terrible this thing is, and if it is used for evil, what impact will it cause? The elder doesn't understand this truth.

"Sorry, distinguished guest, we don't actually want Dragon Ball." The elder said solemnly.

Sun Wu couldn't help but feel angry.

"Don't refuse, if you refuse, Namek Star doesn't need to exist now." Sun Wuben was murderous.

"Elder." Da Buma saw the elder's worry, she smiled slightly, "Actually, you don't really need to worry, we are not bad people at all. We just want to help you resurrect your people, but you don't trust us, so you don't trust us. Lin just pretended to be like this."

"We don't need your help." Perina sneered.

"I don't mind erasing Namek. For half an hour, you choose whether to complete my order or Namek to disappear." Monkey King smiled lightly, "Elder, reaching my level is actually different from ordinary people. Although I am not easy to kill, I am not afraid to kill. Don't use your thoughts to speculate on my intentions."

The big elder's eyebrows twitched slightly.

"Buma, let's go out for a stroll. The scenery of Namek star is not bad." Sun Wuben took Buma, and then pulled up Da Buma and Taisi started a teleportation.

"Elder, what should I do now?" Perina said anxiously. The elder's face was condensed, his eyes narrowed slightly: "From them, I can't feel the evil aura or evil spirit."

"You mean they are good people?" Pili Na said with joy in his heart, "So, we don't need to care about them at all."

"I don't know, I don't know." The elder shook his head, "It's unlikely that there will be a good person like them in the world, and the bald head is so terrible, I can't see through him at all, and I feel scared even when I get close to him. "

"Then shall we do it?"

"Prepare first and find the dragons in the clan. As for whether you want to learn how to make dragon **** from him in the end, let's decide at that time." The elder sighed in his heart, but just came here to instruct them to make dragon balls. Such a'good guy' is really good. It's not reasonable.

Half an hour later, in the elder's house, Sun Wuben, Da Buma, Buma, and Taisi walked out of the sky.

"Is everyone ready?" Monkey King said calmly.

"Guests, in fact, we don't need..." The elder laughed and wanted to work harder. As soon as Sun Wuben raised his hand, his palm facing up, his palm suddenly lit up with a strong and terrifying blue ball of light. The ball of light grew as big as a balloon, and his breath rose wildly.

The expressions of Pili Na and the Great Elder suddenly changed.

"We promised, stop!" the elder yelled, "we agree to all the requests of the distinguished guests."

The qigong bomb in Sun Wu's hand disappeared without a trace. He looked at the elder coldly: "I don't want to have another time."

"There will never be another time." The elder said sweating profusely, "Guests, everyone is ready, please come with me." Soon, in a hall, Sun Wuben spoke to the five Namiki stars. With the way of making dragon balls, I have had the experience of instructing Dandy to make dragon balls. This time, Sun Wu was familiar with it, and it didn't take long.

The big elder's eyes lit up, and an expression of excitement appeared on his face, and after a while.

"I seem to understand ~www.NovelMTL.com~ I also found the trick!" The two Namek star geniuses in the hall also exclaimed with excitement, even a little eager to try. After a while, there are two remaining. The genius also understood the key to Dragon Ball production.

"Okay, you should understand how to make it. Next, I am looking forward to you making powerful dragons, Bouma and Taisi. Come here, I will use teleportation." Sun Wuben finished speaking and hugged. Bouma next to him grabbed Da Bouma's hand and took Taisi to his side.

"Teleport?" Although Taisi was puzzled, she still put her hand on Sun Wuben's shoulder.

In the vast snowy mountains, a figure was suspended in the air.

Saonel's face was ugly. After regaining his consciousness and body, he found that he had reached a place where the ground all around was covered with ice and snow.

There is only a very weak breath of life here, and there is no breath of Namek.

"Damn fellow, unexpectedly threw me on an uninhabited planet."

After discovering the strange environment, Saonel flew in all directions to find some useful information, but after searching for a long time, even Saonel wandered around every inch of the planet, and finally found helpless. , This is a planet with ice and snow mountains in addition to the ocean.

"Am I going to stay on this uninhabited planet forever?" Saonel was almost desperate, and the ten million combat power on this planet could not comfort him at all.

"That guy threw me here, Namek..." Saonel was very worried about the people on his planet. At this moment, Saonel suddenly felt a breath appear behind him.


Sun Wuben exclaimed.

"It's you?"

Saonel turned his head and looked at the appearance of Monkey King, Big Boomer, Boomer, and Taisi could not help being excited.

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