Chapter 219

“What do you mean?!”

Hearing Deadpool’s words, Carol frowned and questioned with an unhappy expression on his face.

In her opinion, she is a pure superhero, how can there be any taint at all!

“Hehe, don’t pretend to be a good person, you, Captain Marvel, Carol, are a sad and hateful dictator!”

Deadpool was unmoved by Carol’s upset, instead he raised his finger to her and yelled at her:

“Your dictatorship killed Tony Stark, killed War Machine Rod, killed Banner and Hulk, and killed many superheroes!”

“Carol, neither you nor the Inhumans are good things! You are all damn existences, and you don’t deserve to be saved!”

Apart from Yun Che, Deadpool knew more than anyone present.

So, do you want to talk about it?

No, he was just telling a truth, an ironclad fact!

“Me? Dictator?”

Hearing Deadpool’s annoyance at 8080, the expression on Carol’s face suddenly changed from uncomfortable to bewilderment.

Own? dictatorship?

Killed many superheroes?

Why doesn’t she remember this?

“Wait! What are you talking about? I’m dead?”

Without waiting for Deadpool to respond to Carol’s question, Tony waved his hand first and asked with a dazed expression on his face.

“Uh…Tony, he’s not only talking about you, I’m also dead.”

Rod said with a black question mark on his face.

“To be honest, I don’t really believe it, because as long as Hulk doesn’t die, I won’t die.”

Banner scratched his cheek and smiled. He didn’t believe all Deadpool’s words, of course, not all.

“You should know what I’m talking about?”

“How about telling them the truth?”

Facing everyone’s doubts, Deadpool chose to throw the answer to Yun Che.

He believes that as an “audience”, Yun Che must know whether what he said is true or false!

“Yun Che…”

Carol turned his head and looked at this beloved man with expectation and trepidation.

She really wanted to prove that she was not a dictator and had not killed any superheroes, but unfortunately, she didn’t know how to prove it.

Therefore, I can only pin my hopes on Yun Che!

It’s not just Carol.

Tony, Rod, and Banner, who had been named by Deadpool just now, also looked over with curiosity.

They also want to know if they were really killed by the so-called dictatorship Carol called Deadpool!

“What? Great audience, dare not to say?”

Deadpool raised an eyebrow and laughed.

“There is nothing I dare to say.”

Yun Che shrugged indifferently:

“What Deadpool says is true.”

“Carol, there is an alien named Ulysses. You used his ability to predict the future and launched a dictatorship.”

“Tony and Rod, as well as Banner, and even other superheroes, were killed by you.”

how to say?

Yun Che is actually quite disgusted with Carol’s performance in Civil War 2 in the comics.

Although it is just that the two sides have different ideas, what she did can indeed be called a dictatorship. It is really disgusting dictatorship!

And Ulysses of the alien race is not a good bird.

You know the future, right? What did the blind chicken say? Is it comfortable if you can’t get anywhere?

Besides, TM is not a prediction of the future at all, but a possibility of error.

To tell the truth, it’s because Yun Che came to the movie world.

Otherwise, he will definitely find the vote of Civil War 2 and kill them all!

“But I don’t even know Ulysses!”

Hearing Yun Che’s words, I saw Tony and others retreating a few steps, far away from him.

Carol was full of sadness and tried to argue.

“Oh, that’s not who you are now, but you who are in a parallel world.”

Yun Che shrugged and said, although he hated what Carol did in Civil War 2.

But he is not yet angered to Carol in this world.

He can tell who is who.

“Parallel world? Phew…that’s good!”

When Carol heard the words, he patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

She doesn’t care what Tony and others think of herself.

The only thing she hopes is that Yun Che don’t have any prejudice against herself, and don’t hate herself!

Otherwise, she really wants to travel through the parallel world and beat the other herself!

“Carol, do you think you can escape guilt in this way?”

“Even if it’s a parallel world, that’s you! You are the same person!”

Deadpool shook his head and sneered disdainfully, then turned and continued to pinch Thor’s nose:

“Forget it, don’t talk to you so much, wait until I save him first!”

Well, for Deadpool who knows the truth, killing is equivalent to saving!

“Damn! Kill Thor in front of us? Have you put us in your eyes!”

After hearing this, Tony was stunned for a few seconds, he immediately put on his arm suit, gathered energy in his palm, and shot Deadpool with a TM shot…

However, Deadpool is not hiding!

Even if his back was pierced by laser shells, he would not be moved!

“You… don’t it hurt?”

Tony asked dumbfounded.

His mother’s back was pierced by a laser cannon, and he didn’t even move.

This is a wonderful monster and ghost!

“It hurts, but it doesn’t affect me to save Thor.”

Deadpool turned his head indifferently and grinned.

After many battles, he didn’t care about the pain for a long time. As long as he was not killed by a single blow, he would let him fight, and the breeze would blow the hills!

I don’t care at all, okay!

“I think you have a problem with your spirit. You are obviously murdering, but you call it rescue!”

Steve shook his head, then equipped his shield and sprinted towards Deadpool.

“You don’t understand, I am saving!”

Facing Steve’s close attack, Deadpool had to let Thor go and fight back:

“Whether it is the world or us, we are all created by people for the audience’s pleasure.”

“I want to save you, from the hands of those audiences, save you!”

Deadpool is telling the truth, but no one believes it.

After all, want them to believe that they were created for fun?

(. “:; Ben. Group!? Every; Day “more”? New” Fei. Lu, Xiao!. Say’:』’『,! If!: Water.’ Group.,』.:6″5? 6’6.’1:?8?8.;9;”6!!『?;If “水’?中’:转”』, 3’0,:0’0?3..1;!4 ,’2″7!?)  Who believes! No one wants to be false!

“Tony, let’s take down this nonsense guy with the captain.”

Rod scratched his cheek and proposed.

“Well, we should send him to a mental hospital.”

Tony nodded in agreement. However, what he didn’t know was that the reason Deadpool was like this was because of the mental hospital!

“Yun Che, what Deadpool said…is it true?”

I didn’t care about their fight, Keisha wrinkled, and asked her male god thoughtfully.

Tony and they don’t believe it because they haven’t experienced anything like this.

But Kesha and the others have experienced events in the unknown universe in the super god world!

So for Deadpool, don’t say 100% full faith, but 80% faith, there are still some!

“Well, it’s true.”

Yun Che didn’t evade, and directly nodded in acknowledgment.

“Then…is it the same in our world?”

As if she had guessed something, Keisha asked calmly on the surface, but her heart was rough.

Before the combination, Yun Che didn’t want himself and others to know the so-called truth.

She has reason to suspect that her own world, like the Marvel world mentioned by Deadpool, was created for fun! .

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