Chapter 317

Picking up the sleeping god Rishi, Yun Che took her to an empty room on the second floor.

“Your past must have been painful…”

Sitting on the side of the bed, stroking God’s sleeping face, Yun Che couldn’t help feeling a little pity in his heart.

This girl looks very mature, but in fact she is only 18 years old now, only two years older than Touka Kirishima.

However, she not only has to be disgusted by humans, but also squeezed and feared by most ghouls.

Just because of the behavior of predation two or three times a week, it is easy to attract the attention of CCG pigeons.

But she preys so frequently, is it really because she has a big appetite and is hungry?

Maybe it is, but definitely not all!

The current way of life of Shendai Lishi is purely her revenge and vent for her painful childhood!

You should know that she was born and cultivated as a mother, and she, who produced the next generation and repaired her, has been subjected to many brutal and inhumane trials since she was a child.

The childhood of Nine Three Zero     is undoubtedly extremely dark.

And what can affect a person most is the childhood experience.

Therefore, objectively speaking, God is cruel or ruthless on behalf of the world.

(:: “”Ben” group;: every? Day” more!; New “? Fei: Lu “xiao;? Say,”. “.. If. Water “group?'”; 6., 5″” 6.6;1;8,!8’9:6,;『”If. Water!中?转’』:’3!”0.?0?0!3.1?!4.2′;7;)   all because of harmony The childhood shadow caused by the Xiu family.

“Although it’s not a good thing, but Old Duo Erfu, at least did a good thing.”

Yun Che narrowed his eyes.

As a female of the Hexiu clan.

The reason why Shendai Lishi is able to move freely outside like this is due to the smiling tiger in the old two blessings.

If it weren’t for him, he could not bear the cruel and inhuman torture of God Daili and let him go privately.

Then, the distorted darkness in God’s heart will undoubtedly be more than a thousand or eight hundred times stronger than it is now, and will eventually become a real monster that is neither a human nor a ghoul!

Of course, that being said.

But Yun Che will definitely kill Old Duo Erfu.

After all, this kind of guy with a smile on the surface and an MMP in his heart is more comfortable to die than to live.

“Well, because of your pitiful past, you will follow me well in the future, let’s eat and drink spicy food.”

Smiled and touched the head of God Dai Lishi.

Yun Che got up and left, and went back to his room to rest.


However, what Yun Che didn’t notice was the moment when he closed the door.

The corners of God’s mouth, who was originally asleep, suddenly rose.

Not as happy, but…

Very heartwarming?


In the early morning of the next day, the people who had rested all night sat around the dining table in the lobby of the villa.

Dancing knives and forks enjoying breakfast prepared by Uchiha Zorana and Uzumaki Sunflower.

Well, most of them are made of virtuous and lovely swirl sunflowers.

And the very strong Uchiha Zorana just helped out on the sidelines.

“Hey, hey, isn’t it?”

“Just let me sit and watch you eat? Will your conscience hurt?”

Looking at the three Yun Che, whose mouths were dripping with oil, Kamdai Rishi gripped his stomach and complained with a bitter expression on his face.

“Huh? Sister Zoliangna and I are your part?”

Hearing the words, Maelstrom Sunflower asked with some doubts.

“What the hell? I’m a ghoul, you let me eat this?”

Looking at the freshly baked food placed on the plate in front of him, Kandari couldn’t help his mouth twitching.

She is a Ghoul!

Can’t eat human food!

Although it looked delicious on the outside, Kandari Rise just smelled the taste, and there was a feeling of stomachache.


Hearing the words, Uzumaki Sunflower was stunned, and then looked at Uchiha Zorana at each other.

Good guy, I got up a bit early today, not so awake, and my mind was stunned, forgetting that Goddaily is a Ghoul!

But, even if you haven’t forgotten, what can you do?

Is it possible for them to go out and kill a human being back?

It’s impossible to think about it!

“Oh, yes, if you don’t mention it, I almost forgot about it!”

Hearing Shindai Rishike’s complaint, Yun Che suddenly stunned, patted his head and said.

“what’s up?”

When God Lishi heard this, he looked at Yun Che suspiciously.

“Solve your meal.”

With that said, Yun Che turned his head to look at God Rise, then put his hand on her belly.

“You…what are you doing?”

Seeing Yun Che’s actions, two blushes suddenly appeared on Kandari’s face, and he felt a little unhappy at the same time.

What the hell?

Did you get started early in the morning?

Is it really a casual person to be an old lady?

“do not move!”

Angrily glared at God Dairi Shi, Yun Che closed his eyes and activated the power of reality gems.

He said last night that Goddailyishi followed him, eating fragrant and spicy food.

If that’s the case, how can you be hungry?

Therefore, Yun Che intends to use the power of reality gems that can modify everything to modify the esophagus, taste buds, and digestive system of Shendai Lishi…

To put it bluntly, it is to allow her to eat normal food like a human.

And this is also one of the links in Yun Che’s plan to redeem the Ghoul world.

“This is……”

Watching the red light flashing in Yun Che’s hand, and the warm current that appeared in her body inexplicably.

Shendai Lishi raised his eyebrows and couldn’t help being stunned.

She can clearly feel that her body seems to be undergoing a certain change.

But what exactly has changed, what has changed, she seems clear and ignorant, she can’t tell at all.

“All right.”

After about a few minutes, Yun Che opened his eyes, retracted his hand and said.

“What… okay?”

After hearing this, God Lishi asked sluggishly.

“Just try the breakfast made by Sunflower and Zoriana.”

Yun Che did not say clearly, but instructed.


Kandari frowned, then looked at the breakfast on the plate in front of him.

She, who was still disgusted with human food, suddenly changed her face and felt the difference…

“This smell…sniff~ it smells good!”

Leaning close to his nose and smelling the food on the plate, Kandari couldn’t help exclaiming.

What the hell?

Wasn’t there a smell of stomachache when you smell it before?

Why is it suddenly so fragrant now?

It seems that the most delicious human meat I have ever eaten before is not as delicious as the current breakfast, right?

“Um~ it’s delicious!”

“This is the taste of human food? Love it!”

Holding the knife and fork, he roughly stuffed the breakfast on the plate into his mouth, Kandari squinted his eyes, his face was cozy, as if he had experienced some delicacy in the world.

“Where is that exaggeration…”

Uzumaki Sunflower smiled shyly, hiding his face.

You know, she cooked this breakfast by herself, and the chef will naturally feel happy when she hears the praise from the diners.

On the other hand, Uchiha Zorana was calmer.

After all, in name, it was the breakfast she and Uzumaki Sunflower cooked together.

But in fact, she just beat her hands and didn’t help much.

Moreover, based on Uchiha’s character, Zorana didn’t care about it.

She cares more about powerful power than the so-called cooking skills. Perhaps, when Yun Che praises her for her fighting skills, she will be like the current Uzumaki Sunflower.

Show a shy smile. .

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