Chapter 269

“That… Yun Che, who are they?”

Pointing to Lianfeng and Yuqin, Ji Mahui subconsciously asked nervously.

As for Monyashi, although it is the first time I have seen him, who makes him a man? I don’t necessarily have to be jealous with a man, right?

Hey, no, how come you use the word jealousy so well?

Hiss~ So shy…

“Oh, they are Lianfeng and Yuqin, good girlfriends, scientists, and also my women.”

Yun Che introduced with a smile.

Regardless of the situation, he never shy away from the identity of his own woman.

This is a silent promise and a sense of security. It is also one of the reasons why they are willing to follow Yun Che with all their heart, even if he has more women.


When Intermediary Hui heard that, the whole person was directly stunned.

A pair of scientist girlfriends and Yun Che’s woman at the same time?

Take it all as it is!

And he just said “also” right? That is to say, the two of them are not all?

Could it be…

“We are also Yun Che’s women.”

Seeing that Ji Mahui turned his gaze to the two of her, she seemed to have seen her thoughts, Guang Xiahai and Otsuki Huiye smiled slightly.


Stupid, Ji Mahui was completely stupid in place.

What kind of world is this, is it so easy to let go?

Did they travel to the modern age, or did they travel to the ancient times by themselves?

Moreover, looking at it, they seem to know each other’s existence, but they don’t care at all. On the contrary, they are just like good sisters, and they have a very good relationship.

“Your relationship… it’s complicated.”

After being sluggish for a long time, seeming to have slowed down, Ji Mahui said dumbly.

“Is it complicated? I think it’s okay.”

“Don’t think too much now. As far as I know, Yun Che has many women in other worlds!”

Door Yashi shrugged and smiled heartlessly.

He doesn’t really care about these things. For him, a woman, one is enough, and having Aola is already very annoying. If this is like Yun Che, looking for so many, he shouldn’t be annoying directly.

Well, the straight man of steel was hammered.

However, what Momoyashi didn’t realize was that it was okay for him not to speak.

As soon as I said this…

Intermediate Huihao, sinking!

“Let’s talk slowly, I will deal with Obic first.”

Seeing on the field, the battle between Tiga and Obic was about to come to an end, Yun Che waved his hand, turned his eyes, and switched to a scarlet eternal kaleidoscope.

The pupil power increased, the purple flame-like energy boiled, and the huge complete body must be able to rise to the sky in an instant.

This time, Yun Che controlled the altitude, not the previous 300 meters, but the usual 60 meters.

“Yun Che, are you finally here? I haven’t seen anyone before, I thought you were in danger!”

Seeing the familiar Suzuo Nenghu appeared, Dagu, who was battling Obic, immediately put down the battle in his hands, controlled Tiga, and ran to Yun Che’s side.

“Well, there are some small problems in the middle, so don’t mention it.”

Waved his hand, Yun Che smiled faintly, not intending to explain too much to Da Gu.

The main thing is that even a smart woman like Intermae can’t understand it. Explaining to an honest person like Dagu is probably a waste of explanation, and it’s a waste of words.

“During your absence, I have experienced many battles.”

“Now I, my strength has improved a lot, and I will definitely be able to help and fight side by side with you!”

Yun Che didn’t explain, and Da Gu didn’t ask much. Instead, he said with a look of excitement like a trainer asking the instructor for credit.

Perhaps, in his eyes, Yun Che is his mentor on the road of battle.

“Oh? You seem to be a little floating?”

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and smiled with interest.

Who gave Dagu the courage to make him feel that he could fight side by side with him?

Liang Mouru?

No, think about it carefully, it seems to be given by yourself.

Because Yun Che has never shown his true strength in front of Dagu, that’s why he has a certain misunderstanding about his own combat power…

“If you don’t believe it, just watch it from the sidelines!”

“I will defeat Obic and prove myself to you!”

Speaking full of fighting spirit, Dagu controlled Tiga, and put a fighting posture toward Obiq.

However, he hadn’t done it yet, but Yun Che was directly dragged back:

“Go ahead and cool off, Obic, you can’t kill.”

If you simply wanted to destroy Obic, Yun Che wouldn’t have to show up this time. Tiga’s current combat power alone was sufficient.

However, he didn’t want to destroy Obic, so he appeared!

“Why? Isn’t he a monster?”

When Dagu heard this, he couldn’t help frowning, and asked a little puzzled.

“He is not a monster, he is just… a poor monster.”

Shook his head, Yun Che said lightly.

Obik is not a monster, but a monster, a poor monster who misses the past village.

Speaking of it, he is also a victim, a victim like the Gakuma brothers.

If it weren’t for the excessive development of modern civilization, which deprived Obic of the living space, he wouldn’t be like this.

“Obik, the past has passed, and can’t come back.”

“So…you will be nostalgic for the village in your future dream.”

With a sigh of emotion, Yun Che’s eyes in Suzuo Nenghu’s body widened, and the eternal kaleidoscope of pupils exploded:

“Illusory·Monthly Reading!”

That’s right, Yun Che used the illusion monthly reading to put Obikra into the illusion.

In addition, he also modified the illusion of Moon Reading, changing the lifeless space that was originally a bloody moon into a village that Obique loved.

“Seal Technique·Ten Fist Sword!”

After Obik fell into the illusion of moon reading, Yun Che controlled Susano, a wine gourd emerged in his hand, and a scarlet flame sword flew out of it.

Cut off with a sword, Obic’s figure turned into smoky smoke, inhaled into the wine gourd.

“Perhaps… this is your best ending.”

With the illusionary world and the sealing effect of the Ten Fist Sword in the Moon Reading Illusion, it is no exaggeration to say that Obique will never escape from it in this life.


In the illusion, living in the village of the past, perhaps, this is his best ending, but also the final destination.

I still remember that in the original drama, when Obic was fighting with Tiga, he realized that he could not change the fact that the village had disappeared, so he cried and deliberately deceived Tiga and killed himself.

To be honest, when Yun Che as a child saw that scene, he couldn’t help running in tears.

He would not accept such an ending, nor could he accept it!

And now, Yun Che is capable enough to change all of this.

Maybe the change is not the best, but he has already done his best to make up for his regrets. .

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