Chapter 261

The next development is the same as in the original drama.

The second-generation Kirielod, who was completely crushed in all aspects, pressed Tiga to the ground and rubbed it, so that he could not distinguish between the south, east and the north, so he basically stopped cooking.

But to be reasonable, Diga cannot be blamed for being too weak.

You know, the second-generation Kirie Rod in the original drama, but only appeared in the middle and late stages.

At that time, Tiga had already experienced many battles, both large and small, and became a qualified fighter.

But now he…

Well, novice fighters who haven’t gotten started yet.

Facing the second generation of Kiri Elod, it is equivalent to just coming out of the Novice Village, just like facing the full-level boss, there is no room for resistance at all.

“Mosimosi, Digasan, are you dead?”

Crouching in front of Tiga who had fallen to the ground without any reaction, Yun Che asked curiously.

“not yet……”

His fingers trembled slightly, and Da Gu’s voice was extremely weak.

I don’t know, I thought he was too empty for a few consecutive nights.

“Well, then you can just sit here and take some time. Next, it’s my turn to play.”

Yun Che nodded and smiled with interest.

Let’s play with the second-generation Kirielod first, and then open the door of hell and go to the world behind the door to play.

Well, perfect!

“Suzano, 900 Diga has been defeated, now, it’s your turn!”

“After defeating you, the earth will usher in the rule of the great Kirialod!”

It seemed that it was easy to lie down on Tiga, which made the Kirialod’s heart swell. Now, facing Yun Che, he is not only worthy, but he can’t wait.

“You seem to be a little drifting. After winning Tiga, you don’t know how old you are?”

After twisting his neck and flexing his muscles and bones, Yun Che drew a forty-meter samurai sword from his waist.

The strength of the second generation Kirielod is indeed several times stronger than that of the first generation.

But this does not mean that he can pretend to be forceful in front of Yun Che.

Because, let alone you are several times stronger, even if you are hundreds of times stronger, you are still an ant!

“Stop talking nonsense, let’s fight!”

With a sneer, the second-generation Kirielod swung the sharp blade on his wrist and galloped towards Yun Che.

The whirring sound of breaking through the air all proves that if the edge of its blade is cut, it will peel off if it is conservative!

Strike, cross cut, oblique stab, slash…

The two-armed sword confronted the katana, and the two collided with fierce sparks.

“You guy, are you playing tricks on me!?”

After fighting for a few tricks, it seemed that he realized something, and the second generation Kiry Elord roared uncomfortably.

On the surface, the two sides were evenly matched, but in fact, every time he caught Yun Che’s weakness and wanted to attack, it would be easily resolved ingeniously.

It was as if Yun Che deliberately exposed his weakness, led him to the bait, and then buried the weakness to tease him.

Even the second generation Kiri Elod people are wondering whether the two sides are evenly matched on the surface, is Yun Che deliberately doing it!

“Oh, was it discovered?”

Pretending to be surprised, Yun Che smiled very awkwardly.

That’s right, Yun Che is playing around with the second generation Kirialod!

After all, it’s not easy to meet an opponent whose strength is barely worthy of the past. This is just a trick, and it is a waste to relieve the addiction!

“Damn it! Dare to humiliate the great Kirielod!”

Seeing that the guess was correct, the second-generation Kirialod was furious, and the offensive became more and more fierce.

Even, I don’t know if it’s because of the anger and true feelings that this guy even used some dirty tricks!

For example, Thousand Years Kill, and Monkey Stealing Peach…

“Damn! Your uncle!”

“Laozi plays games with you, you play insidious tricks with Laozi, can’t you not play it?”

Although under the package of Susanenhu, the second-generation Kirialods are not yin deity at all.

But his behavior made Yun Che very upset!

So in a rage, Yun Che didn’t care about the three seven twenty one, and directly used the power gem to cover the energy on his leg, and then…

Kicked the middle of the thigh of the second generation Kirialod.


With a miserable howl, the second generation Kirialod lay directly on the ground and kept rolling.

Although this body was transformed by a prophet and a witch, a man and a woman, there are still places where it should be.

And can be used, full of sentiment!

Therefore, Yun Che’s footsteps simply killed the second generation of Kirialod.

The strength is not light, not to mention, it also covers the energy of the power gem!

“Damn it…”

“Asshole! Let’s wait and see!”

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Wielding the huge purple wings behind him, the whole person jumped up and galloped towards the gate of hell in the night sky.

He wants to break open the gates of hell forcibly, so that the great God of Kirialod descends on the earth ahead of time and destroys Yun Che!

“Yun Che, hurry…stop him!”

“You must not let him open the gates of hell, otherwise… the earth is in danger!”

At this time, Da Gu, who had been lying on the ground for a long time, finally recovered some strength, said with a pained expression on his face.

The ghost knows how he was beaten by the second-generation Kirie Rod just now.

I almost stopped cooking!

“Why stop it? I am very interested in the existence behind the gates of hell.”

Shaking his head, Yun Che smiled with interest.

To him, the second generation of Kirialod is nothing but a hors d’oeuvre, and the existence behind the gates of hell, the so-called God of Kirialod, is the real feast!

“However, in order to prevent the earth from being destroyed, to be on the safe side, let’s set up a few barriers first.”

With a fierce slap with both hands towards the ground, Yun Che instantly set up several major enchantments of Naruto World:

“Ninfa·Four Purple Flame Array!”

“Ninfa·Uchiha Flame Array!”

“Ninfa·Four Red Sun Formation!”

“Ninfa·Six Red Sun Formation!”

Originally, this kind of enchantment thing, only need to set up one is enough.

However, the combat power level of Naruto World seems to be somewhat different from that of Otto World, so to be safe, Yun Che directly set up four top-level enchantment techniques at once.

In this way, don’t talk about the so-called mysterious God of Kirialod.

Even if Noah is here, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort to break the barrier!

“Oh, not to stop me, it’s self-defeating!”

In front of the gate of hell, looking at Suzano and Diga, who had no actions or measures, the second generation Kirialod could not help but sneer.

In his opinion, if the two of them stop themselves, there may be a chance of a comeback.

If you don’t stop it, all hope will eventually turn into despair when the god of Kirylord descends!

“Haha! Suzano, Tiga, human…”

“Be prepared to pay a devastating price for what you have done!”

Laughing wanton, the second-generation Kyrielrod grabbed the handle of the door with both hands, used the strength of suckling, and yanked it away.

Accompanied by a heavy crunch sound.

Unknown purple light flashes, endless black mist is permeated…

The door of hell, symbolizing destruction, has opened! .

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