Chapter 218

“Hey, the Avengers are not dead, are you angry?”

“You must be angry, right? Just be angry. The more angry you are, the happier I will be!”

Even though he was in a big disadvantage, and even endangered his life, Thor was still the same Thor.

Jubi’s character will never change!

In this case, I dare to taunt Deadpool with a bitch. I have to say, it’s very hard to die, but it’s also very awesome!

“Hehe, they are not dead now, but they will die sooner or later.”

“And you… I’m going to die now!”

Deadpool was not angry or annoyed, smiled and stretched out his hand, pinching Thor’s nose.

When the chest cavity is compressed by huge gravity, the respiratory tract of the oral cavity is basically scrapped, that is to say, Thor at this moment can only breathe through his nose.

And pinching the nose again is equivalent to cutting off all his breathing paths.


stop breathing!

As long as he keeps this for a while, Thor will die in pain and aggrieved under the hands of Deadpool!

“Something happened! Uncle Yun Che, something happened!”

In his own building, Tony, who saw this scene through the virtual projection screen, immediately exclaimed.

“I know, I’m not blind yet!”

Yun Che waved his hand unhappily, and called out in surprise.

Thor is also a god, although he will also die by being closed, but people’s closed time can go longer than human beings!

“No! If this continues, Thor will be in danger!”

Steve frowned and said, then picked up his shield and turned around to try to rescue Thor.

“The distance between the two buildings is so far, you can jump over?”

Yun Che raised an eyebrow and smiled.

“Uh…can’t jump over.”

Steve was stunned when he heard the words.

Although his physical stamina is far beyond the limits of current humans, there is at least a kilometer or more between the two buildings, and it is impossible to jump over with both feet.

It can be seen from his first personal movie.

Even with the super soldier serum injected, he can only jump less than three meters in height and four to five meters in distance.

Of course, this is only the data provided in the first part.

After so many years and so many events, there must be some growth.

But no matter how much he grows up, he cannot jump a hundred meters high or a thousand meters away. He is a man, not a god!

“I wear a battle suit, let’s fly over!”

Tony stood up and said.

“Okay, why bother?”

“We don’t need to go there, just let them come over!”

Some helplessly shook his head and smiled. Yun Che waved his hand, using the power of the space gem, instantly teleported Thor and Deadpool in the opposite building together!

After devouring the six infinite gems of this world.

Not only has his rough stone ability been improved, but even his manipulation has become more handy.

It’s not too simple to pass on people from the air!

“Oh, it’s you again, why do you stop me from saving them again and again?”

Looking at the changing environment around and the gazes of the Avengers, Deadpool said helplessly.

Obviously, this sentence was addressed to Yun Che!

“To be honest, I don’t want to talk to you too much, because strictly speaking, you are not a real Deadpool.”

Without answering Deadpool’s question, Yun Che said with a slight smile instead.

In the comics, the reason why Deadpool will carry out the massacre of the Marvel Universe, in addition to knowing the truth of the world, is more because he is not a master character that everyone is familiar with!

It was the darkest personality in the heart that was triggered by the soul tremor!

The difference between the master personality and the dark personality is very large and obvious.

The former is harmless to humans and animals, only occasional slaps.

The latter is a pure murderer!

“Oh? What do you seem to know?”

When Deadpool heard the words, he couldn’t help but raised his eyebrows.

In his memory, there does not seem to be a figure like Yun Che in the huge Marvel world.

So…who is he?

In this regard, Deadpool is very curious!

“Like you, I know everything… Xiaojianjian!”

Yun Che’s mouth twitched slightly and said with a faint smile.

And his plain words directly changed the face of Deadpool!

Know everything like yourself?

And you even know the nickname Xiao Jianjian, the “audience” took for him?

All of this made him feel shocked and trembling!

“You… are the audience, right? The person behind the fourth wall!”

After changing the light and humorous tone before, Deadpool at this moment looked a little gloomy.

No way, all he is doing now is to save the lives of the Marvel world from the hands of the “audience”.

And now, the “audience” actually appeared in front of him…

Then all means that the “enemy” you want to fight is right in front of you!

Well, it feels a bit convoluted, but that’s what it means.

“It used to be.”

Yun Che shrugged and did not deny.

· ····Find flowers 0 ····

Mainly this kind of thing is nothing to deny.

“Heh, I’m really curious, as a great audience, how come you come to this small world created by you?”

Deadpool smiled and said, although he used the word great, anyone with a bit of brain can hear that he is ironic!

“Actually I can’t understand why you hate the audience so much?”

“You know, there is no audience, but you are not there.”

Yun Che asked with an interesting smile.

In his view, knowing that he was created is something that is hard to accept, but it is not so disgusting, right?

“Hehe, why do you speak so high-soundingly?”

“To put it bluntly, aren’t we created for your entertainment? We are just your tools!”

…….. …….. 0

Deadpool smiled angrily.

Indeed, according to his thinking, disgust is also correct.

After all, no one wants to be a tool for others to make fun of.

“Wait! What are you two talking about? Why don’t I understand at all?”

Intervening in the middle, interrupting the conversation between Yun Che and Deadpool, Tony asked with a dazed expression.

“I seem to understand, but I don’t seem to understand, but I have a bad premonition inexplicably.”

Steve frowned and said.

As an old-fashioned old man, although he has lived in modern times for a long time, he still can’t understand some things.

“Stupid! Because you two are so smart, even I understand it!”

“Deadpool and Yun Che are saying that we were created by others for fun!”

Should it be Thor?

Even if he was crushed under the axe, even if he knew about this astonishing news, he still did the same as before, heartlessly committing two children.

“WTF?! We were created for fun?!”

When Tony, Steve and others heard this, black question marks suddenly appeared on their faces.

For them, this news is really a shock to the three views, which is unacceptable.


“Yun Che, don’t talk crazy with this madman here!”

Carol frowned and scolded. Obviously, she didn’t believe it and was very upset with the news.

“Crazy man? Crazy talk and crazy talk?”

“Haha, Captain Marvel, do you think you are a good person?”

Glancing at Carol, Deadpool sneered disdainfully.

In his memory, Carol is indeed a superhero, yes, but she is not without blemish! Four.

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