"This gentleman is bidding 4 billion, is there anything higher than 4 billion?"

On the ring, the old professor was an old professor after all. He was in an extraordinary state of mind. Even though he was very surprised by Chen Lang's handwriting, he quickly responded.

Hit the hammer.

"4 billion times!"

"4 billion twice!"

The old professor's voice was louder than louder, but the big men sitting below were upset.

$ 4 billion!

Do you want to increase the price?

Is it cost-effective?

Is it worth it?

I lie down, Chen Lang, your uncle, why don't you come up with such a high price and don't even give us time to think.

The faces of a few big guys were constantly changing, and finally, the thousand-degree President Li gritted his teeth and decided to continue shooting.

But unfortunately, it's too late.

They spend too much time thinking.


The Tochigi hammer dropped, and the old professor let go of his hand and gave Chen Lang an admiration glance, saying loudly: "The third time, 4 billion, congratulations to this gentleman, who took the Hangzhou Tianhe Supercomputing Base at a high price of 4 billion."

At the same time, the notary who has been standing on the side stood up and said loudly: "I declare that this auction is fair and fair, in line with relevant regulations and laws. From now on, Hangzhou Tianhe Supercomputing Base ... . "

I'm done!


大 A few dignitaries in the presence suddenly felt regretful. President Li, who had a thousand degrees, sighed helplessly, then turned to look at Chen Lang, and actively reached out and shook Chen Lang.

"General Manager Chen is really impressed, and a quotation caught us off guard. This time, General Manager Chen is a blockbuster in our circle."

"you are welcome!"

浪 Chen Lang smiled and shook hands with the crowd around him, and then followed the staff to complete the 4 billion amount transfer under the attention of the crowd.

"Mr. Chen, the pride, the old man I admire most are those of you who dare to spend a lot of money on scientific research. If there is a need in the future, even if I speak, in the scientific research circle, I still have some usefulness."

Professor Qiong came forward with a look of relief and shook hands with Chen Lang.

Next, the old man introduced Chen Lang: "This is Professor Yang Xuanyang, the former head of the Tianhe Supercomputing Base, and an expert in domestic bioinformatics. He is also a multi-school professor and one of the leaders in domestic biology. First, he is an academician of the National Academy of Sciences. "


Chen Lang was shocked. He may be proud of others, but he has nothing to be proud of of the real human elite who dedicated his life to scientific research.

"Hello Academician Yang!" Chen Lang took the initiative to hold Professor Yang's hands and said sincerely: "In my life, I admire you the great man dedicated to scientific research. I am also a scientific researcher and willing to do so. For those who have paid for everything, I will probably set up a biological science experimental base in the future. I'm afraid I really need your old help at that time. "

Professor Yang was a little bit wrong. The place where he made a mistake was not Chen Lang's call for help, but Chen Lang's attitude.

科研 Those who are engaged in scientific research and learning are indeed of high social status. Even if characters such as Lao Ding and Xiao Ma Ge see him, they will greet and shake hands.

But there are too few people who can truly be like Chen Lang.

Professor Yang Yang looked at Chen Lang, and he could see sincerity from Chen Lang's eyes.

Feeling, Professor Yang could n’t help but sighed and said, “Today, in a society where entertainment is the last thing, all people who look to money have too few people to do scientific research regardless of the cost. President Chen, you can rest assured The country has always lacked the world ’s top biological scientific research experimental base. If President Chen does it, it will be a good thing for the entire country and even for the future of the Chinese nation. When it ’s time, whenever you need it, you Just speak. "

"Thank you, Mr. Yang, you just call me Chen Lang."

"Ha ha ha, then I'm welcome, Chen Lang, don't call me Academician Yang, old. Compared to these titles, I prefer others to call me Professor Yang. At my age, I want to be in scientific research. It is too difficult to make a breakthrough, and my brain is not good. Now I want to teach more students and train them, and they are the hope of the future of the nation. "

Professor Yang sighed.

Then the two left contact information with each other, and Professor Yang left with several students.

Chen Lang looked at his back and said with emotion: "This is the backbone of the nation."


The old man nodded in agreement, and then said, "Yes, there are a lot of reporters from outside. You think about how to answer the reporter's questions before you go out. You are young, you are full of youth, but do n’t say anything These words of joke are all black history. "

"Don't you understand me? Stable batch!"

浪 Chen Lang smiled disdainfully, and then strode toward the outside. As soon as he went out, a group of reporters surrounded him.

"Hello President Chen, I want to ask you a question ....."

"Mr. Chen, would you please spend 4 billion to acquire Tianhe Supercomputing Base ..."

"Mr. Chen ....."

"Mr. Chen ...!"

Chen Lang frowned, then waved his hand and said, "Be quiet, come here one by one, I have limited time, and I have important tasks to wait for. I only answer three questions, so let me, click here Whoever asks, each person has a question. "

Speaking, Chen Lang pointed a finger to a reporter from Wang Yi News ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~, the old man couldn't help but smile, good guy, and know how to take care of himself, I did not want to take a personal trip to take you Attend an auction.

"Hello President Chen!" Wang Yi's reporter clearly knew that Chen Lang and his boss were in a partnership, so he didn't dare to ask too sharp questions. He thought for a moment, and asked: "We all know that Penguin and Wang Yi have joint ventures. Ten billion acquired a technology from you, Mr. Chen, but now only three days later, you spent 4 billion to acquire Hangzhou Tianhe Supercomputing Base. Why did you do this? This is the game of Magic World Does it matter? "

"You have two questions."

Chen Lang smiled slightly and then said, "But I can answer you, yes, this matter has something to do with the magic world. Everyone knows that the magic world's current level limit is 19, and as of yesterday, a large part of it The player has risen to level 19, that is to say, not too long after that, the card level is two weeks, and then the magical world will be updated with a new expansion piece, which is the level 20-29 stage. In this stage, the player will Really walk out of the town and enter the main city. The map of the main city is larger, and the cloud data is more demanding. Even with our technology, the server alone cannot obviously satisfy the players. Therefore, the acquisition of the Tianhe Supercomputing Base is for the Second World. This is a very necessary thing.

I have another question, why should I do this? Half of the reasons are for the above reasons, and the other half is because the Second World is planning to set up a headquarters in Hangzhou. The Tianhe Supercomputing Base covers a very large area. On this basis, it is more than enough to build a company headquarters building, so this is why I want to The reason for this. "

He said, Chen Lang reached out and pointed to another reporter, saying, "You come to ask the next question."

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