Chapter 268

“Are, is it already dark in this world?”

From the pastoral world to this world, looking up at the dark night sky, Yun Che couldn’t help scratching his head.

It seemed that it was the Dimension Wall that was dealt with inside before, and it took too long to deal with it. Before I knew it, most of the time outside had already passed, and it was dark.

“Yun Che, that’s the weird person in this world…monster?”

At this moment, Monyashi patted Yun Che on the shoulder, pointed to a place behind him, and asked curiously.

“Monsters? Yes, it’s dark this day, and the monsters should indeed come out.”

Nodding thoughtfully, Yun Che turned around and looked in the direction that Kato Yashi was pointing.


He was dumbfounded.

“What the hell? This is…Obik?!” Nine Zero Seven

The capital masked circle appeared on Yun Che’s face.

Although before, the God of Kirie Rod, who should have appeared in the middle and late stages, broke the plot and appeared in the third episode.

But this should be harmless and does not affect the subsequent plot, right?

But why, Obik, who also appeared in the middle and late stages, will appear now?

Could it be…

The plot of Tiga’s world, like the Uub world, has been completely broken?

“Different from the two-headed beasts in your small world, this monster is very similar to the weirdo, except that it is larger.”

“The giant who is fighting him should be the Kamen Rider in this world, right?”

Looking at Tiga who was fighting Obic, Menya Shi said with admiration.

He didn’t know what the plot was, he couldn’t understand how much Yun Che was trapped at the moment.

“Stupid guy, it’s not called Kamen Rider, it’s called Ultraman.”

Rolling his eyes, Guang Xiahai corrected her speechlessly.

“Ultraman? It sounds weird…Forget it, whatever, it’s the same concept as Kamen Rider anyway.”

Shrugging, Kato Yashi said indifferently.

“Yun Che, what are you thinking?”

Seeing that his male god has been frowning, Datongmu Huiye asked with concern.


Shaking his head, Yun Che smiled lightly.

I don’t know what I’m thinking. I don’t know what I’m telling them. It’s better not to say it, so I don’t have to worry about it.

“Yun Che, you finally showed up?”

At this moment, a surprised female voice came from behind.

Turning around and looking around, it turned out that the door of the original drama is not moving, and the second door is not going out!

But isn’t it? In the original drama, she basically stayed at the base of the victory team to command, and most of the battles did not go to the scene in person.


Seeing Iimae, Yun Che couldn’t help but raised his eyebrows:

“You said, I finally showed up, what do you mean?”

The two of them separated last night, why did they finally show up?

It seemed like I hadn’t seen it in a long time.

“What do you mean? Where have you been all this time?”

“I didn’t show up for so long, I thought something happened to you!”

Although Intermae was a little unclear about the reason, his tone still revealed a hint of concern.

She even wondered if Yun Che was secretly retaliated by the Kirialord because he killed the God of Kiriairod, and was taken away.

But after careful consideration, he gave this idea to Pass decisively.

Who is Yun Che? Even the God of Kiry Elod can hang.

How could it be taken away by ordinary Kirie Rods? It’s unrealistic!

“You mean… you haven’t seen me for a long time?”

Yun Che wrinkled upon hearing this, and asked thoughtfully.


“how long?”

“A few months.”

Upon hearing Intermae’s answer, Yun Che was immediately trapped.

What’s the matter for a few months, didn’t you just spend a day in the pastoral world, the reality has been so long?


“How could this be? The flow of time before, isn’t it normal…”

Rubbing his chin, Yun Che was puzzled.

The time flow rate was normal before, but now the time flow rate is abnormal.

That being the case, then in the middle, something must have happened that changed the equal ratio between the two…


What exactly is it?

“Could it be due to the dimension wall?”

At this moment, Men Yashi suddenly said.

Although he didn’t know Ji Mae, from her words, Motoyashi could still hear something. He was as smart as him, and he quickly reacted and knew what was going on now.

“Dimensional Wall?”

Yun Che frowned upon hearing this.

“Well, the dimension wall is linked to space, and space has a certain relationship with time.”

“Furthermore, isn’t there something wrong with the Dimensional Wall today, or it has been mutated. In that case, I think it is very likely that it is a mutated Dimensional Wall, which disrupts the time difference between the small world and the present world.”

Menyashi’s analysis is well-founded, justified and well-founded, and it is completely irrefutable.

Even Lian Feng and Yuqin couldn’t help but shine.

Although the Dimensional Wall has nothing to do with science, space and time have a certain connection with science.

“I think his analysis makes sense!”

“From his perspective, the problem is indeed very likely to lie in the dimension wall!”

Lianfeng and Yuqin nodded one after another, expressing agreement with Men Yashi’s analysis.

“The mutation of the dimension wall disturbed the time difference between the pastoral world and the present world…”

Yun Che stroked his chin. From the current point of view, it seems that this is the only reason that can reasonably explain the current situation.

After all, a day is so short, and nothing special happened at all.

The only thing that is special is the variation of the dimension wall.


Intermediate’s face was veiled, what dimension wall, what mutation, what small world, what reality.

There are too many weird words, stop talking, she didn’t even understand a word or even a word at all.

Moreover, compared to these incomprehensible words, Intermae subconsciously cared about who Lianfeng and Yuqin were next to Yun Che.

Last time there were two women around, but this time there were two more.

Hard to accept… hard to accept! .

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