Chapter 238

“Oh? Are you finally serious?”

After being shaken away, Yun Che pulled away on his own initiative and teased with interest.

“go to hell!”

Ignoring Yun Che’s teasing, An Mie directly threw out a group of terrifying energy that could destroy everything in a rage.

Nonsense, although his intention was to drag, waiting for the life court to appear.

But Yun Che started out with all his tricks, without any reservations, what can he do?

If you are not serious, I am afraid that you will be beaten to death before you show up in the life court!

“Let me fight for the last battle!”

Slightly sideways, avoiding the attack that would destroy a planet, Yun Che decisively exploded, ~ the whole person galloped out!

As the name suggests, the annihilated-power is pure destruction.

Destroy everything!

He is like a combination of power gems and reality gems, capable of turning any substance into nothing!

Bang bang bang!

An ear-splitting roar sounded, Yun Che and Wan Mie fought close to each other, constantly sending out strong fluctuations.

It’s a shame that Yun Che didn’t keep his hands this time, so he directly used the heart of the universe, otherwise, it would be really hard to deal with annihilation.

Because every punch and every foot he made was wrapped up with endless destructive power.

If there is no cosmic heart as a protection and blessing, I am afraid that Yun Che will have to kneel after the first punch of the annihilation!

“I have to say, you are really strong!”

“If you don’t do things like killing eternity and swallowing stars, perhaps in the near future, you can also set foot on our heights and become the sixth creation god in the universe!”

Wan Mie said regretfully while beating Yun Che with each other.

From the perspective of Annihilation, Yun Che’s strength has long surpassed the level of the five great creator gods in the universe.

All he lacks is prestige!

Therefore, if he didn’t do things like slaughtering eternity and swallowing stars, then as long as he has been developing in the universe for one hundred and eighty years, he will definitely step into the position of God and become the sixth god of creation!

“I don’t care about class status or anything!”

“Besides, by killing you, I can become an existence above the creation gods, not at the same level as you!”

Yun Che sneered disdainfully.

Become the sixth cosmic creator god and an existence above the cosmic creator god.

Which is more meaningful?

Of course it is the latter!

In Yun Che’s words, I don’t want to be like you, I want to surpass you!

“You guy… not too ambitious!”

“But that’s it!”

With a loud shout, Annihilation exploded with its own center, exploding out of surging power, which quickly spread out.

Its power is so powerful that it instantly destroys all the remains of the universe and planetary civilization within a hundred miles, turning them into nothingness dust!

Yun Che’s spaceship was also destroyed.

But fortunately, Morgana and Keisha had expanded their domains around Tsunade.

Otherwise, she would be in danger!

“Hey! The noise is quite loud!”

Posing his lips in disdain, Yun Che was not affected at all.

However, what he never expected was that this wave of annihilation attacks was not directed at himself!

Destroying so many planetary civilizations is purely to break the balance of reality and force the court of life to appear. This is his real goal!

“Isn’t it enough…”

Looking at the lifeless universe around him, he found that the life court still showed no signs of appearing.

An Mie frowned involuntarily.

“Really calm down…”

“It seems that it won’t work if it doesn’t come a bit ruthless!”

His eyes condensed, his hands were claws, and the whole person was madly accumulating energy, condensing endless horrible power.

“Is this going to zoom in? So fast?”

Seeing the disappearance, Yun Che couldn’t help but raised his eyebrows.

Although I do plan to make a quick battle, how long will it take?

A few rounds!

Yun Mie couldn’t help but want to drive Wushuang, which Yun Che really didn’t expect.

“Forget it, come on, one move will determine the outcome!”

Indifferent shook his head, Yun Che also burst out six brilliant rays.

Or Liuyuan·Disillusionment this magic killer skill.

But the difference is that this time, Yun Che also poured the power of the Heart of the Universe into it!

That is, the infinite gem plus the heart of the universe, the heart of the universe version of the six originals·disillusionment!

You should know that the original Six Originals·Disillusionment cannot even kill in one strike for eternity, so at this moment, if you want to fight for a big move, it won’t work if you don’t join the heart of the universe!

“Hurry up…appear!”

After the charge is completed, the annihilated hands are merged, and the extremely terrifying force burst out!

After hearing the words of annihilation, Yun Che couldn’t help frowning.

what happened? Not to die, but to “appear”?

· ····Find flowers 0 ····

Could it be that annihilation still hides some kind of back hand, making a small calculation?

“Universe·Six Plains·Disillusionment!”

Although he was puzzled, the arrow was on the string, and he had to send it out. Yun Che also burst out the Liuyuan·Disillusionment that had been injected with the energy of the heart of the universe.

In an instant, the blinding white light lit up.

After the two extreme forces collided, instead of going back and forth in the past, they exploded directly on the spot!

The huge undisturbed aftermath spread, and in an instant, all the multiverses were affected, and the galaxy barrier was broken and precarious!

That’s right, the impact of this attack is not limited to this single universe.

It’s all the multiverse!

This is what Wan Mie wants to see!

In his opinion, since destroying a universe, it cannot attract the attention of the life court.

…….. ……… 0

So destroying the entire multiverse, is this headquarter?

This is definitely a breach of reality and a balance. There is no reason why the court of life should not appear!


With an unstoppable ecstasy, after doing so much, Obliteration finally saw the figure that he had been looking forward to for a long time.

Yes, it seems to be in response to his determination, accompanied by a flash of golden light.

Life court…

It really appeared!

A huge body with burst muscles and a golden body. The chest and eyes are shining with blue light, and there is a blue cloth on the head.


To be honest, it’s really hard to imagine a court of life that tries everything in the Marvel universe.

It turned out to be such a strange look of TM!

Bright and blind!

It can only be said that TOAA’s aesthetics is so unique!

“You, have broken the balance of reality, the multiverse has been affected by something that cannot be seen directly!”

After playing, the Life Court first looked at Yun Che and then at Wan Mie.

Finally, with an old and hollow voice, he said in a majestic manner.

“The Court of Life, he, Yun Che! The two treasures of infinite gems and the heart of the universe have severely affected the balance of cosmic power!”

“Please put him on trial!”

An Mie complained to the Life Court with an excited expression.

And his words and behavior, in the eyes of Yun Che…

It looks like TM is being bullied outside, and then finds the dog leg of the owner who is crying! Four.

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