Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 17: Five G, Three, and Everything

To be honest, Chen Lang was really shocked at this moment.

The Luan Goose Factory and the Pig Factory are well-deserved to be big domestic game industry enterprises, and they are really talented.

Zhang Mulan, who has a wealth of wealth, has a rough plan, Zhao Xiong with a unique and magnificent personality, and Liu Sheng who is good at operations.

No one is talent.

Zhang Mulan and Zhao Xiong are in high positions, with few words, and are good at negotiating with people on the level of psychology.

I do n’t say yes, everything is possible.

胜 Liu Sheng is more adept at negotiating with operations, and operates from beginning to end in speech, for a convincing reason.

I'm all talents!

Chen Lang was sighed, beside Liu Yishou, he looked a lot better. No wonder he was nearly forty years old but was not as good as a young man in his career. The young people who are feeling now are really strong.

"I'm curious. Since your company has your operational talent, why is your company constantly infamous in the game industry?" Chen Lang asked curiously.

Liu Shengwen Yan, who was holding the coupon, suddenly turned black.

"No wonder he." Zhao Xiong grinned and said, "After all, we are a listed company. There are a lot of issues that a listed company needs to take into account. Unlike before, shareholders of all sizes now want efficiency, the times are improving, and Internet companies are more So, if you don't see benefits for a day, that is a huge loss, and this is also a way to go. "

浪 Chen Lang heard it clearly.

空闲 He has free time these days to understand this era.

He also checked some information about the company's listing.

In the final analysis, the purpose of going public is to collect money. The higher the market value, the more development funds the company can have, but again, there are gains and losses.

After listing, the company has a lot of risks, and it also has to take care of the ideas of shareholders and shareholders. Sometimes, in order to maintain the stock price, it is even necessary to do something that is not beneficial to the company.

He shook his head, Chen Lang said: "I have a lot of ideas for the future, and although listed companies have abundant funds, they are a constraint for me, so I'm sorry, I choose to refuse."

A brief silence.

Subsequently, Zhao Xiong nodded and said, "Since that's the case, I don't say much, so President Chen will consider it again. If you have any ideas, please contact me at any time."

He said, Zhao Xiong took out a business card and handed it to Chen Lang.

After the two left, Liu let out a sigh of relief.

"Very nervous?" Chen Lang laughed.

"Of course I'm nervous." Liu nodded his head and said, "Whether it's Zhang Mulan or Zhao Xiong, this is a big man in our industry. When I was a manager in the company before, I only heard his name and never met . "

"By the way, I haven't heard you talk about your previous company. I saw someone on your resume commenting that you were fired. Why?" Chen Lang was curious.

"Hey, it's hard to say!" Liu sighed.

"Stop talking, then, let's go to work!" Chen Lang stood up.


Liu held his hand in one place.

Are you talking human?

I asked you first, you brought up my sadness again.

As soon as I heard a word, you got up and left?

Is there any sympathy?

Opening his mouth, Liu Yi finally bowed and said, "The server manufacturer I contacted will be able to ship the server in a few moments. Do you really need them to install it for a hundred servers? Also, should we change the computer room? Now? How many are okay. If there are one hundred, there is no way to dissipate heat. "

"Relax, just leave it to me, you go home from work!"

Uh ...


A cargo card stopped outside the villa, and a hundred servers were continuously transported into the villa.

After the staff left, Chen Lang took the tools and started to transform the software and hardware of the server.

The technology staring at the pig factory is Chen Lang's transformation.

其他 For other companies, the number of servers determines the stability of the game and the amount of computing operations, which can be different for Chen Lang.

The multiple servers of other companies are 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5. Even if multiple overlay technologies are used, the server limit is still there. The technical limitations allow them to obtain multiple servers. Superimpose the original data.

It's like a server with one map, ten with one district, and one hundred, that's ten districts or one hundred maps.

Chen Lang is different. He has the technology from the future.

And this technology is not very clear, not even the technology of the Galaxy era, but the peace era before the planet hit the earth.

技术 This technology originated from Miguo six or seven years later and was accidentally made by several technicians from a small software company.

Data computing balanced sharing technology!

After transforming the hardware, this technology realizes multi-hardware connection sharing operation, balance, etc.

A word to describe, with this technology, after the hardware transformation, multiple servers are equal to 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 1.

It achieves real overlays.

Also realized the epoch-making reform of the online game industry. The so-called division of regions has become a thing of the past, and online games have ushered in an era where millions of people are online at the same time. UC Reading

Of course, this is a future thing after all, and it can't be done with current technology.

First of all, the map problem. How big is a map that can accommodate millions of people in the same area without being overcrowded? It can be produced, but the player's computer can't support it. Even if the computer's memory is approved, the computer's hardware can't handle such huge data.

Second, the network requirements cannot be realized at the current network speed.

Only using 5G +++!

5G3 + is the third-generation network-interconnected mobile communication technology developed on the basis of 5G Internet of Everything 15 years later.

的 The emergence of 5G3 + completely eliminated the existing network cable and communication industry. As long as the computer is equipped with a 5G3 + data transmitter, it can enjoy the fast network anytime, anywhere.

多 How fast is this network?

Leap-second download speed of more than 10TB, equivalent to more than 10,000 G.

I thought of this, and Chen Lang couldn't help it.

Technology is layered on top of technology, not just one technology that can make products out of thin air.

If you want to realize the emergence of the virtual world, you need to solve many problems. The optical brain-level data processing center that carries the virtual world, and realize the global optical brain-level data transmission satellites, human brains, conscious connectors, and so on.

The virtual world is a real world perceived by consciousness. Under the interconnection of intellectual brain and consciousness, that is a world with 100% authenticity.

其中 It can even carry out scientific research on known substances, and the optical brain-level data processing center will provide feedback after calculation.

创 This creation-like feat is certainly not so easy.

Of course, Chen Lang does not feel that he can realize the virtual world in the short term. Before that, he wanted virtual games.

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