Chapter 366

“I’m coming too!”

See Siro transform into a strong corona shape.

Tiga immediately raised his arms and fell from between his forehead, and with the flashing red light, he switched to a red ancient happy type!

“Gan him!”

With a shout, Siro took the lead and rushed towards Qijiela.

Tiga cheered, followed closely.

“Tsk, there are really two reckless men…”

Yun Che, who was stationed in the sky watching the battle, couldn’t help but slap his tongue when he saw this scene.

What a monster.

Can they be relied on and worn directly?

I’m afraid I’m catching a dream!

Besides, the strong corona shape and the great ancient happy type will be the middle and lower level of the stubborn world. If you want to go through everything, at least you have to show off the level of Uub!



Just as Yun Che thought.

The low-level reckless men like Siro and Di Nine-Five-Sanjia were not able to move Qijiela at all, let alone wear them directly.

Instead, it was accompanied by the sound of electricity and the sound of breaking air.

Qijiela waved a vine whip, a few powerful vines, and pumped electricity, hitting Siro and Diga, scalp numb, and tumbling in embarrassment.

“Siro, it feels like if this continues, both of us will be black!”

“Otherwise, directly ask Yun Che for help?”

Diga said breathlessly.

He was already in a red light state, and now he was beaten again, and he could no longer hold it.

“Damn! Ask him for help, doesn’t it mean that we can’t beat this guy?”

Siro looked unconvinced.

His character is destined that no matter what kind of powerful enemy he encounters, he will not easily concede defeat.

However, to put it bluntly, it’s a good face and can’t help it.

“But we really can’t beat this guy…”

Diga smiled bitterly.

“Let me try again! If you still can’t win, ask that guy for help again!”

Taking a deep breath, the purple light flickered.

Cerro switched from a strong corona form to an over-limit form.

“Excessive kick!”

The foot exploded, the whole person leaped high, and Siro flew to Qijiela’s brain with a kick.

This time, it is no longer the previous Gua Sha.

Attack, it worked!

Qijiela was kicked to the ground by a huge force!


With an excited grin, Siro did not hesitate and continued to launch combo combos:

“Sero Kick!”

With a kick from the air, facing the fallen Zijella, Siro carried out no less than a hundred high-explosive infinite chain kicks in a few seconds at a super high speed.

There is quite a posture of kicking Beihai Kindergarten.

Very cruel behavior!

Make people feel terrified!

“Just use this trick… to end it!”

Almost kicked, Cyro moved away and spread his hands.

Eight purple balls of light condensed, forming a circle around them in a ring.

“Yay Destroy Light!”

Eight colored rays of light burst out, and one thousand percent of them hit Zijella.


In an instant, there was a roar, and the flames skyrocketed.

Adhering to the attitude of a real man and never looking back at the explosion, Siro turned around confidently.

He was a thousand percent sure that there was no monster that could survive after being hit by the eight-fold destruction light after being kicked by the over-limit kick and the siro-breaking kick.

It’s not just Siro.

Even Tiga and Yun Che watching from the rear and mid-air.

I also feel that Qijiela has already been gg.

“Hoo~ It’s finally eliminated, wouldn’t it be enough to become this form…”

With a sigh of relief, Diga murmured silently, and then he was about to lift the gigantism.

He has been holding on for too long.

The energy indicator light on his chest almost flashed blindly.

If you don’t lift the gigantism, you will have a rest in the end, for fear that everyone will be cool.

“Zijela is still a bit too tender, sure enough, it will be fun to wait for Gatangieu to recover.”

It’s boring, and Yun Che turned around, ready to leave.

However, at this moment…

An unknown black mist filled the sky.

The evening sun was dyed into a dark night.

Like the eye of a storm, the black mist is swirling around Zijra in the fire, quickly condensing…


After dozens of seconds, the flames receded and the black fog dissipated.

With a roar, Qijiela, who should have been blown to pieces under the eightfold destruction light, appeared in front of everyone again!

However, it is different from before.

Qijiela is now filled with wisps of unknown black mist.

The trunk of the plant family has become stronger…

And even more…


Powerful dark atmosphere, violent violence.

Obviously, the current Qijiela is undoubtedly countless times stronger than before!

“This guy……”

Seeing this scene, Siro squeezed his fist in disbelief.

After suffering his own over-limit kicks, siro kicks, and eight-fold destruction rays, even if he didn’t die, he became even more vigorous?

What the hell!

Farm animals, I’m afraid it is!

“It’s over. Even if you haven’t been beaten to death today, you will probably be exhausted…”

Tiga sighed desperately.

He really wanted to get rid of the giantization and take a good rest.

However, the situation does not allow it!

Although with his current state of insufficient energy, even if he continues to fight, he can’t help much…

Help resist injuries at best.

It’s the so-called beating.

“Oh, my dear, Gatanjee actually made a shot…”

Cerro and Tiga didn’t know what was going on, but Yun Che knew very well.

That unknown black mist…

It was definitely Gatanjae who made the shot!

However, it should still be asleep in the ultra-ancient ruins, Luluye, and has not fully awakened, otherwise, it would have been done by itself, instead of strengthening Qijiela with the black mist.

“Because of the appearance of Siro and I, it feels threatened…”

“After all, in the original Tiga world, there was only Tiga a giant of light. Now there are two more. I want to get rid of it in advance, but it’s normal.”

He stroked his chin thoughtfully, Yun Che was not surprised by this.

Anyway, the plot of Tiga’s World has long been played badly, and it has become messy.

Don’t talk about Gatanjee’s shot.

Even if it recovered early, Yun Che wouldn’t feel surprised.


It is said that there is only one giant of light in Tiga’s world, and there is nothing wrong with it.

You know, although there are many ultra-ancient civilizations 30 million years ago, and the number is not even lower than that of the Kingdom of Light, but that was 30 million years ago, and they died long ago.

Only Tiga is a giant of light in modern times.

From beginning to end, he is the only one.

Masaki Keigo turned Eidi, and Luluyeli’s dark trio are not counted. .

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