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bang bang several times, the sharp sound blade in Su Ping’s mind suddenly shattered. His eyes were like candlelight, piercing the void, looking directly at the imprisoned red souls.

“Little Skeleton!”

Su Ping summon directly out of Little Skeleton and let it solve it.

In the battles to nurture the world, Little Skeleton killed and swallowed the dead souls, knowing how many, has cultivated a special murderous aura that makes the dead souls jealous.

As Little Skeleton stepped out, the red souls obviously flinched, and immediately turned and rushed towards the others.


The purple robed youth sensed the consciousness fluctuations of the Red Soul, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked towards Su Ping.

When he perceives that Su Ping’s cultivation base is just the Void Cave realm, he raised his brows, but he quickly recovered. His perception ability is not the best. Some Starry Sky realm wants to disguise their cultivation base. It’s normal that he can’t perceive it.

After all, the cultivation base is missing a great realm. If he can crush the Starry Sky realm in all aspects, it will be really scary!


purple robed youth thought, and the chain suddenly killed Su Ping and the old man of time.

The old man’s face suddenly changed, his hands danced, and a one after another solid god wall appeared in front of him. It was indestructible, even if the planet burst, he couldn’t shake his condensed god wall.

But the moment the chain shot came, the wall of God suddenly shook.

One after another crack spreads on the wall. The horrible tearing power on the chain quickly deconstructs and destroys the rules contained in the god wall. In addition to the breaking rules contained in the chain itself, the god wall looks like a hazy ash-gray The mist penetrated through the cracks and gradually deteriorated and decayed.

With a loud bang, the wall of God finally couldn’t resist it and burst open.

The old man of time screamed, and dark-green rays of light appeared on his body. This is his battle body, the healing body of the elemental system!

With his battle body and the solid rules he has mastered, he can be said to have pulled the defense to the extreme. Few people in the same tier can defeat him.

Among the pets behind him, there are those who are good at augmentation skills, which are specially matched with his body. At this moment one after another augmentation skill blessing, the green light on his body skyrocketed, and the whole person turned into a towering tower. The green beastly robust man.

While healing the body and showing off his power, his exhausted energy within the body was once again filled, a large amount of energy grew out of the cells, both of his hands danced, and several god walls suddenly stood up in front of him, blocking the penetration The chain underneath.

“Really strong defensive ability!”

“tsk tsk, Starry Sky realm, few people can beat him in a short period of time, right?”

“If this person cultivation to the Starland Realm, he must be a super tortoise shell, too strong to be beaten!”

“Unfortunately, such a person has to rely on the team, his own light can resist beatings, it is difficult to get some treasures during the expedition. The Demonic beast that is guarded by others can’t beat you, and you can’t beat others. You can only rely on the team. Cooperate.”

Outside the little world, everyone was amazed, and was amazed by the old man in time.

It is worthy of being a person who can resist to the finals. The battle body is too in line with the rules. If you encounter a person with a worse cultivation base than him, it is estimated that standing and playing against the opponent, no one can move!

“Thor’s rules, live from the dead, heal!”

Su Ping saw that Old Man Time was so resistant to beatings, and he was also amazed. In that case, he didn’t have to work hard to attack, so he reserved his physical strength first.

His Thor’s rules are used. This Thor’s rules have destructive power and healing ability. Su Ping allows Little Skeleton to take in the spiritual Qi in the sky and transform it into continuous life energy influx When the time comes, the old man’s within the body will add fire to his battle body.

“Cool!” With Su Ping’s reinforcements, the old man said with a big smile.

In the distance, the face of the purple robed youth was cold, beside him, the roar suddenly sounded, and a shadow like a ghost-like shot out from the shadow behind it, and the sickle slashed towards his neck.

On the back of the purple robed youth, a strange sharp claw suddenly appeared, and the sickle was caught.

While pinching the sharp claw, the upper body of this monster stretched out from behind the purple robed youth. It was a monster with an upper body like a beautiful snake.

This monster has a snake-like human face, scales like bones, a fierce face, slightly opened lips, gradually showing fangs, and a pair of standing pupils are dark golden, full of bloodthirsty.

“It’s a parasitic beast!”

“Here, this is the Demon Snake of Ah Chun!”

“The Demon Snake in the bloodline of the Star Realm? My God, this is a Peak top grade parasitic beast!”

“According to the legend, the Demon Snake that served the Asura King in the hell, feeds on dead souls and blood, parasitizes among the dead and skeletons, and is expensive enough to buy several small galaxies!”

Everyone outside the little world was shocked.

The parasitic beast is also a kind of pet beast, but the parasitic beast has a unique ability to parasitize on the battle pet master. Equivalent to bring the second layer combination to the battle pet master.

Parasitic beasts are relatively rare. If they are of average quality, it is nothing unusual, but if it is a Starry Sky realm parasitic beast, the price is definitely a well-known figure in the pet beast of the same order, even some popular dragons. pet beast, can’t be compared with it!


Luck Emperor Alliance Leader and some other star realms, their faces twitched slightly when they saw this scene. This is so rich and handsome, this kind of bloodline parasitic beast, even they are jealous.

The Alliance Leader girl is slightly frowned, her expression becoming more solemn.

With the Demon Snake of Ah’s parasite, it’s no wonder that this person can burst out such terrifying energy. The rules and techniques he uses all require energy as the core to drive, and the god-based warfare body plus the combined body The energy brought can not be so squandered. Seeing this Demon Snake, everything makes sense.


In the little world, the Demon Snake suddenly appeared from behind the purple robed youth. On its snake body was a pair of sharp claw skulls. The sickle was pinched and suddenly snapped, and then another sharp claw flew fast. Caught it out, with a bang, pierced the body of the undead pet who had a sneak attack in the shadow.

The blood spattered, and the body of the undead war pet was misted and wanted to get away, but it seemed to be caught by some power and unable to escape, and the body twisted and struggled.


purple robed youth’s face is slightly cold, the Demon Snake behind it feels the master’s will, and the horrible rays of light burst out of the standing pupils, and suddenly open its mouth and bite out, actually embracing the body of the undead warfare pet. In the mouth, the body twisted to swallow it!

“Damn, let go of my pet!”

An elderly man saw this scene, complexion ashen, and scolded angrily.

purple robed youth raised his eyebrows and looked up, sneaked, “Since you are here, be prepared to die, or you can get out of here!”


The old man has an ugly face, gnashing teeth, and wants to admit defeat, but dare not offend the Alliance Leader behind him.

“that’s all, give up.”

Outside the little world, a star owner saw this scene and sighed.

He knows that with this purple robed youth, it is probably difficult to snatch this ruled Taoist tree. Even if they continue to be stubborn, there is only this old man on their side. Without the battle pet, their battle strength is damaged and it is very difficult. It’s hard to stick to the end.

Hearing the words of the star lord, the old man relaxed and immediately said: “Quickly let go of my pet, I will give up!”

“Hehe.” The purple robed youth chuckled, but ignored it.

The old man’s face changed suddenly, surprised and angry said: “What are you going to do?!”

He hurriedly summon his pet, but his contract power was blocked by a strange rule, and he couldn’t bring back the struggling pet, summon.

“My little friend, this is too much!”

The star host outside the little world saw this scene, his face was slightly dark, you are a Destiny Realm, how thin is it for you, are you unsatisfied?

If it wasn’t for the Sealing God Boundary powerhouse behind you, I would have shot you to death!

With a hum, in the small world, the swelling Shekou suddenly loosened, and the battle pet inside suddenly disappeared and was taken out of the small world.

The appearance of the pet at this moment is a bit scary, making many people look at it.

I saw that his body was mostly corrupt and dying, and his body was obviously very toxic. If he is not treated immediately, he will basically be ruined.

The star main realm’s face was a little ugly, and immediately released a milk-white ethereal energy, covering the pet, and the wound on his body, and then gradually healed, and the poison was relieved, and it was temporarily suppressed. Up.


The old man also left the small world, looking at his pet, resentment appeared in his eyes, but he soon hid it.

Others are geniuses. If there is no chance of revenge, but showing the heart of revenge, it is undoubtedly stupid.

“many thanks Alliance Leader.” The old man and his Alliance Leader sincerely thanked him.

“The toxin is temporarily suppressed, let’s go back and find a place to cure it.” The star master waved.


In the small world, the purple robed youth saw the star master make a move, his eyes were slightly squinted, and a bit of anger emerged, but he quickly hid it. With his current power, he can suppress some Starry Sky realm in the late stage. At the limit, wanting to wrestle with the Star Realm is impossible.

After all, the difference between Destiny Realm and Star Realm is two great realms!

He started cultivation almost from his mother’s womb, to be precise, passive cultivation.

When his mother was pregnant, his mother took heavenly materials, earthly treasures, plus some powerhouse, to moisturize the fetus with energy, help him groom the meridian and body, and cut the hair in the mother’s womb to wash the marrow.

After birth, he leads peers in cultivation everywhere, and the resources of cultivation are also continuously. Basically, wherever he can do it, he has achieved the ultimate.

This allowed him to use Destiny Realm to suppress the late stage of Starry Sky. This kind of power can be proud of peers in the entire Federation universe.

Only the cosmic genius can show his extraordinary and let the world see his power.

“When I step into the Starry Sky realm, you will wait for the star master, but that’s all!” The purple robed youth had cold eyes, and looked back from outside the world.

This arrogance made him want more power and want to do more extreme and more extraordinary things.

“Wait, let you appreciate the real exercises!”

The gaze of purple robed youth fell on the few people in front of him, and a thick blood-red mist appeared on his body. This is an ancient technique of his cultivation, which has reached the federal two-star rating. This is the power of the cultivation of the star realm. Method, and it is a two-star Peak!

This blood mist is rushing, his whole body is joyous, and the power within the body is rising several times.

“This, this is the bloodfiend eternal life skill!”

“It is said that this is the exercise method in the ancient immortal era, extremely weird terrifying!”

“This cultivation to the final realm, it is rumored that it can reach immortality. This is something the Sealing God Boundary powerhouse can barely do!”

“It’s too exaggerated, what is this person’s background?”

Everyone outside of the little world was shocked, including those in the star master realm, and their eyes were shocked.

This Destiny Realm guy has a richer background than them.

Such Peak exercises, none of them have it.

Gong method is the core of Battle pet master. The level of the exercise method can affect the rate of star force absorption, including star force conversion rate, release speed, and so on. The profound exercises also have some special uses, such as being able to absorb star force from plants and trees, and star force from blood.

There are other exercises that can greatly increase oneself by taking battle pets as an array.

Therefore, Peak’s exercises are extremely rare and more expensive than Peak battle pets!

“The devil’s blood cuts the common people, pay respect to my name!”

The silhouette of the purple robed youth soars to the sky of the little world, looking down at the people and the dilapidated mountains and rivers. He suddenly raised his hand, and his palm was condense with a ball of black and tumbling blood.

This demon blood seemed to be alive, and suddenly spread to his chains.

The chain made a joyous tinkling sound immediately, turning very bright red.

whiz whiz whiz! !

Next moment, the chains are like a group of snakes, shooting at everyone, like a one after another javelin, penetrating down.

Three of the chains were shot at the old man of time, but they were blocked by the wall of gods.

It just burst apart without resisting it for a moment.

But soon the 2nd God Wall came up.

Su Ping also has a solemn expression on his face. This is the first time he has met such a powerful Destiny Realm.

If the opponent is a pet beast, depending on the battle strength span, it must be High grade aptitude, right?

The attacks of the purple robed youth were scattered, and many of the pets were pierced by chains, and immediately fell into the blood and suffered serious injuries.

Those Battle pet masters are not good either. Some evade, some choose to counterattack, and some directly perform exercises, hiding their silhouette, and completely disappearing in the small world.

However, its hidden silhouette was forced out, and the chain seemed spirituality, and it was possible to perceive its hiding location.

“trifling destiny, don’t give me crazy!”


Someone roared wildly, and a shocking heavenly blade cut out, rubbing a rainbow-like arc spark on the chain, and then directly slashed towards the purple robed youth.

The Devil Snake behind the purple robed youth shot suddenly and resisted the blade, but soon the bones and claws split and were shocked backwards.

The other Battle pet masters also roared and made various shots. After all, they are the late stage of Starry Sky. They all have their own unique stunts. At this moment, they all showed up. The chains of the purple robed youth fluttered, resisting some, and some , The Demon Snake of his within the body helped to resist, but the Demon Snake of Ah’s was an attacking pet and was still slightly weak in defense.

Under a series of attacks, the purple robed youth retreated steadily and suffered serious injuries.


purple robed youth roared furiously, Divine Physique became brighter and brighter, accompanied by blood and mist outside of the body, whistling towards those Battle pet masters, choosing a close body attack, assisted by chains.

What is surprising is that this purple robed youth has extremely strong physical skills, very ruthless moves, and unpredictable. In a blink of an eye, two Battle pet masters were knocked down by him and fell into the air.

“You guys do it too!”

There is a Battle pet master next to him. Seeing that Old Man Time and Su Ping were not attacked, he couldn’t help being surprised and angry.

The old man of time cried out: “We can only defend, what can we do!”

“Then you can block it for me!”

“I don’t know you!”



The Battle pet master turned his eyes straight with anger, and was distracted while speaking. He was hit in the face with a punch by the purple robed youth, knocked over to the ground, and smashed into a huge pit.

“Come and clean up both of you later.” The purple robed youth glanced at the old man and Su Ping with cold eyes.

The old man of time looked at the fierce battle in front of him. This purple robed youth obviously had the upper hand. It will be a matter of time for others to lose. He was inwardly grumbled and turned to Su Ping and said, “Are we two surrendering? “

“Why admit defeat?” Su Ping was taken aback.

The old man in time was dumb and said: “Why? Do we have a way to defeat each other? If the guy with three punches is still there, we still have a little hope, but for the two of us, I can only defend and you can only heal And the increase, it’s just going to be beaten for a while, what’s the point.”

“I will also attack.”

Su Ping said, “I’m just saving energy.”

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