Chapter 367

Zijela, who had been strengthened by Gatanjee, both Siro and Diga, slammed on the ground with a frantic explosive hammer.

Various tentacles play, electrotherapy spa.

It was terrible.

Yun Che, who was watching the battle leisurely in mid-air, felt a little numb in his scalp.

“Forget it, let’s go and help them, if they are really killed by the living hammer, then it will be a big deal.”

With a sigh, his dark eyes switched into a crimson eternal kaleidoscope.

Yun Che opened his entire body in a second, and drew a forty-meter-long samurai sword, which fell from the sky.

He raised the knife and fell, severing the vine whip that bound Tiga with one blow.

“Huh~ You guy, finally shot.”

Seeing this, Siro couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

His arrogant character does not allow him to ask for help from others, but if he doesn’t ask for help, he won’t be able to fight it by himself. It’s an endless loop of no solution.

Fortunately, Yun Che finally took the shot.

After being saved, the face is still pretty good.

“I don’t want to shoot, but I can’t watch you two get beaten alive, right?”

Yun Che shrugged helplessly.

Siro and Diga were beaten, it didn’t matter, Quan 14 should be exercised.

But being beaten to death is not enough.

In front of Yun Che’s face, Tiga and Siro were beaten to death, who were friends. It’s not clear that they jumped up and slapped him in the face.

Can Yun Che bear it?

Surely not!

“Let me see how strong Zijra has been strengthened by Gatanjae.”

With a grin with interest, Yun Che controlled his full body, and wielded a 40-meter-long samurai sword. The frontal hard-steel Qijera was not at all intimidating.

It was pretty easy at first.

Qijiela was cumbersome and inflexible, and was hacked by Yun Che for a while, but there was no way he could do it.

But hitting…

Yun Che realized that something was wrong and started frowning.

“This guy……”

Yun Che can clearly feel that Qijiela is constantly evolving in the battle with herself!

No, to be precise, it should be…


It is learning the fighting style and style of Yun Che!

And use this as data to improve yourself, so as to gradually reverse the disadvantages into advantages!

“Is it Zijera’s own talent, or…Gatanjeo’s idea?”

Of the two conjectures, Yun Che prefers the latter.

After all, Zijella is just a flower, a plant, even if it is an ultra-ancient plant 30 million years ago, there is no difference.

So, self-learning, self-improvement?

Leave it here for nonsense!

There is a high probability that Gatanjee is controlling Zijera, using it as a fighting pawn to collect information and data on the battle of Yun Che and others.

Good for my own resurrection at that time.

Be prepared!

“Want to find out about me?”

After figuring it out, Yun Che squinted his eyes.

There are more people who want to explore him, but so far, apart from the six creation gods of the Marvel Universe and the court of life, no one is qualified yet.

Forced his full strength!

Now, since Gatangieu is so curious.

Then, Yun Che didn’t mind, and showed it a little bit.

As for what will happen after these two hands are exposed, it doesn’t matter to him!

“Liuyuan·Indra’s Arrow!”

Taking back the forty-meter-long samurai sword, Yun Che held it in the void.

The arc flickers.

A thunder spear entwined with six infinite gem energy colors appeared in his hand.

“Come and see, you can live for a few seconds under my spear!”

Holding the six-color thunder spear tightly, the corners of Yun Che’s mouth rose, facing Qi Jiela with a simple and rude crazy output.

Liuyuan·Indra’s Arrow.

In addition to the power of Indra Arrow itself, it also accumulates the energy of six infinite gems.

It is no exaggeration to say that the power contained in it can easily penetrate the planet and destroy it to a cloud of dust in the universe!

Of course, Yun Che did not intend to pierce the planet.

So he just used Liuyuan·Indra’s Arrow as a close weapon to fight Qijiela close to his face.



Unlike the forty-meter-long samurai sword, cutting vines and whips takes effort.

Liuyuan·Indra’s Arrow is the sharpest. A few strokes can generate extreme currents, cut through the air, and cut vegetables.

Chijera’s vine whip can be cut off easily.

“Sure enough, Yun Che is ridiculously strong…”

Since Yun Che joined the battlefield, Sai Luo, who has been shrinking from the rear to watch the battle, couldn’t help but shook his head and sighed.

He and Diga teamed up, but were arranged by Qijiela’s vine whip various tentacles play and electrotherapy spa.

I really don’t have a temper at all.

On the other hand, Yun Che.

One person slashed Qijiela’s vine whip almost, and even more seriously, he could directly smash Qijiela’s torso with a single shot!


The gap between giants and giants.

Why is tm so big?

“Don’t think too much, we and Yun Che are not on the same level at all!”

Seeing Siro looked suspicious of life, Diga patted him on the shoulder and smiled.

“Indeed, if we are on the first floor, then Yun Che’s guarantee is also on the fifth floor. The gap is really too big…”

Sai Luo said with emotion.


It’s an old lasagna.

“Hey, hey, isn’t it, this is giving up?”

On the battlefield, watching Qijiela who was cut off the vine whip by herself, her breath gradually became weak, and the black mist on her body gradually dissipated, Yun Che couldn’t help frowning.

What the hell.

This Gatanjae has no dreams too!

Realizing that Yun Che has the power to crush Qijiela, he decisively abandoned this chess piece and fished more!

“It’s the Cthulhu! I think it’s okay to change the name to the counseling god Gatanjee!”

He curled his lips in disdain, and without Gatangieu, Yun Che didn’t bother to continue pestering Qijera.

Holding the arrow of Liuyuan·Indra, aiming at its torso, stabbed it forcefully.

The sharp spear pierced in an instant.

The devastating force overflowed.

There is no loud roar and explosion, and there is no brilliant fire light soaring into the sky.

Qijiela silently, quietly, turned into fly ash, as if he had been snapped his fingers, disappearing in the sky…


The computer was scrapped, and the unscrupulous merchant dragged it for more than ten days, and it was only repaired today.

Alas, it’s been abandoned for a while, it’s uncomfortable…

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