Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 74: spendthrift

"Boss, boss, here?"

Sun Tianhong stood in front of the manor-style gate and waved to Chen Lang's car.

浪 Chen Lang obviously also saw Sun Tianhong, looked at it, and couldn't help but smile: "This old boy, is he running a super-running one?"

"It should be his son, there is a young man in the car." Xiao Xiaoai said.

浪 Chen Lang smirked slightly.

At this moment, the young man in the car also got out of the car and stood by the road with Sun Tianhong waiting for Chen Lang.

Chen Lang opened the window and waved to the outside.

Sun Tianhong knew, and then called on his son to get in the car and lead Chen Lang in the front.

Twenty-three vehicles entered the gate of the manor house, and then drove down the road. After passing through a single villa, they finally reached the bank of the Qiantang River.

只有 There is only one villa here, without looking inside, but the appearance is obviously half a level higher than other villas.

Three cars were fine, and everyone got off.

"Boss, this is it."

Sun Tianhong stepped in front of Chen Lang, pointed to the villa, and said, "I don't know the specific information, anyway, private gardens, swimming pools, etc."

He said, Sun Tianhong beckoned to Sun Qilin who had just got off the car.

Chen Lang smiled slightly and looked at Sun Qilin.

Sun Qilin was a little nervous. Thinking of Dad, he took a deep breath and made a decision in his heart.


Howling Uncle is called Uncle. Give the dad some face. After all, there is something to ask for, and the uncle will not lose.

"This is your son, isn't it? Sun Qilin?" Chen Lang said, apparently knowing Sun Tianhong's family members.


Sun Tianhong smiled and said, "My youngest son, he is the most favored person on weekdays, and he is not serious all day."

He said, Sun Tianhong stared at Sun Qilin and said sternly, "What are you doing? Are you not called dad?"


Eh eh eh?

At this moment, the audience was aggressive.

Chen Langyi looked at Sun Tianhong and Xiao Xiaoai was covering her mouth.

Suddenly, Sun Qilin opened his eyes and looked at his father.

How is he really called dad?

Is n’t he called uncle?

天 Sun Tianhong apparently reacted too. Suddenly his old face flushed and he was about to explain to Chen Lang. At this moment, Sun Qilin looked daddy's face red and was afraid to say more.


He faced Chen Lang, and Sun Qilin came up with a dad.


Chen Lang was at a loss as to what to do. He had experienced other things. He planned and mastered everything, but it was the first time he was called to dad.

"Cough!" Chen Lang coughed twice, and then politely said, "Uncle, uncle, just call your uncle, and call your father too much."

The crowd was full of black lines, and Sun Tianhong's mouth twitched. After a long while, he said helplessly: "Boss, maybe this kid Kirin has heard your name for a long time. I admire you in my heart. This child has a straight temper. Since he is called Dad, then Just recognize this godson. "

"Good to say good!" Chen Lang was relieved.

I thought what you were doing. It turned out to be only godfather. Since that's the case, it's easy to say.

I do not know, Sun Qilin's heart is broken.

At this time, he obviously also saw that Dad had made an oolong, but since it was Dad's fault, why should he let himself bear it?

传 After it spread out, do you still have a face in the circle?

"Let's go, since we're all here, let's not stand outside, let's go in and go in and see."

浪 Chen Lang took the lead to relieve the embarrassment and entered the villa.

Everyone keeps up.

As the original homeowner, Sun Qilin, although he hasn't lived here before, but whether it is decoration or furniture, he made it.

At this time, of course he introduced it.

With his introduction, Chen Lang nodded in succession one after another. Needless to say, the decoration of this house must have been designed by a master. Chen Lang could not believe that Sun Qilin, the prodigal, could have such an aesthetic.

I walked through it again, Chen Lang was satisfied with all aspects, and then signed a transfer certificate, the villa officially belongs to Chen Lang.

Xiao Xiao Ai was in charge of taking out some food, and everyone ate in the villa.

Afterwards, Chen Lang pondered for a while and said to Sun Qilin: "Since you recognized me as the godfather, and the villa was originally yours, then I can't help but say, two billion, I will invest two billion in you, you Take your dad to share your property, let's build an entertainment company together, and you are the boss, I only hold shares. "

真的 "Really?" Sun Qilin was unbelievable.

$ 2 billion!

The father company sold 8 billion and distributed it to shareholders. After repaying the loan, there were only about 4 billion left. The three brothers each fairly distributed 1 billion.

1 billion looks like a lot, but if it really hits the entertainment circle, it is at most a splash.

"I can lie to you?"

浪 Chen Lang smiled slightly and made a two billion past for Sun Qilin. Then he said, "Register the company as soon as possible, and just send me the contract."

"Thank Godfather!"

Sun Qilin was overjoyed, the godfather shouted particularly powerfully and was very excited.

Uh ...

The father and son left quickly. After they left, Chen Lang made a list of materials and instruments and let Wang Ming and Li Jun buy the materials.

三 At about three o'clock in the afternoon, the two brought a cargo card to the villa.

Chen Lang already had Zhao Kai and Sun Bin clean up the basement at this time. He has decided to transform the basement into his own small studio.

I ordered everyone to work, and Chen Lang was alone in the basement.

There are a lot of instruments, of course, compared with the huge basement, it doesn't take up much space.

The materials are secondary, and the instruments are different. Although these instruments are not top-notch, they are also one of the cutting-edge technology products.

If it wasn't for Professor Chen Lang's phone call, he had specifically asked Professor Yang for help, and Wang Ming and Li Jun had nowhere to buy.

Even so, these instruments together cost nearly ten million.

The latest LED transparent glass display, miniature signal transmission chip, etc.

所以 The reason why Chen Lang gets these materials is to make a pair of glasses.

超级 Super glasses that connect the brain and artificial intelligence.

Similar to which pair of glasses in the movie Iron Man, but relatively speaking, Chen Lang's glasses are not as powerful as hiss.

Of course, after all, it's because of the material.

If it wasn't for material constraints, Chen Lang would be enough to make a pair of glasses that far surpasses Iron Man.

But if the technology has reached that level, there is no need to make a pair of glasses.

做 Now I make glasses in order to use artificial intelligence all the time.

I was so busy till night that the glasses were finally born in the hands of Chen Lang.

Polished the perimeter of the glasses to make it as technical and aesthetically pleasing as possible, and then Chen Lang put it on directly.

Pressed the tiny button in my ear.

The lens flickered slightly, and then rows of data appeared before Chen Lang's eyes.

Connect to the brain!

As soon as the consciousness moved in his mind, the intelligent brain connected the ultra-miniature conscious transmitter contained in it along the glasses frame of Chen Lang's temple.

After the connection is completed, Chen Lang's consciousness moves, and UU reads www. has sent electronic data.

The meaning of data is to connect artificial intelligence.

Almost instantaneously, the brain is used as an intermediary interpreter, and the data transmitted by the artificial intelligence in the glasses is translated.

"Hello host, the ball is for you!"

The data turned into a real voice in Chen Lang's mind.

"Detection of signal stability and battery duration." Chen Lang consciously moved.

"After the detection, the signal stability is extremely strong, and the continuous use of power can last 59 minutes and 41 seconds."

Chen Mo frowned and shook her head slightly.

The battery problem still needs to be solved.

Then a conscious move: "Open the intelligent assistive vision!"


过 The faint blue light flashing in front of the eyes is the LED lens emitting light. In the lens, the information appears in Chen Lang's field of vision.

Chen Lang turned his head and looked at the tea cup on the table.

Liulitang ice spirit crystal cup: luxury goods in the glass, price of universal treasure: 7830 yuan.

Purchase time: ......

Postal code:......


Uh ...

A series of dense information appeared before Chen Lang's eyes. In this information, it was not only the type and brand of the cup, but also the time, number, purchaser, who passed by, the route that the courier had taken, etc , All appear.

This is the artificial intelligence querying detailed information directly on the entire network and summing it up and displaying it on Chen Lang's glasses.

However, Chen Lang's sight is not here, but on the cup on the table.

Jing Ning stared at the cup.

This thing, eight thousand yuan?

"This son is really a prodigal son."

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