Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 73: People's perception of the outside world is called science.

I was just getting started. Why did Chen Lang dare to use and reuse these people?

Without him! Because understand!

Xi first said that the sand sculpture duo Wang Ming and Li Jun were introduced by the old man Liu. At least they could be trusted. Chen Lang did not know them but he knew the old man Liu.

And when Chen Lang shook hands with the two of them yesterday, they had already discovered their strength.

人类 Before mankind entered the Xinghe era, the extraordinary power was not mastered by humans. Although human technology has indirectly grasped the power of nature, it cannot be similar to those in the magic world and can practice extraordinary powers.

The practice of transcendental power requires a premise that gene cells contain transcendental power, which is like the spiritual root in Xiuxian's novels.

People in the magical world have been living in a world with strong magical powers from birth to generation, so they can produce people with magical talents and practice magic.

不同 Unlike the earth, the earth is a pure material world.

想 On earth, if you want to practice extraordinary powers, you can only do genetic modification.

Alas, do humans need to transform themselves into superhumans?

The truth is, no need.

In previous lives, when humans first came into contact with the magic world, how many people frantically wanted to practice magic? And transform yourself for this, transform yourself into a magic genius?

But then what?

The magical world has been pushed by human beings with technology. Those who dream of practicing magic are suddenly awakened.

What is science?

All people know about the outside world is science.

What magic and superpowers are part of science after being analyzed.

Science is fundamental, everything else is only part of science.

Magic is strong? Sorry, after research and analysis, we have developed a genetic modification agent that is immune to magical damage.

Vicious? Sorry, after accumulation, the flesh fortifications we have developed have already made everyone a body of steel.

Do you still want to chop me? Dear, what this means is to suggest that you customize a super alloy epee on the earth's Ali Magnum treasure, otherwise your sword will break.

This is genetic science.

What kind of fairy? What martial arts to practice? What magic do you play?

As long as the technology is strong enough, lying in the house becomes a strong person in seconds.

Biology genetic science is a science that constantly makes people evolve into gods. Following science, per capita starbursts.

Of course, this can only be achieved in the era after humans entered the Galaxy.

In the current era of peace, human beings are unable to master extraordinary powers at all. Even if martial art practice reaches its peak, it is only a continuous refinement and explosion of its own power.

And in the martial arts of the earth, in terms of killing skills, it is the strongest national art.

Why the strongest?

Because indecent!

True national art, all kinds of poking, kicking the crotch, monkey stealing peach, etc.

All are fierce in the most vulnerable position.

In addition, the masters in the middle school also have acupoints, amputation, and other means.

如果 If you are a master of national arts versus a master of national warfare, there is a new method, that is, a technique that is not secreted in the art of national arts.

的 Refining power, mastering power, and so on.

There is a distinction between bright energy, dark energy, and energy.

Of course, reality is reality after all, although there are differences, but the gap is not large. In short, it is still ordinary people. The only difference is the grasp of power.

The so-called bright energy is the force of strength. It is exercised all year round and at the peak of the human body. The special soldier kings who can beat a dozen are basically at this stage. After shaking hands, Chen Lang has also discovered that Wang Ming and Li Jun are at this stage.

Although the dark energy is stronger than the bright energy, it is very limited. It is not like the novel says. It can store energy in the body and burst like an air sword.

Just kidding, how can the body save energy? It's really like an air sword. When it was stored, it had already burst and died. Do you still want to hit someone?

The so-called dark energy, in the final analysis, is the mastery of the energy, which can send and receive the hidden energy from the heart, which is more delicate and energy-saving than Ming Jin.

If I really struggle with life and death, I say too much, go up to two or three Ming Jin masters, and teach Master Min Jin how to be a human in minutes.

The same is true of the master of Huahua Jin. He has a stronger use of power, but his ability to fight life and death is at best a dozen or five brilliant.

If this is not the case, the country will not let it go.

The martial arts practitioners have no way out in this era and are not kidding. In the age of hot weapons, martial arts practitioners, such as a group without extraordinary strength, can not beat even a few bullets. If they want to kill you, send some people to the past round. All shots were GG.

Moreover, the people who can enter the dark energy are basically old people. Few young people can enter this realm. Once the peak period has passed, what about mastering the dark energy and energy? It's not that the boxer is afraid of being young and strong. You can master it as hard as you can, but you can't beat it for ten sessions and kill you with one punch.

This is the sadness of martial arts in the age of science and technology.

If Xi Wu can't be invincible, it's physical fitness.

In the afterlife, with the emergence of virtual online games, the so-called national arts and various martial arts have been made public, and everyone can learn, and even become a leisure and entertainment thing.

Of course, it was also during that period that martial arts really developed. With the improvement of human genes and genetic modification, the human power reached an unimaginable level, and martial arts began to bloom its brilliance.

挖掘 Use the power of national art to excavate the power contained in its own genes, thereby forming a future human strong group.

Subsequently, the magic world appeared, but the practice system of the magic world was completely ignored by humans.


Because these are just entertainment after all, in the era of technology explosion, individual power will never be on the stage.

神 What magical tricks and peerless methods are useless. Humans can rely on technology to reach the sky in one step. They can learn their own power by studying the power control methods of studying Chinese arts, and then learn the art of fighting to master their own power.

This is the reform brought by science and technology.

Like the magic world, after the magic world was pushed by human beings, as a human race ~ ~ Do they still practice magic and become masters?

Do not!

向外 Their outward is to become a citizen of the earth, and they can get free genetic modification and genetic improvement opportunities.

This is one step into the sky.

Wang Ming and Li Jun have bright strength, which seems to be enough for Chen Lang.

There are other Zhao Kai people who are more professional in other aspects. It is impossible to rely on assassination of Chen Lang and the like.

如果 And if it is a hot weapon, that is another story.

As for Zhao Kai, they said it was confidential. But in the face of Chen Lang, who has intellectual brain and artificial intelligence, is there any secret in this world?


浪 Chen Lang directly asked the artificial intelligence ball.

These people, after Chen Lang's investigation, are also completely trustworthy.

A Bentley, a Mercedes G.

开 Zhao Kai was responsible for Chen Lang's driver, while Sun Po drove Wang Ming and Li Jun.

边 On the Qiantang River, which is close to the supercomputing base, in front of the gate of a mansion with beautiful greenery and beautiful surroundings, Sun Tianhong riding a Ferrari supercar opened the door and waited for Chen Lang to arrive.

"Dad, do I really want to call that kid Uncle?"

In the super run, a head protruded, and his face was extremely exciting.

"Call dad!"

Sun Tianhong absently looked at the end of the road and replied casually.

Afterwards, Sun Tianhong glanced at his three sons and said, "Sun Qilin, your kid will perform better. Although they are young but strong, they are not joking with you. If you are older than him, I want you to Recognize a godfather. "

Dry ... dry ... godfather?

Sun Qilin swallowed, swallowed, and turned white, and the chrysanthemum tightened.

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