Chapter 193

An inconspicuous van parked at the gate of a high-end hotel.

Yun Che and a group of people sat idly in there and nonsense.

Hank and Scott, on the other hand, are looking at the screen, through the Ant camera, the action footage of Hope trading with the black market businessman Birch in the hotel!

“Susan, in our business, the most important thing is integrity.”

“And obviously, you don’t have enough integrity with me!”

In the hotel lobby, Burch smiled at Hope while playing with the much-needed parts of the quantum tunnel.

“What do you mean? Why don’t I have enough integrity?”

Hearing this, Hope felt a sudden thump in his heart, but on the surface he still pretended to be calm.

“It’s like this, a friend of mine who works in the Bureau of Investigation told me that you are not actually Susan.”

“Your name is Hope Van Dyne, and your faceless partner is your father, Hank Pym!”

Burch smiled and said something that shocked Hope.

You know, their father and daughter are wanted by the Bureau of Investigation at the moment, if they are found…

I must go in and go to jail!

“Relax, I don’t mean to report you, but… as far as I know, the parts you buy from me these days are all quantum parts.”

“You… are studying quantum technology!”

The special meaning contained in Burch’s words must have been a wise man, and he has already heard it.

“So? What do you want?”

Since he couldn’t hold it anymore, Hope didn’t do it at all, and opened the skylight to speak brightly.

“Let’s cooperate!”

Burch said bluntly:

“The quantum technology you are studying is a huge business opportunity! This is much more valuable than nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency, etc.!”

“Quantum energy is the future, a new round of gold rush!”

Birch is a pure businessman, he just wants to make money, make a lot of money, no matter in any way!

“Listen to Birch, my father and I have more important things to do than starting a business with you!”

“So I understand you and the cooperation, we still follow the previous said, I pay, you give me the parts, how about?”

Hope said seriously.

She doesn’t care about money, neither does her father Hank.

Now, the only thing their father and daughter want to do is to complete the quantum tunnel and rescue the important people trapped in the quantum realm!

“My buyers don’t like being rejected, and I don’t like it either.”

“So, we either do business together, or don’t do anything at all.”

Taking the part off the table, Burch said with a faint smile on his face.

He would not be so stupid as to give up a big market for a small business.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

Hope squinted, she was already a little impatient.

“Yes, and your money can’t be taken away. You broke my heart, so they have to stay as compensation.”

Burch smiled indifferently.

“Very good! Burch, you will regret it!”

Glancing at the ugly man in front of him, Hope shook his hand and left.


She said she was leaving, but in fact she just found a place and put on the Hornets suit!

That part is very important to her, she won’t give up so easily, since she can’t agree, she just grabbed it!

“Hehe, I hope you regret it, regret not cooperating with me.”

Burch shrugged and smiled lightly, and then continued to sit for a while. After a cup of coffee, supported by the bodyguards, he prepared to get up and leave.

But as everyone knows, Hope, who has changed the Hornets’ suit a long time ago, has been waiting for him to leave!

With the size of an ant, it can strike out the power of an adult.

This kind of bullet-like explosive power and sensitivity quickly solved Burch’s dozens of bodyguards!

After all, although they are a little stronger, they are just ordinary people after all!

“I took the things, but I will leave the money to you.”

Shaking the parts he grabbed, Hope said to Burch with a smile on his face.

“Oh, our business hasn’t finished yet, Hope.”

“I promise you this!”

Although Burch looked indifferent, in fact, his heart was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

“Hmm, it depends on whether you can bring out something worthy of my attention next time.”

Hope shrugged and prepared to leave with the parts in his hand.

However, at this moment, a trance, wearing a white uniform, like a ghost, appeared from the other side of the wall!

And without saying anything, he attacked Hope without hesitation!

“WTF?! Am I dazzled?”

Standing up blankly, looking at the two figures in black and white who were fighting, Birch whispered in shock.

Hope’s getting bigger and smaller he can understand, quantum technology.

But what the hell is this white ghost’s trance figure?

Not only can TM pass through the wall, but also TM can’t hit it?

This really shocked him!

“Fuck! Who the hell are you guys?!”

Invisible for a while, active for a while, hit for a while, missed for a while.

This weird posture made Hope not only shocked, but also annoying!

“Give me that!”

The ghost pointed at the parts in Hope’s hand and made a hoarse and electronic sound.


Knowing that the target of the ghost in front of him turned out to be a part in his hand, Hope suddenly looked serious.

This part is the only way for her to rescue her mother. In any case, she is not allowed to be taken away!

“No! I’m going to help her!”

In the van, watching Hope lost to the ghost, Scott said nervously.

At any rate, he is also an old lover, although he is still angry with himself, but he can’t save him? impossible!

“Sit down!”

Just as Scott was about to rush out of the van, Yun Che, who had been talking nonsense with Keisha and others, suddenly called out and stopped him.

“Let me go, I’m interested in that ghost…very interested!”

The ghost, Ava, was originally an ordinary person.

But in my childhood, after experiencing a quantum technology explosion, it caused molecular imbalance, and the physical body would constantly shuttle and exist between various planes, looking like a ghost!

Overall it is a pretty good ability.

But the only drawback is that the constant destruction and repair caused by molecular imbalance will make Ava very painful!

Okay, to put it bluntly, Yun Che wants this ability similar to the blurring of the eyes of a writing wheel.

Invisibility, blur, it’s still pretty powerful!

Of course, the only shortcoming, Yun Che will also directly eliminate it! .

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