Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 715: Great elder

"If you are here, you will be welcome!"

A tall figure strode towards Sun Wuben. It was a tall Namike star with a height of one foot and seven feet, a very thin figure, standing like a thin bamboo pole.

Although the Namekian was very lean, he had a strange temperament on his body, especially his eyes seemed to be able to see through everything.

"Great Elder."

Light and shadow flickered, and another figure stood in front of the tall and thin Namek star.

Sun Wuben’s gaze fell on this person, unable to help but narrow his eyes. This Namek has a deep blue skin, about the same height as Pili Na, looks very handsome, and most importantly, it is like Saone in Dragon Ball Super. Er looks very alike.

"Elder, for your safety, please do not approach them." Saonel stretched out his hands to block the steps of the elder and said anxiously.

"Naughty!" The elder stopped and shouted, "Don't let go, these distinguished guests, if you really want to be against me, do you think you can protect it?"

"Elder, no matter what, it is my duty to protect you." Saonel refused to let him go, he even looked at Monkey King provocatively.

"Furthermore, Grand Elder, these evil invaders, I don't think they are qualified to see you." Saonel shouted.

"It's really messy, and I still don't retreat aside."

The elder of course understands Saonel’s thoughts. Originally, Saonel was the strongest martial arts genius in the clan, and he competed with Perina for the first place all the year round. This time the aliens invaded, the reason why Perina was able to merge successfully, There is also Saonel's contribution to holding back the enemy.

And just now when Perakna dragged the strong in front of him, Saonel also merged and assimilated with the tribe. This time the assimilation was different from that of Perakna, it was almost endless, assimilating more than a thousand people. It also allowed Saonel to reach his current terrifying level, possessing more than 13 million combat power.

Such a terrifying improvement in a short period of time also made Saonel's self-confidence overwhelming.

Even the great elder told Saonel that the aura of the noble guests who came this time was dozens of times stronger than him, but Saonel was not afraid, but had a stronger desire to fight.

In addition, this time after the guests in front of me came, the breath was not strong at all, only about 10,000.

"Elder, why be so polite to such an evil invader." Saonel muttered, his eyes provocatively looking at Monkey King, his mouth full of disdain.

"How come there are so many idiots in Namek in this universe?" Bouma exclaimed dissatisfiedly.


Saonel's horrible aura erupted, and at the same time he shot at Boomer.

The breath of thirteen million made Saonel move so fast at this moment that he could not imagine, and he immediately reached Sun Wuben and Bouma, he was about to reach out to grab Bouma's neck.

"act recklessly!"

Sun Wuben's eyes were extremely cold. This time he was forcing the Namekians of this planet to accept his conditions, so he was always prepared to take action, especially when he discovered that there was 13 million Namek in this room. Human time is even more prepared.

After all, Sun Wu originally understood that Namek's combined fighters would have their combat power skyrocketed when they just completed the integration. The harm brought about by this is that these Namek combined fighters have fearless, arrogant self-confidence and fighting when they just complete the integration Desire, even in the face of an enemy whose aura is far stronger than oneself, thinks that oneself will win.

So as soon as he entered the door, Sun Wu was ready.

Sure enough, Saonel shot.

In an instant, Sun Wuben's breath of 3 million was released, and at the same time he activated 2 times the Realm King Fist, and Sun Wuben's breath intensity reached 12 million in a single stroke, which was not stronger than Sa'oneer, and then Sun Wuben shot.

At this moment Saonel was about to stretch out his hand, but he felt a strange pain in his neck, as if he was strangled by an iron chain, completely breathless, and at the same time he seemed to be hit hard by a sledgehammer in his abdomen. .

The pain filled Saonel's whole body, and even caused his muscles to cramp, and his consciousness was a little trance.

After Sun Wuben dissipated Saonel's power, he immediately initiated teleportation, and he came to a planet full of white snow that was still in the Cambrian period.

"Reflection here."

Sun Wuben returned to Namek once again. This moment was very short. At this time, the elder was in a daze, while Pili Na behind was frowning, and then their faces changed drastically.

"What's wrong with Saonel?" the elder yelled. Although he couldn't see Saonel's action, his aura could be slightly sensed. At this time, there was no Saonel's in the aura. The breath, Saonel could not be seen in the room.

"What the **** did you do?" Perina's back was wet again.

"Throw him on a deserted planet and let him calm down, so that we can negotiate better too, don't we!" Sun Wuben smiled in Namek.

"Unmanned planet? You wouldn't kill him, would you?" Perina roared.

"Pili Na, your elders didn't speak, what are you shouting aside, do you think your wisdom is stronger than the elders?" Big Bouma couldn't help but cried.

Pili Na clenched his fists in anger, feeling very weak in his heart, even the thirteen million Saonel was so unbearable in front of this alien powerhouse, what can he do.

The elder sullen his face, and suddenly a relieved smile appeared on his face: "Yes, Saonel should be sober, I believe you just put him on an uninhabited planet and will not harm his life. Yes, the guest’s skill is really terrifying, exactly the same as the breath in the sense.

Previously, Sun Wuben released all his breath in order to frighten Pili Na, and activated the One Hundred Times Realm King Fist, even though Sun Wuben was only in front of Pili Na, a Namek star.

But many Namekians have the ability to sense aura, and the Great Elder is naturally one of them, and of course he also sensed the terrifying aura of Sun Wuben.

This allowed Saonel to continue to integrate with the tribe to reach the previous level.

"If I guessed correctly, the distinguished guest may be able to compete with Gabe and Frost." The elder said with emotion.

"Gaby, Frost?"

Bouma, Da Bouma, and Taisi all had their faces puzzled. After all, this is the powerhouse of the sixth universe, how could they know it.

Sun Wuben smiled slightly.

"The Great Elder is indeed much wiser than those two brash men." Sun Wuben exclaimed in Namek. "Gabe and Frost, I really don't care about it, but the killer Hit, I will temporarily Not his opponent yet."

"The martial arts of Frost and Gabe have reached the sky, but compared to Hitt, they are like children, they are not at the same level." The elder said with emotion, "Although the distinguished guest is not as good as Hitt, they can reach the same level as Hitt. The battle between Bay and Frost is already terrifying. In this world, Hitt is ranked first, followed by Gabe and Frost." As he spoke, his heart fluctuatingly began to calm down. .

"Klin." Tays pulled Sun Wuben's hand at this time. "What did you say that Gabe, Frost, and Hitt are the powerhouses of this universe? You don't even know these, do you?"

"Of course it is the strong man in this universe, otherwise you think it." Sun Wuben said.

"Sure enough." Taysi nodded.

"I thought you were fooling them." Da Buma couldn't help but muttered, "This guy, I really doubt what he has gone through, as if he knows everything, even the situation in other people's universe."

"A few distinguished guests." The Great Elder couldn't help wondering at this time. Although Sun Wuben and the others were speaking their own language at this time, the Great Elder could still understand it. "You just talked about other people's universe, what's the matter?"

"Elder, let me introduce you first, we are from another universe." Monkey King said in Namek.

The big elder suddenly trembled.

"You just spoke the language of our Namek star?" The elder looked at Sun Wuben in surprise. In fact, Sun Wuben and Da Buma said a sentence or two in Namek's language. It was only on this day. , First, the invader killed one hundred thousand Namek star clan people, and the clan people died almost half of them all at once. How could the heart of the chief elder, the boss of the clan calm down.

Coupled with the arrival of Monkey King.

The arrival of Sun Wuben was even more terrifying, because he came and went without a trace, he was five thousand miles away in an instant, his aura was usually only one or two thousand weak, but when it was strong, it was so terrifying that it was impossible to estimate the intensity.

And just now after Sun Wuben came here, he solved them in an instant, Saonel, the strongest combined warrior produced by the Namekites who sacrificed thousands of people. It can be said that the waves of incidents are overwhelming. Come.

Of course, the most important thing is that many of their Namekians have the ability to understand alien languages. This ability is not analyzed from voice, but a way of superpower and skill, because they know their own language. It's hard to learn, so people who have this ability can't help but use that kind of skill to read each other's semantics when they encounter aliens.


Pili Na's eyes widened: "They speak our language?" Only then did he react. It seemed that when he communicated with these people, they seemed to speak Namek.

"No wonder I always feel that something is Pili Na mutters.

"You only know that we have always spoken in your Namekian language." Dabuma said in Namek's language with a smile, "It really convinces you, especially the wood called Perana. I haven't noticed this now."

"It really is our language." The elder looked puzzled, "but how do you understand our language?"

"Of course it's because we are all geniuses." Bouma couldn't help but show off his pure accent Namek.

"Elder, we come from another planet called the earth in another universe." Sun Wuben said in Namek. He glanced at Big Bouma, "Bouma, or go to the Big Elder and let the Big Elder Check your memory, so we won’t have to explain."

Da Buma's face is ugly, but she has a lot of secrets, how can she expose her memories to outsiders.

"No way."

Pili Na shouted: "Who knows what terrible abilities you have, will you use this to trick us and manipulate the great elder?"

"How can the elder's ability be manipulated casually? You too underestimated the ability of the wise men of your Namek people, and you value us too much." Sun Wuben said helplessly, originally let the elder check the memory in order to win the trust. For others, it turns out...

"Of course the Great Elder is very powerful, but the secret arrow is hard to guard against." Pili Na yelled, "Especially you guys of unknown origin and powerful, you have so many weird abilities, and you know us so well, what can you say? Namek, who can't prevent it?"

The great elder lowered his eyelids slightly. If the person came from a very weak person, of course he would not care about anything. He would be kind and enthusiastic, making people feel that he trusts each other, but the person who came is too terrible, and he must be guarded. .

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