Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 62: Young and vigorous?

记者 This reporter is a reporter for Penguin News.

Suddenly he was named by Chen Lang, and he was immediately overjoyed and said, "Hello President Chen, the development time of the Second World is very short, but it has created the magic world, the most popular online game in China. This is a miracle. I want to ask Yes, where will the second world develop next? Will it continue to develop new online games or stand-alone games? Although RPG development games are very hot, relatively speaking, there are not a few players who like competitive games. The second world Will game development work in this area? "


浪 Chen Lang shook his head and said seriously: "In my opinion, a game is a world and a magic world is a second world. Our company will not continue to develop the so-called third world, fourth world.

However, anyone who has ever played the magic world knows that in terms of professional balance, the magic world is definitely the highest and most perfect in the world. Next, we will improve the matching of various occupations, and at the same time will develop the arena. I believe that in the next version, players can experience the perfect competitive experience and feel the charm of real swords and magic. At that time, our company will There are regular competitions in the Magic World Athletics. I believe that it will not be worse than any games in the past, whether it is bonuses or grand occasions. "

Later, Chen Lang pointed to the reporter of Qiandu News.

QianDian News reporter asked: "General Manager Chen, I want to inquire about the next development trend of the Second World. As we all know, you have received 20 billion yuan in acquisition funds. Now the supercomputing base has consumed 4 billion yuan. So what next? "Does your company continue to maintain steady development or develop other industries across banks?"

Chen Lang's eyes brightened.

This product has a level of inquiries, but Chen Lang's favor is more than the previous two.

Therefore, Chen Lang does not mind revealing more of his plans to him.

"Everyone knows that the reason why the magic world is so hot is that in addition to its own quality, it is more about various major technological breakthroughs in the game, whether it is millions of people online at the same time or the balance in the game and the game The background and content of the horrible story are the root causes of the magic world's explosion.

在 In this regard, many experts on the Internet have commented on this. In their view, the magic world is like a meteor, shining for a while, but it cannot last long.

What is it? Because the map of the magic world is too large and too much content, there will be even more after the next update. In this regard, maybe our second world has a way to solve the server and data processing problems, but it can't solve the player's hardware limitations.

Here, what I want to say is that we can fix it! "

Click! Click! Click!

For a moment, the flashing light was constantly on, and the reporters present were all excited.

The point is here!

This is bound to be the headline today and tomorrow.


Chen Lang solemnly said: "Next, at the stage of 20-29, our company will use supercomputers and server libraries, and reduce the demand for hardware by software optimization and network. At the stage of 30-39, In the new version, we will completely transfer the Magic World game into the cloud mode, and cooperate with some technologies controlled by the company to implement hardware reforms so that even ordinary hardware can still run the Magic World perfectly. Even in the future, everyone can perfectly control the magic world with a single phone. "

也就是说 "In other words, the second world wants to enter the hardware industry?"

Suddenly someone shouted and asked inconceivably: "Mr. Chen, are you ready to cooperate with existing hardware companies, or are you going to invest in independent research?"

"We already have the relevant technology, why should we cooperate with others?" Chen Lang asked.

Then, everyone was boiling.

Chen Lang quickly followed Laoding and left the supercomputing base under the protection of Laoding's bodyguards.

I got into the car, and the old man drank saliva and glanced at Chen Lang, and said, "I thought how stable you are, aren't you still young?"

"This is also young and vigorous?" Chen Lang stumbled.

"Why not?"

The old man rolled his eyes and said, "The front is okay, but when it comes to hardware, shouldn't you just take out the finished product and talk? You announced now that you can't get it out and it will be sprayed into a dog. Even now, whether you believe it or not, you will be able to surf the Internet in an hour?

"Why?" Chen Lang frowned.

因为 "Because others don't believe it!"

The old man chuckled and said, "Before taking out the product, you say that no one else will believe it. Even if most people believe it, there are still a few unbelievers. These few people are enough to spray you with dog blood. . "

Speaking of which, Lao Ding couldn't help feeling emotion.

"People who appreciate you, like you, and even trust you, most of these people will only like silently, and few people will speak for you on your behalf, unless it is a brain fan.

On the contrary, I hate you. If you don't believe you, they will jump up and catch you, and spray you fiercely, whether you have offended them or not.

This has been the case since ancient times, and this is human nature. "

Uh .........

I ate a meal together at noon. In addition to Lao Ding, President Li and several others had a thousand degrees. Everyone talked and laughed. The time passed quickly.

After the dinner was over, Laoding left and he was going to Ali to negotiate a business.

Several others also said goodbye, while Chen Lang took Xiao Xiaoai to stop a taxi and walked home.

He did n’t know at this time, he ’s already ‘fire’ on the Internet

企鹅 [Penguin News: 4 billion sky-high auctions, transfer of headquarters, the second world landed in Hangzhou, Hangzhou Tianhe Supercomputing Base has become a thing of the past. ]

[Net also news: the next step in the second world, unprecedented use of supercomputing as a server ...]

千 [Qiandu News: Is it crazy or confident? The second world wants to step into the hardware industry ...]

Boom! !! !!

After a series of shocking news was released, UU reading book subsequently caused countless people to watch and discuss.

Magic World players:

"It's incredible, the stage 20-29 will be supercomputer as the server. This is unprecedented. The second world cattle criticism, Chen Langniu!"

"Awful, billions of dollars to get the server? Take it!"

"The arena is about to appear in the magic world, everyone, do you have a group? Let ’s play together? If you have a good result, you can participate in the magic world competition."

看来 "It seems that from now on, every major e-sports club has an extra department, the Magic World Athletics Department!"

"You can't just be optimistic. It feels unreliable for the magic world to enter the hardware industry."

"Yes, wouldn't you want to take a chance to make a sum of money?"

"Chen Lang said that the Second World has mastered the key technology. We don't know if it is true or not, wait and see."


Kushiro people:

搞笑 "Funny, an online game company still wants to set foot in the hardware industry? As soon as we took 20 billion yuan, we didn't know that the sky was thick."

"Maybe it's a scumbag again."

"Let my children learn badly, people who do online games **** it."

"It turns out that getting rich is crazy."

"Another Internet company settled in Hangzhou, 啧! Dad Ma has a little brother."

"It's only 20 billion. Does he deserve it? I still believe that the magic world is a fleeting one, and after a while, when the game fails, the second world will collapse."

"I guess that Chen Lang is also taking the opportunity to change industries, this is to leave a way for myself."


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