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“And then?” Madeleine asked curiously.

Blu Fin shrugged: “After Lord Monge’s visit, he directly said that no stronghold city could be built here. And with an order, we can pass here, but we must not stay here for long.”

“As for what Monarch discovered, he not at all told us?”

“A lot of people have explored here, but nothing has been discovered.”

Madeleine frowned: “That’s what you said is more than that? It’s not the same as before. It’s the same as not.”

“Of course it’s more than that. In addition to the disappearance of the person, there is actually a detail that the Gucia’s companion just mentioned.” Blu Fen paused.

Angel recalled what the middle-aged man said before, and asked in a low voice: “Lord refers to the illusion of hysteria?”

Gucia said he at first just heard someone calling him. But later, Gucia said again that he saw the person who called him.

If Sinaifa judged Gucia’s situation at that time, he would definitely ask him who he saw. But Sinaif said nothing, it can be seen that the people of the Frost Moon Alliance are those who know this “hu call.”

Blu fen nodded: “Yes, this situation in Gucia, we call it the irreversible induction mark. We have studied the people who induced the mark, and found that the marked people have almost no way to escape the fate of disappearance. And, These marked people have seen the people calling them before disappearing. “

“After some research, it was found that the person they saw before disappearing was supposed to be a person wearing a black crow cloak. It was eradicated that this person in the black crow cloak, known as Kulangdu in the mouth of the abyss native people, came from Bottomless Abyss ’death guide, in short, is the Death God they believe in.”

“Bottomless Abyss refers to the inner layer of the abyss, which is the area we dare not dabble to set foot in. And the bitter Langdu, according to speculation, may be a Demon God who is in charge of death, the believer under his door.”

After Blu Finn finished speaking, he took a bottle of rye rum from Space and poured it into his stomach.

After Madeleine pondered, she said in disbelief: “You mean, this cold ancient site is most likely related to the abyss … Demon God?”

Blu Fen spread his hands: “Who knows, it’s dangerous anyway. Since Lord Monge has asked us not to stay long, there must be his reason.”

Angel couldn’t help but ask: “Is there really a ruin there?”

Blu Fin took a deep look at Angel: “Maybe, but it’s better to put away your curiosity. The more you know, it may not be a good thing.”

In fact, these things are not particularly secretive things, but the reason why Shuangyue wants to hide it is actually to worry about the excessive expansion of curiosity of some Transcending people.

Although curiosity is a must-have virtue for Magus, it must also be borne in mind.

Because curiosity can kill not only cats, but also a group of cats.

It’s about Bottomless Abyss, it’s about Demon God, it’s no small matter.

Instead of asking about the topic of Hangu Ruins, they talked about other things as if the previous topic had never been discussed.

Even if he didn’t mention it, Angel’s heart was hidden from the cold ruins.

At the same time, I also pay tribute to those sages who can open up strongholds in the abyss.

Madeleine and Blu Finn talked about the topic from heaven to earth, and occasionally mentioned some secrets and rumors, which opened Angel’s eyes. However, when they flew out of the boundaries of the ancient ancient ruins, Tan Xing began to decline.

For some unknown reason, almost no monsters will go there. But once you leave the Hangu ruins, the next journey is hard to say.

After going through a silent road, Madeleine suddenly asked: “Sheep Fiend has appeared on the outermost layer. Could it be said that Frost Moon has started a big move?”

Madeleine’s question made Blu Finn stunned.

“I’m only in charge of research. I don’t know.” Blu Fin shrugged.

“Humph.” Madeleine snorted in her nose, seeming to be unbelieving and ridiculous. But Blu Finn didn’t change his face and didn’t feel offended at all. Instead, he smiled and said: “No matter if there are big moves, it’s not bad for you. The purpose of your coming to the abyss is not here anyway.”

Madeleine’s eyes narrowed, she took a deep look at Blu Fen, and the two of them tacitly agreed to stop talking on this topic.

Along the way, everyone was worried, and with Sinaif’s power greatly reduced, if they encountered such a strong enemy like Sheep Fiend, they might be hard to parry.

But fortunately, there were no accidents when we left the ancient ancient ruins and walked to the gray-scale stacking area.

Occasionally monsters invade, all of them are of Xiaomiji level. Even Apprentice holds a group and can clean it up.

It wasn’t until entering the gray-scale stacking area that Blu Finn was sighed in relief: “This is the normal expectation, after all, this is a safe route that we have pioneered for hundreds of years … It should be just an accident to meet the sheep Fiend.”

The previous 6 batches of material supply teams, from the surface to the front, did not encounter any problems, and the team was only ordinary Magus at the time.

Now that there is Sinaifah, there is a little change.

“Is this the Law of Lucky Conservation?” Blu Fen murmured in his mouth, “What variable should I bear? What is the strength of Sinaif? The positive variable reaches the extreme value, which leads to the sheep Fiend … Now the silk Nefa’s strength was reduced, but the journey was smoother. “

The pseudo-knowledge science in Blu Finn’s mouth was directly ignored by Madeleine and Angel.

Now Angel is more concerned about what is the gray-scale laminated area?

He has read a lot of information before, and knows that the abyss is divided into 2 areas in the surface and the 3rd level in the table is also called the periphery of the abyss, which is the area where ordinary monsters and native people are active. As for the inner layer, there are very few humans stepping on, so there is very little information. The front line they are going to refers to the place near the inner layer on the periphery of the abyss.

As for how to cross layers, one of the methods that Angel has learned is to pass through the gray-scale lamination area.

But what was obtained in the book is only a sentence after all. The real situation must be practiced before you know it with your own eyes.

As soon as he entered the gray-scale stacking area, Angel felt that the surrounding Space energy was extremely active. It stands to reason that too active energy will definitely pry the material world.

But the space energy here is strange. Although it can make you feel its activity, it seems to be bound by something, so that it will not become a wild horse, and it will not cause Space cracks due to instability.

The biggest feature is the plants on the ground.

There are actually more plants here than the ancient ancient ruins, and the growth is not bad at all. If it is really in an unstable place of Space, it is absolutely impossible to have plants.

“If it’s the Magus of the Space department, it is estimated that there will be a lot of gain here.” Angel murmured in a low voice.

“Actually, otherwise, the Magus of the Space department wants to harvest, at least to analyze the Space energy. The Space energy here seems to be everywhere, but you can’t analyze it, because they are confined by the cross-layer door. Unless it is The Space Department’s high grade Magus may be able to be forcibly resolved, but the end is that the cross-layer door here is completely dissipated. “Madeleine heard Angel’s murmur and explained to him.

Angel has some sorry, but he still takes it for granted.

Putting away the amazement in his heart, Angel asked: “The cross-layer door is where we enter the abyss 2-Layer?”

“It’s not 2-Layer, it’s directly to the 3rd floor of the abyss.” Madeleine Paused: “The surface of the abyss is very large. I’m afraid it is not much more difficult than the South Territory. There are many ways to enter the inner layer. -Layer’s way. The cross-layer door here can go directly to the third layer. “

Madeleine said at this moment, suddenly pointed to the mountain range in front.

“Crossing the mountain range, you should be able to see the cross-layer door.”

Walking all the way to the top of the mountain range, before turning over the mountain, Angel felt the breath of the huge great shore coming from the other end of the mountain range. This great shore breath is very similar to World’s Will in the Magus world.

“The source of energy that binds Space is right there.”

When reaching the top of the mountain range, Angel looked down, his eyes flashing in shock.

The cross-layer door, he thought it was just a modification, said that it is a door, but it is actually other things. As a result, it really surprised him a little, this cross-layer door is really a “door”.

This door is ten meters tall, standing in the clouds of a canyon.

The overall color of the door is black, the material can not be seen, but there is a sense of bone smooth. There are various engravings of strange monsters on the facade, the native people of Sacrificial Offering, the gargoyle who close their eyes, the abyssal dragon hiding the sky and covering the earth …

The most peculiar thing is that at the top of the door, there is a pair of eyes draped in the black mist, watching this Heaven and Earth.

“This … is the door across the floors.” Madeleine said with emotion, no matter how many times he saw this door, he had to be impressed by its huge power.

Angel also felt extremely shocked, but in fact, he was more puzzled.

“Why is this door standing here, and who is standing here? The momentum above is very similar to World’s Will, is it the World’s Will set by the abyss?” Angel questioned one after another.

In this regard, Madeleine’s answer was: “Why there is a door, I don’t know this. As for who stood, according to some materials, it should not be World’s Will, but an ancient Demon God in the abyss. The door above The only eye is the mark of the ancient Demon God. “

“Yes.” Blu Finn also stood up and added at this time: “Outside the abyss, there is more than one cross-story door with the mark of this ancient Demon God on it.”

“Then we enter the cross-level door, wouldn’t he be under his watch?”

“No, because this ancient Demon God has long since disappeared into the years.”

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