Chapter 260

“All right……”

Seeing Old God Yun Che sitting aside, he had no idea of ​​helping out, so Da Gu nodded helplessly.

What can he do? I can’t fight and win, and I can’t talk about it.

Having said all this, I had to deal with the second generation Kirialod by myself.

“Huh, it’s really useless, is that persuaded?”

With a sneer, the second-generation Kirialod looked at Yun Che with disdain.

“Oh damn it! I’m merciful and let you go for the time being, don’t you want to suffer!”

Hearing the ridicule of the second-generation Kyri Elod, Yun Che’s petty temper was suddenly unbearable.

“Ha ha!”

“Whether you make a move or not, the result is the same. When I finish solving Tiga, the next one will be you!”

With a sneer, the second-generation Kirylord didn’t say much, and directly attacked Diga aggressively.

Well, he is actually a little bit awkward in his heart, mocking Yun Che, just for the sake of face.

If it can be 1V1, a fool will pick a thorn, and deliberately go to the 1V2 who is okay to find trouble, especially in the 2nd, there is also a guy who is outrageously strong!


Seeing the second generation Kirialod rushing towards him, Dagu, who was controlling Tiga, did not hide, and directly confronted him.

However, it was just a mere match, which shocked Dagu!

The strength of every punch and every kick of the second-generation Kirie Rod is the strongest among the monsters he has encountered so far!

After a few more tricks, Da Gu was knocked to the ground without any accident!

“Damn it… Since the compound type can’t help you, so the powerful type!”

Extending his arms from his forehead, a red light flashed, and the compound Tiga switched form to a strong Tiga.

“Heh, do you think you will change?”

With a sneer, the second-generation Kirylord clenched his fists with both hands, and they also switched forms!

The muscles of the whole body are hardened, and a hard substance similar to armor appears to cover the chest and hands. There are armor and blades on the wrists, and the whole body is extremely powerful.

The second generation of Kirielod, the Balrog warrior-a strange type of warrior!

This is a change form that has evolved specifically to deal with Diga’s change form.

In addition to being stronger than the powerful Tiga in strength, it is also more agile in action!

“This…how is it possible? ~!”

Seeing the second generation of Kiri Elod also changed their form, Da Gu was completely confused.

Are you still playing with NM?

Referee, I report, someone opened up!

Having said that, the fight still needs to be fought. The powerful Tiga and the second-generation Kirialod of the strange force fighting type clenched their fists one after another, and soon they fought together.

Two people punch you, palm me, you whip the leg, and I kick.

Every time there was a collision, there was a violent muffled noise to highlight the power contained in it!

“Kirielod, evolving! He is more ferocious than any monster before!”

Under the building, Jun Mae looked at the second-generation Kirialod who was faintly pressing Tiga’s head, and murmured in astonishment.

Humans will evolve, and animals will evolve, which is normal.

But the Kiri Elods will evolve…

It may be normal, but it is troublesome!

At least, he will become more and more difficult to deal with!

“Could it be that Yun Che said that before, but now it seems that this monster is really interesting.”

Otsuki Kaguya smiled with interest.

“I think it’s okay. In my original world, there are many weirdos who will continue to evolve in battle.”

Guang Xiahai shrugged, not surprising.

“By the way, Xia Hai, how do you think we tie this monster back as a pet?”

“He looks quite clever, and his strength is also very good. He is much more interesting than the two Gakuma brothers!”

Well, even though it has been locked up in the pastoral world and raised as a pet, Datongmu Huiye still quite dislikes the Gakuma brothers.

After all, arrogant as she is, she really looks down on pets with inferior power.

“Emmm…I don’t care, let’s see what Yun Che thinks.”

Guang Xiahai didn’t care much about strength and the like. In her opinion, pets should be good-looking.

However, the conversation between the two of them directly stunned Intermae next to her.

“Yun Che? Is that the name of the man who became Susano?”

“Pets? Brother Gakuma was tied back by them and kept as pets?”

“It doesn’t matter if you raise the Jakuma brothers, you still want to tie the second generation Kirialod back as pets?”

Too many doubts, hovering in my mind, puzzled.

If it is said that seeing Yun Che turn into Susao Nogu before, it slightly broke the worldview of Intermae.

So now, the content of the dialogue between Datongmu Huiye and Guang Xiahai is undoubtedly directly reshaping her worldview!

After all, for Interi Mae, who treats monsters as an incomparable enemy, raising monsters is something that I dare not even dream of!

“. ~ Damn it… I’m not convinced!”

On the battlefield, the powerful Tiga, after a few rounds of fighting, was once again rubbed against the ground by the second-generation Kirialod of the strange power combat type.

“I can’t match you in strength, so the speed will be better!”

The unconvinced Dagu changed from a strong type, with a flash of purple light, to an aerial type, intending to win with speed.

However, he can change, and the second generation of Kirialod can also change!

The only difference is that Dagu is just a simple transformation (no promise), while the Kirialods are evolving on the original basis!

Retaining the power of the strange power warfare, the second generation of Kirialods grew huge purple wings from behind.

The speed is so fast that it far surpasses the speed of Mach 7 of the aerial Tiga!

This is the second generation of Kiri Elod, the Balrog warrior-air combat type!

As a result, all aspects of the ability data of the second-generation Kirialod are far stronger than Tiga.

In this battle, basically, Tiga is sure to lose!

Unless, people can gather light and illuminate Tiga as in the original drama, so that he can get the harbinger of the shining form.

However, the change in the plot span is a bit large.

The second-generation Kirielod, who should have only appeared in the middle and late stages, has already appeared in the third episode. Therefore, Yun Che is not sure whether the harbinger of the shining form will appear. .

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