Chapter 316

Uchiha Sarana and Uzumaki Sunflower went back to their room to rest.

In the huge living room of the villa, only Yun Che and the goddess Rise were left on their shoulders.

For a while, the atmosphere seemed a little quiet.

The silence is even strange.

Yun Che is okay, there are not too many thoughts.

But Goddai Rishike was a little panicked. She was suddenly a little frightened. Now this mysterious man who puts herself on her shoulders, will he take advantage of the darkness of the night and the wind and no one around him.

Then, do something indescribable beasts to yourself?

Thinking of this, Kandari’s careful liver couldn’t help but thumping wildly.

nervous? ~Afraid? Unwilling? expect?

Maybe these emotions are there, but…-…

Did something weird get mixed up in the end?

“What’s wrong with you? Why does the heartbeat suddenly become so fast?”

Feel the rhythmic beating from the shoulders.

Yun Che threw Shendai Rishi onto the sofa and raised his eyebrows suspiciously.


Shendai Lishi’s face turned red, and he subconsciously averted his gaze and replied.

Although Yun Che seemed to have no plans to do that kind of beasts.

But what if he said it out and gave him a wake-up call, and made him think about it?

Therefore, Goddaily thinks that he had better shut his mouth obediently. After all, you may be wrong if you say it, but you can’t be wrong if you don’t say it!


Seeing this, Yun Che curled his lips silently.

With his eyesight, he can naturally see that Goddailyshi seems to be hiding something.

But, leave her alone.

Anyway, no matter what she concealed, it had no effect.

Yun Che is very confident that in this world, no one can make any waves in front of him, unless he is willing to make him make waves in order to look at the clown’s attitude.


For the next period of time, the two sat on the sofa silently.

Yun Che didn’t speak, nor did God Rishi.

The huge hall of the villa once again filled with a strange and quiet atmosphere…

What Yun Che said was mainly thinking about the salvation policy of the Ghoul world.

And for Uzumaki Sunflower and Uchiha Zorana, future experience arrangements.

As for the gods of the world, it was purely because of his strong brain replenishment ability, that Yun Che was afraid that Yun Che would ox himself, so he dared not speak.

“That… what you said before is true?”

Finally, God Rise, who couldn’t bear this kind of atmosphere, asked.

It not only brings up the topic and relieves the embarrassment, but also comes from the real doubts deep in her heart.


Yun Che stopped thinking when he heard the words, and then asked in a daze.

“That’s what you said before, you are a god, is it true?” God Dai Lishi explained.

To be honest, she didn’t really believe in the existence of gods and ghosts.

As a mother, she was born in the Hexiu family and has experienced many pains and tribulations since she was a child.

Therefore, God is very realistic.

She doesn’t believe in the so-called value, let alone the so-called belief.

The only thing she can believe in is the power in her own hands, because power will not deceive people, but a weapon to protect herself.

“of course it’s true.”

“Although I don’t have any priesthood or position, but my strength is so strong that I can really be called a god.”

Yun Che nodded and smiled.

The power he holds has reached the level of the Almighty Universe as early as the Marvel Universe.

There are even too many, but no less.

Therefore, not only is it okay to claim to be a god, even in the huge worlds, Yun Che can squeeze into the top few in terms of strength.

Furthermore, his power is convergent.

Therefore, every time you enter a new world, a new power system is integrated.

Yun Che can continue to grow stronger without any upper limit.

In other words, sooner or later, let alone squeeze into the top few of the heavens and the world, even if it is to reach the top, it is only a matter of time!

“Then what are gods like? Are they like you, almost exactly the same as humans in appearance?”

Although he still didn’t believe it, Goddailyshi didn’t continue to study it.

Instead, like a normal ordinary little girl, she developed her curiosity.

“Well, although some gods do look a lot like humans, they are not all.”

“It’s like the five creation-level gods I killed before. They look very strange.”

Yun Che scratched his head, remembering the five creation gods of the universe that he killed when he was in the Marvel universe.

Well, it’s really weird.

Except that Death and Planet Devourers seem to be relatively normal.

Eternity and infinity, as well as obliterating the three guys, are nothing like human beings.

· ····Find flowers 0 ····

“Have you killed a god? And are you still five creation-level gods?”

When God Lishi heard the words, he was stunned, and couldn’t help covering his mouth and exclaiming.

Believe it or not, but this kind of thing, even if you listen to it as a story, is shocking, OK?

“Is it weird? I am also a god, and gods kill gods, just like humans kill humans. It’s normal.”

Yun Che shrugged indifferently.

“Is this the legend, when you stare at the abyss, is the abyss staring at you too?”

“A dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon; a godslayer will eventually become a god.”

God Rishi teased.


Yun Che raised his eyebrows, feeling a little inexplicably.

Since when did he transform from a weak human being to a god?

……… … 0

From the Marvel world, slaughtered the five great creation gods of the universe?

No, maybe, since he just crossed into the super god world, he obtained six infinite treasures…

From that moment on, he was no longer human.

Life, money, rights, everything that humans care about, has nothing to do with him.

“Now, do the gods have factions like religion?”

“Do they have gender distinctions? Do they have jobs? What do they usually do?”

As if to open the conversation box, Shindai Rishike asked Yun Che with a fierce question mark.

“The gods also have their own forces, they usually…”

In this regard, Yun Che also took the trouble to patiently explain the “gods” he knew to God Deli Shi.

For example, the chaotic and unknown Cthulhu god system, the messy Greek god system, the Nordic god system from beginning to end, the strange and special Indian god system, and the mysterious and powerful Oriental god system…

After a few hours.

When Yun Che’s mouth was dry and she was going to drink a glass of water to moisturize the mulberry.

Turning his head, I found out that I didn’t know when, God Dai Lishi, who was on the side, had already fallen asleep on his shoulders.

“Oh, I’m a little fascinated by it…”

Touching the head of the sleeping god Rishi, the corners of Yun Che’s mouth rose, and there was an inexplicable warmth in his heart.

How long has it been?

Own, how long has it been since you have spoken freely like today?


It’s been a long time…Four.

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