Chapter 192

After ending the old-fashioned nonsense, Hank continued to pull Hope to develop a quantum tunnel.

Scott had a sore face on the side of the salted fish.

And Yun Che and others, if no one else appreciates this laboratory.

“By the way, what is this thing? It looks like an ant!”

Pointing to the ant colony that was carrying mechanical materials on the side, Tsunade asked with a puzzled face.

“That’s the ant.”

Yun Che smiled:

“Hank has developed a dart that can grow bigger and smaller.”

“And these ants have grown bigger through those darts to help carry supplies.”

To be reasonable, Hank’s research is still quite powerful.

Although they don’t have the powerful super powers of some Avengers, nor the superb fighting power of Iron Man.

But as long as you master it well, getting bigger and smaller is also very powerful!

Becoming small and pervasive, becoming bigger and ruining the world.

The civil war and the final battle can fully reflect this!

“Unexpectedly, it can make the ant so big…”

“Tsk, after seeing the power of your world, I suddenly felt that Dashemaru is not so Damn it!”

Tsunade shook his head amusedly.

Da She Maru devoted his life to science and technology, but the people in Naruto World didn’t understand it, and they regarded him as a heresy.

Even Tsunade thought so at the beginning.

But now, seeing the power of so much technology, she suddenly understood the idea of ​​Dashemaru.

Sure enough, technology changes the world!

“When you have time later, go back and have a look.”

“Bring something related to science and technology, and go back to benefit the Ninja World.”

Yun Che smiled.

“good idea!”

Hearing this, Tsunade nodded in agreement.

“For now, the level of development of these technologies is not bad, but it still doesn’t reach the level of our world.”

Morgana looked around the equipment in the laboratory, shook her head and said.

“Normal, after all, our world is dominated by technology, and other worlds are not necessarily.”

Kesha’s thoughts are more mature, and the more things he sees naturally.

“Kaisha is right. This world is more about superpowers than technology. ~.”

“And… to be honest, there are so many people here that can threaten us!”

Yun Che’s six infinite gems are from the Marvel world.

In the Marvel world, Infinite Gems is not the most powerful existence!


If you encounter high-end existences such as the Five Great Creation Gods, and to be reasonable, their group may be ruined!

“Huh?! Is there a guy in this world that you can’t handle?”

Morgana looked surprised.

She has always felt that her male god is an invincible existence, the kind that no one is afraid of.

Unexpectedly, he heard from his mouth for the first time today that there is a guy he can’t deal with!

This really shocked her.

“Actually, my ability comes from this world and universe.”

“It’s just that it’s not the strongest in this universe.”

Yun Che shrugged helplessly. Infinite Gems is not the strongest in Marvel. Blame me?

“Then we are in this world, wouldn’t it be very dangerous?”

“Why don’t we go back, safety is important!”

Keisha frowned and said, It doesn’t matter whether Yun Che is the strongest or not, she doesn’t care, anyway, in her mind, Yun Che is still Yun Che, her own male god.

Compared to her strength, she doesn’t want any accidents in her party!

“Don’t worry, there is no need to end the journey.”

Yun Che touched Kesha’s head and comforted:

“Under normal circumstances, the possibility of encountering those perverted guys is very small, very small.”

“Secondly, even if we can’t beat us, we want to run, they can’t do anything with us!”

If you can’t win, Yun Che admits it, but if you can’t win, Yun Che won’t admit it!

First of all, the existence of the level of the five great creation gods is basically not encountered under normal circumstances. They are not so idle, and Yun Che and others are not so unlucky.

Secondly, are you really vegetarian at the time and the pastoral world?

If you can’t win, just run into the cracks of time and space and the pastoral world!

Even at the level of the five great creation gods, at best they won the pastoral world.

But there must be no time and space cracks!

After all, the rift in time and space is beyond the ranks of the Marvel world. It is not a godless thing, it can interfere!

“Anyway, I am the weakest, just follow you.”

Tsunade shrugged indifferently.

She doesn’t care much about these, anyway, whether it’s alive or dead, just follow her own male god and sisters.

“By the way, have you finished talking? Let’s go after talking, we have to go out!”

At this moment, Hank came over and said:

“The quantum tunnel still needs a part. I have to find someone to deal with it.”

The quantum tunnel is basically completed, but once it runs, it can easily be overloaded.

So they look for Burch, a black market merchant, to trade a part!

Outside the building, Hank took out a pair of vans from a roulette-shaped box, zoomed in with the remote control, and instantly reduced the original experimental building tens of meters high.

Finally, as if carrying a suitcase, he carried it to the van.

“Is this quantum technology? It looks very convenient!”

Morgana smiled with interest.

“.~ It’s very convenient, but it’s not as good as your micro wormhole handling technology.”

Hank shrugged.

Hasn’t he never thought about researching the technology of wormhole removal, but what about this stuff?

Too abstruse!

To be reasonable, I don’t know if the current technological means can be completely developed!

“By the way, where are we going now?”

Sitting in the van, Tsunade looked at the busy road outside and asked curiously.

“Find a black market merchant to trade parts!”

“That part is very important to ensure the normal operation of the quantum tunnel!”

Hank was driving, and Hope explained from the passenger seat.

“Speaking of Hope, can you send me back first?”

“When you get the parts and finish building the quantum tunnel, how about looking for me again?”

Scott said nervously.

He was really afraid that he was not at home, the people under the investigation bureau knew.

Otherwise, he is afraid that he will have to sit through the prison!

“Stop talking nonsense Scott!”

(Good King of Money)    “Remember! This is what you owe us!”

Before Hope had spoken, Hank, who was driving, said with an unhappy expression on his face.

Obviously, he was still very upset about Scott holding his suit without authorization and ran into the Avengers Civil War!

After all, they are all wanted…


Hearing Hank’s announcement, Scott closed his mouth obediently.

Although he likes to make comparisons, he is still a little self-aware, and in general, it is indeed his fault.

“Speaking of old man, why are you building a quantum tunnel?”

“Although I don’t really understand it, as far as I know, the quantum field doesn’t seem to be a good place, right?”

Morgana asked curiously.

“Yes, the quantum field is not a good place…”

“But I have to go!”

Hank sighed and said firmly:

“My wife is trapped inside, no matter what the price, I must rescue her!” Yu.

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