Chapter 237

“An accident? Maybe.”

“But you are the one who surprised me the most, Yun Che.”

Picking up the eyebrows that I don’t know if there are any, Ming Mie said with interest:

“Originally, it was just a little-known character, but in the end he killed the two gods, Swallowing Star and Eternal.”

“Furthermore, it is enough to have infinite gems, but you can be favored by the Heart of the Universe, which is beyond my imagination!”

In a sense, Yun Che can be regarded as stepping on the heads of the five great creator gods of the universe and becoming famous in one battle!

And as Eternity said, the infinite gems are fine, but the heart of the universe…

This is really incredible!

Even, he has some doubts, will Yun Che be the hidden incarnation of TOAA?

Otherwise, having infinite gems and the heart of the universe at the same time, this is really a bit exaggerated, well, TM is simply the son of luck!

“I said I was lucky, do you believe it?”

Yun Che shrugged and smiled.

The conscience of heaven and earth, as a traverser, he has neither system nor grandfather.

It was pure luck to be able to reach this height, and he got six infinite gems at the beginning.

Otherwise, I don’t know where to mix it!

“It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, these are not important.”

“The important thing is that today…everything will end!”

He shook his head flatly, and the obliterated figure disappeared again, teleporting from the cabin to the outside of the universe, standing between infinity and death.

“Will it all end?”

“Oh, it seems that this will be the last battle in this world!”

Raising his eyebrows with interest, Yun Che also teleported outside using the space gem.

Floating in the vast galaxy of the universe, facing the three creation gods indifferently.

“Yun Che, let’s help you!”

At this moment, the voices of Keisha and Morgana came.

After hitting the hatch, the two of them flew out and stood beside their male god.

“Naughty! What are you doing out? This level of battle is not something you can intervene!”

“Moreover, Tsunade still needs your protection, go back obediently!”

Frowning, Yun Che scolded with a dissatisfied expression.

He can understand Keisha and Morgana’s idea to help him, but help depends on the occasion!

Infinity and death are aside for the time being, but the battle between him and the annihilation alone cannot be intervened by others!

The level of Yun Che and Annihilation is much higher than that of Keisha and Morgana, as well as Infinity and Death!

“Don’t worry, Yun Che, we have already opened up the field by Tsunade’s side, even if the spaceship explodes, she will be fine!”

Morgana smiled.

Since she dared to come out, she must be ready to be scolded by her own male god and to deal with the problem.



Yun Che frowned, and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Keisha:

“Yun Che, you promised me that you would give me a chance to fight. You have already missed an appointment once, and you can’t have a second time!”

“Furthermore, Liang Bing and I are your women, and we are qualified to fight side by side with you!”

Kesha’s idea is actually very pure.

Since the other party is three people, two women and one man, then there must be three people, two women and one man!

Although the individual strength may not be equal, or even the gap is huge.

However, the momentum and lineup cannot be lost!

You know, men are not domineering, and in many cases, it depends on whether women can afford the market!

At least, Keisha and Morgana, in all aspects, do not want their male gods to be weaker than others!

“You two guys…”

“Hey, after the fight, prepare to accept discipline!”

After staring deeply at Keisha and Morgana for a while, Yun Che shook his head helplessly and sighed.

However, that’s how it is said, but in fact, he has agreed to the two people’s participation in the war!

In the end, the lineup is determined.

The king is against the king, and will be against the general.

Yun Che’s battle is annihilated, Morgana’s battle is infinite, and Keisha’s battle is dead.

At first glance, the combat power of the two sides seems to be even, if the score is even…

However, not only does Obliteration not find it difficult, but it is also a little joyful!

Because, although he didn’t know who Kesha and Morgana were, he could see and feel that they were both gods!

In this way, the probability of the court of life appears even higher!

This actually called his mind!

“Little Nanny Sha, Liang Bing, if you fight against Death and Infinite, you can fight if you can, and if you can’t fight, try to drag it as much as possible. After I solve the problem, I will help you!”

Yun Che told her two women seriously.

They want to fight, want to help, no problem, but they must do what they can, and there can be no danger!

This is Yun Che’s lowest endurance limit.

“Don’t worry, you won’t be disappointed!”

Keisha and Morgana looked at each other, then waved their wings and quickly rushed to their opponents.

“Annihilation, in this case, we have to decide the winner quickly!”

Looking at the four women who had already been fighting on the sidelines, Yun Che turned his head and smiled with interest.

“Heh, I’m afraid I won’t make you wishful!”

Annihilation sneered.

What’s the joke about TM, hurry up and tell the winner?

impossible! It’s impossible in this life!

To be reasonable, with infinite gems and the heart of the universe as blessings, Wan Mie really doesn’t think he can win Yun Che by singled out.

Therefore, all he has to do is to drag!

Drag to death! As long as it can be delayed! It is best to drag it to the court of life!

Of course, if the life court does not intend to show up, then he can only confess his life obediently!

“Whether it can be what I like, it’s not you who have the final say!”

Raising his eyebrows, Yun Che immediately moved to the face of Wan Mie, grabbed his face with his bare hands, and burst out a bright golden light.

That’s right, he didn’t plan to play slowly this time.

But from the very beginning, go all out and use the power of the heart of the universe to quickly end the battle!

There are factors that do not want Kesha and Morgana to be injured, and there are factors that want to end this final battle quickly and leave this boring Marvel world!

In short…

Full firepower, no longer keep your hands!

“Damn it!”

Yun Che suddenly blasted the door and opened the door, An Mie covered his face, his expression was a bit distorted with pain.

If it’s an infinite gem, it’s okay, it won’t cause much damage to him.

But f*ck is the heart of the universe, let’s open it, let people not play it!

“Quick battle!”

Without giving Annihilation time to breathe, Yun Che teleported in once again, adding a series of fists and feet, constantly oppressing him, without giving the slightest gap!

“Asshole…Don’t look down on people too much!”

Being very annoyed by the aggressive Yun Che.

Annihilation roared, and a multiverse-level force burst out, directly shook it away. .

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