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The Old Man Time almost spurted blood, “You can attack? Don’t save your energy. When they all lose, we may not be able to beat that kid alone!”

Su Ping naturally knows this principle, but he feels that these Starry Sky realms have not really used his trump card cards.

After all.

Under such a full view, unless it is sure to win, who would easily expose all the cards?

After all, it’s just to beat the workers, just try to perform.

These Starry Sky realms are not stupid. If there are only two or three people left in the end, it is estimated that it will be time for a real fight, because it is only one step away from success.


Just as Su Ping was preparing to fight, the battle ahead suddenly changed astonishingly. The blood mist of the purple robed youth suddenly converged and shrank, all of them submerged within the body, and then a bright divine light burst out from the body, imposing The manner climbed to the extreme, overshadowing any Starry Sky realm present.

He roared and waved the chain, which was like a whip, like a sharp blade, sweeping across the void and severing the earth.

At this moment, he hit some of his pets, and immediately broke his body and screamed and fell.

“In the late stage of Starry Sky realm, is it so impossible to withstand a single blow?!”

The purple robed youth roared, his eyes were blood-red, full of tyranny, but he appeared extremely calm. He suddenly rushed towards an old man, chained to protect himself, several of them intertwined into a sharp spear, which suddenly pierced through. Out.

The old man was horrified. Several shields appeared in front of him. Among them, there were two hidden treasures that took out. One was a big roulette and the other was a dead branch.

The big wheel was pierced by the chain and burst open, the divine light on it shattered, and the hidden treasure was abandoned.

And that piece of dead branch contained a strange divine force, which actually resisted the offensive of the chain, but it didn’t last long, and it cracked every inch and turned to ashes.


Seeing the two hidden treasures shattered, the old man’s eyes were red with distress, but he gritted his teeth, and quickly retreated, afraid to meet his sharp edge.

“Where to go!” The purple robed youth ignored other people’s attacks, and the chain jumped out, immediately blocking the old man’s retreat. The chain that turned into a sharp spear, burning with red blood, rushed out press forward .

“I admit defeat!”

The old man surprised and angry, angrily roared in a hurry.

He still has a hole card, but he doesn’t want to expose it. Once some of the hole cards are used, the cost is huge. You need to sacrifice your lifespan or even reduce your body of overdraft, which will have a great impact on your future cultivation.


As soon as the old man’s words were spoken, his silhouette disappeared from the small world and was transferred out by the star master outside.

The sharp spear stabbed into the air, and instantly stopped the momentum, the purple robed youth turned around, looking coldly at the remaining few people, both of his hands suddenly grabbed a section of the chain, violently danced around and swept around.

This chain is like a mountain range. With his hands moving, all the nearby Starry Sky realms are pushed back. One of them was hit by the chain, and blood was vomited immediately, as if being hit by a mountain range. In the middle, he flew directly tens of thousands of meters away and was caught by his battle pet.

“Who else?!”

The purple robed youth pushed everyone back, standing tall and tall in the sky. At this moment, he let out rhetoric without seeing everyone in sight, showing an invincible imposing manner.

Many Starry Sky scattered people outside of the small world, including those in the star realm, are silent.

Too shocking.

Is this really something Destiny Realm can do? !

Not only the higher rank challenge Starry Sky realm, but also the late stage of Starry Sky!

You must know that the three realms of Starry Sky realm have a huge gap between the front, middle and back, no less than the gap between Starry Sky realm and Destiny Realm. This young man can be said to have crossed Rank-3!

“My generation should be like this…”

In the distance, those forces who took the cosmic spaceship and the space aircraft carrier into the Immortal Mansion also saw the battle in this small world, and they were all shocked.

Especially some Destiny Realm in spaceship and aircraft carrier, it is even more enthusiastic.

Starry Sky realm oppresses them, like a mountain, irresistible, irresistible!

But now, this aloof and remote Starry Sky realm has been swept by a Destiny Realm. No one is an opponent. How majestic it is!


Seeing several Starry Sky realm panting in the distance, purple robed youth sneered slightly, “Starry Sky realm, but the fleshy body crosses the universe and survives in a vacuum. It has the ability to escape from the universe and soar into Heaven and Earth. Unfortunately, You are too weak and not a real Starry Sky realm at all!”

“When I step into the Starry Sky realm in the future, I will let you know what is the real free and easy universe, and take charge of Starry Sky!!!”

Hearing his domineering arrogant words, several Starry Sky realms looked ugly.

The many Starry Sky scattered people outside the small world are also a little angry. Even if you are strong, you look down on people too much!

“damn it, this kid is so crazy!”

The old man of time was also angry, but a little weak. Their group of Starry Sky, but they were crushed by this guy, it was really ugly!

People say that, they can’t refute it yet, even more angry!

Too crazy!

“By the way, why are you not angry?”

The old man of time suddenly saw Su Ping’s expression, very calm, even with a bit of appreciation, can’t help but be strange and authentic.

Su Ping was taken aback, and asked: “Why should I be angry?”

“Damn! People even said these things, you are not angry? This kid is too crazy, but his words offend the entire Starry Sky realm!”


Su Ping’s response was dull.

It’s your Starry Sky realm who offends you, what’s up with me?

Furthermore, what people said…I think it’s quite right!

Starry Sky realm, don’t you just want to run away from the universe and be in charge of Starry Sky?

“You…” Seeing Su Ping, the old man was speechless, and he was speechless. This guy is really faceless and skinny. People have slapped their faces like this, and there is no anger at all. Even if they are strong, they still let go. Kyogen’s ability can be insulted, so it’s very angry!


A middle age person stepped out suddenly, full of anger, “You are too crazy! Can pick me this move, I think you have the ability!”

“Bring the horse here!”

purple robed youth sneered and said dismissively.

The middle age person was furious, and a violent thunder burst out of his body. It was an elemental Thunderbolt War body, and the thunder energy on his body seemed to be a rather high-level Thunder Element battle body.

He raised his hands, and all the thunder suddenly condensed on his hands.

After that, a black war knife appeared in his palm, and the thunder spread, the war knife was wrapped and turned into a thunder knife!

“Leishen Mountain Absolute Art, Leibo Magic Sword!!”

Someone recognized the Blade Technique of this middle age person, and suddenly lost his voice and was shocked.

Thunder Mountain, this is a Great Influence in the Federation. It is said to be a mountain, but in fact that mountain is bigger than a star and stands tall in the universe!

The one sitting on the mountain is a digital Sealing God Boundary, whose power is so strong that even if the five major Academy of Gods see it, they have to bow their heads!

And this Leibo Divine Sword is a combination of Thunder Element and Light Element. It contains extraordinary power. Both are known for their speed. This Blade Technique is world-famous for its speed and ruthlessness!

“Interesting, it’s a pity that you are too superficial!”

purple robed youth raised his eyes and stared slightly, but said with a sneer on his mouth.

Next moment, his chains danced suddenly, gathered in front of him, and turned into a big net.

But at this moment, the pupils of purple robed youth suddenly shrank!

There was a shuddering sound, and a popping sound rang out.

The dazzling fiery Thunderbolt was still condensed in the middle age person’s hands, but in front of the purple robed youth, a golden talisman suddenly flew up and torn apart.

It’s like a purple robed youth under a sneak attack.

But the other Starry Sky realm did not move, this scene is extremely strange.

Soon, someone saw that behind the bursting golden talisman, there was a hidden treasure that was transparent like a water ball. The water ball shook, revealing a bright blade glow inside!

This blade glow is full of thunder, stimulating the hidden treasure of the water polo into lightning boiling.

This is the Thunderbolt Magic Sword!

On the other side, the hot blade glow in the middle age person’s hands has gradually dissipated at this moment.

It turns out that the real blade glow has already come out, and it is so fast that it exceeds everyone’s vision and capture!

This is the Absolute Art of Thunder Mountain!

With a bang, the hidden treasure of the water ball suddenly shattered in the thunder boiling, and the water shone in all directions, but the falling water fell at an extremely fast speed and hit the broken mountains and rivers below. There was a heavy sound of hong long long, and a drop of water was like a meteorite!

However, after the resistance of the hidden treasure of the water polo, the purple robed youth has had time to react. His chains danced and quickly shredded the blade glow that was not enough.

“Destroy my two hidden treasures, damn you!”

The purple robed youth squinted, staring at the middle age person.

The face of the middle age person changed slightly and was a little bit frustrated. He had already used his trump card, but he still couldn’t help this young man.

In addition to its own ability, the opponent is also the second generation of super rich. Just the two hidden treasures that have just been broken are Peak’s Starry Sky defense hidden treasures.

I don’t know how many other hidden treasures like this one have.

But think about it, with the great character behind the other party, I will definitely not only prepare these two hidden treasures.

Other people realized this too, their expressions changed, and they sighed.

This face was beaten a bit harder.

A Destiny Realm has swept all Starry Sky realm faces, and no one can fight back yet.

“That’s all that’s all, it’s boring to fight with such a guy.”

“The golden talisman of Gangna contains the divine force, and I suspect it may be something that a powerhouse of the gods made casually.”

“Defensive hidden treasure like this, and a few more items, it is invincible. It’s unreasonable for a guy like this to grab this rule of Taoism from us!”

Outside the little world, several star owners are shaking their heads, giving up the idea of ​​continuing to fight.

The battle strength of this purple robed youth itself is terrifying, plus a defense hidden treasure, simply invincible!

Unless they are suppressed by the star master himself, they obviously will not offend such a guy for a regular Tao tree. In case the three Sealing God Boundary in the depths of Immortal Mansion, there will be their Master. Before they could make a move, they were killed by the other side’s thought!

“Is this a genius, too terrifying.”

“It’s just too crazy, so angry!”

Everyone in the Star Sea League was shocked and lamented. Originally, Su Ping and Old Man Time persisted to the end, which was still a bit of an advantage. As a result, the evildoer was killed halfway, and the rule tree could only be handed over.


The already defeated Shennong three punches and Hades and the others also sighed.

sou! sou!

The silhouette of one after another was transferred out, and the remaining few Starry Sky realms were transferred out by the star master behind them, no longer competing.

The Alliance Leader girl pouted her mouth, a little puffed up, but she also knew that there was no point in fighting any longer.

“If you met me a few years ago, see if I won’t beat you down!”

“It won’t work now, bully the weak, it’s boring.”

The Alliance Leader girl is very angry.

The Vice Alliance Lord next to him saw the appearance of his Young Lady, smiled, and said: “Young Lady don’t care. Although a genius like this is rare, I don’t know how many people fall in the middle of it. They can really cultivation to Sealing God. Boundary’s, very few, Young Lady, you only need to accumulate your background as soon as possible, and soon become a god. For you, this kind of evildoer can only be your student.”

“Well, this is true, but this Young Lady doesn’t want such a proud student!” The Alliance Leader girl proudly said.

The Vice Alliance Lord couldn’t help but smile.

I really want to say proud, Young Lady, are you the one who is the most spoiled?

“Finally recognize it, huh, they are gone, you two, still want to continue to be beaten?”

In the little world, purple robed youth looked at the Starry Sky realm who was transferred out one after another, knowing that the star master behind them bowed their heads.

With Destiny Realm, he forced the star masters to give in, which made him feel very fulfilled.

For him, it is no surprise that it is easy to kill the same level in a flash, and it will not bring him any pleasure.

“In the future, when you become the Starry Sky realm, you can really step on the head of the Starry Sky Realm!” purple robed youth secretly said in one’s heart, looking over the remaining two people, a little impatient.

He can’t wait to get this rule tree. After absorbing the many rule fruits on it, his battle strength will once again rise to a level, suppressing these late Starry Sky stages, making it easier.

“It’s crazy!” The old man was so angry at this, but he didn’t dare to refute it. Even the three words “Too crazy” were spoken by sound transmission and Su Ping.

After all, from the perspective of the displayed ability, fish leaping over the dragon gate will definitely shine in the entire federation in the future. It is not necessary to offend such evil in order to fight over tongues.

“It’s a bit.” Su Ping nodded, said: “It’s time for us to go, as long as we defeat him, the rule Tao tree is ours.”

The old man of time was about to say that we should withdraw too. He almost spurted blood when he heard Su Ping’s words, and said in amazement: “What nonsense are you talking about, just the two of us? Didn’t you see the hidden treasure of this guy? Now that no one else shares the firepower, I may not be able to withstand his attack, let alone beat him.”

“If you don’t go, then I will go.”

Su Ping said.

The rule Tao tree is close in front of him, so Supreme Treasure, how could he miss it.

With the many rules and fruits on this rule tree, he can make the Foundation Establishment stronger, and can even hit Destiny Realm!

while speaking, Su Ping has stepped out.

The old man of time can only defend, and Su Ping can’t count on him to cooperate.

“Crap!, you really want to go!”

Seeing Su Ping’s actions, Old Man Time was shocked.

The Alliance Leader girl who was preparing to take Su Ping and the old man of time, saw Su Ping’s actions, she was taken aback, and her eyes showed some doubts, “He wants to fight?”


The Vice Alliance Lord is also slightly frowned. Suddenly, he realizes that he can’t see through the cultivation base of this newcomer.

Void Cave realm? !

At this moment, everyone noticed Su Ping, and when the star masters of the various alliances cast their perceptions, they were a little stunned.

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