Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 16: Core technologies

The magic world is on fire.

To what extent is the beacon fire?

As soon as Zhang Mulan from the Luan Goose Factory left, the pig factory came again.

He is also the overlord of the domestic game industry. Although the pig factory is not ranked first and second globally like the goose factory, the strength of the pig factory cannot be underestimated.

The pig factory has researched or developed several classic games and pushed forward for more than ten years. The pig factory is the best known in the domestic online game industry, and the goose factory is the worst.

随着 But as the goose factory grew into a major Internet company, the goose factory began to pay attention to fame, but the pig factory was eager to achieve success, and its reputation gradually deteriorated.

This is like a cycle.

There are two people in the pig factory, one is Zhao Xiong, the head of the domestic game industry at the same level as Zhang Mulan, the other is Zhao Xiong's close relatives, and Liu Sheng, the general operation department of the domestic game industry of the pig factory.

Different from the goose factory, after all, the goose factory is one of the world's largest Internet companies. The game industry is only a part of the goose factory, and the pig factory is not good in other aspects. Only the game industry can try a wrench with the goose factory.

Therefore, Zhao Xiong's position in the pig factory is definitely not comparable to Zhang Mulan.

It is said that those in high positions must be extraordinary and unique. Sure enough, after Zhao Xiong introduced Liu Sheng to introduce himself, he laughed a bit, and said with a touch of temperament that the northeastern men said, "Chen In general, I like to make friends with people. It just happens to be here now. I have arranged a good place and made a few hard dishes. How about going out for a drink? "

Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy!

Compared with Zhang Mulan's wealth, Zhao Xiong has more routines.

浪 Chen Lang slightly shook his head, looked at the outside and it was completely dark, and said, "Sorry, General Zhao, the doctor said, I have a bad stomach and can only eat soft rice."

Huh? ? ?

愣 Zhao Xiong stunned, Liu Sheng stunned, and even Liu beside him couldn't help twitching his mouth.

Image ah boss!

呵 "Oh, Mr. Chen is joking. In this case, let's talk here."

雄 Zhao Xiong took a deep breath, took Liu Sheng to sit down, then took out a report and handed it to Chen Lang.

"Mr. Chen, I asked people to do some research on your company, and they said that they knew each other and won every battle, and only after they knew it well would they make a quote, right? So, Mr. Chen forgive me."

浪 Chen Lang nodded slightly. Zhao Xiong was really extraordinary. A few words between words could make people feel good, and he deserved to sit in this position.

不同 "Different from the goose factory!"

Zhao Xiong continued to say: "We and the Goose Factory are not in the same direction. The Goose Factory has a wealth of money and pays more attention to the benefits and reputation brought by the game itself, but we see more.

First of all, aside from the quality of the game itself, let's not focus on the quality of the game. We focus more on the technology contained in this game.

Players are online at the same time. There are 20,000 players in a district. Although this is difficult, major game companies can basically do it. Even with the technological breakthroughs in the past two years, there are 50,000 and 100,000 players in a district. We are willing to pay enough and we can do it.

But I also said that it is a district, not a map.

The most amazing thing about the magic world is that a map can have tens of thousands of players, and even the newly updated Maple Leaf Town has 50,000 players.

At this point, no game company in the world can do it.

In the past, our approach was to divide the map into lines, divide the map plate in the game, and provide data calculations on different servers. If there are too many players in the map, we divide the line, that is, overlay the map.

We need this technology! "

Having said that, Zhao Xiong solemnly said: "This technology is epoch-making for the game industry, especially the online game sector. It is impossible for us or the goose factory to let go of this technology. The importance of this technology is far beyond The game of the magic world itself, so, to set a price, whether it is company, equity, technology, as long as President Chen speaks, as long as the price is not too exaggerated, I can finalize it now. "


浪 Chen Lang didn't speak, but Liu Yi beside him was shocked.

虽然 Although he has worked in the game industry before, after all, it is in the aspect of operation, and he really doesn't know much about technology.

Even if this is the case, he always feels that something is wrong these days. Now listening to Zhao Xiong speaking, he immediately responded.


I was too focused on the revenue and popularity of the game, but ignored the technological breakthroughs contained in it.

Think about the villages, think of Maple Leaf Town, the huge map, and the tens of thousands of players in the map. How crazy is this?

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Zhao, can I say a word?" Suddenly, Liu Xiong, who was brought by Zhao Xiong, spoke.

"You said!" Chen Lang nodded.

"I have also introduced myself before, presumably you know that I am in charge of operations. I want to say that your breakthrough in this technology is crazy enough for you and for us. Yes, UU Kanshu Of course, this also has advantages and disadvantages.

For you, this technology is enough for you to lead the global game company and even make enough wealth in a short period of time to make the Second World become a global large-scale online game company. This is Lee!

However, technology will always be conquered. Although you have mastered this technology, since this technology is now alive, global game industry companies will conduct research in this area and even surpass it. You do n’t have much time. At the same time, the global game industry companies cannot sit by and watch you grow. During this period, they will certainly make all kinds of troubles, such as giving up some benefits and returning old players, such as secretly attacking your company's servers, etc. Time is even shorter. The market for the gaming industry is so big. You make money, others lose, and it's awkward. Under the siege of the heroes, it is impossible for you to complete this business alone.

So you have two options.

First, at the time when technology is the most valuable, the technology, including the company, is sold together, and an astronomical fortune is obtained. At this point, the goose factory is your best bet.

Twenty-two is a combination of vertical and horizontal, and cooperation with existing large game companies, so as to make up for the shortcomings of shortcomings, and jumped up, occupying the vast majority of the global game market in a very short period of time.

在 In this regard, our company is the most suitable. First of all, we have a customer base accumulated over 20 years, and secondly, we are willing to pay a sufficient price.

So merge is the best option.

We will give you a satisfactory valuation for your company. After the merger, the valuation will be used to calculate the equity. At that time, you and your team will also be the major shareholders of our company. This is a good thing. "

Speaking of this, Liu Sheng smiled at Chen Lang and then kept silent.

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