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When Sinaif was in meditation, others could only wait silently.

No one spoke, except for the sound of fire burning in the fire, the entire underground cave was dead.

Angel looked back towards the people in the cave, and everyone’s expressions were dignified, including official Magus. Perhaps these powerful Magus belong to the uppermost layer of the pyramid in South Territory, but when they come to the abyss, they can only be ranked in the middle and lower layers. Creatures stronger than them in the abyss abound.

At this moment, Angel really felt the terrifying of the abyss.

The atmosphere of death was maintained for a long time, and I was worried about disturbing Sinaif ’s meditation, but at a certain moment, one of the Apprentice crowd suddenly screamed.

“Ahhh! Stop talking, get away, get away!”

It was a young skinny Apprentice, wearing a purple and old Magus robe. His expression was a little distorted, both hands covering his ears, shaking his head and shouting hysterically.

His shouting was too harsh and attracted everyone’s attention.

Maher Wrath stepped forward and pinched his collar directly, mentioning the midair. Zhang Ren’s eyes looked at him with threatening colors: “Shut up!”

Apprentice at first didn’t seem to be awake yet. It wasn’t until Maher lifted him up and his collar held his breath that he suddenly came back to his senses. Then he looked at the scene in front of him, startled, and in the face of the majesty that Maher released to him alone, he began to shiver coldly.

“Machelle, let him go.” A cold voice came from behind.

Maher turned around, only to find that Sinaif did not know when he was standing behind him.

“Miss Sinaif, have you been awakened by him?” Maher asked Apprentice casually and asked with concern.

“It’s okay. When he called, I was almost recovered. After a little tidying, we were ready to go on the road.” After Snaif finished speaking, he glanced inadvertently at the Apprentice dropped by Maher on the ground.

Apprentice is still trembling at the moment. But his both hands are still covering his ears, and he keeps talking in his mouth repeatedly: “Don’t say anything …”

Sinaif raised her eyebrows and seemed to think of something, and asked, “What’s wrong with you?”

The young Apprentice trembled, unable to say a word.

Maher frowned and turned to look towards other Apprentice around him: “Who of you knows what happened to him?”

Apprentice looked at each other in blank dismay. For a while, there was a middle-aged man wearing the same Magus robe with the young Apprentice, shaking his hands tremblingly: “Lord, Gucia seems to be too stressed and has got hysteria. “

“Hysteria? How to say.” Senna looked at it.

Faced with Sinaif’s inquiry, the middle-aged man stumbled on what he had seen before.

This is Gurentia Apprentice, from the forest of Yeyu. When he came to the abyss, he was actually plot against and forcibly placed in the frontline mission. His courage has always been very small, and everything he has encountered is pressed against the heart. After coming to the abyss, he has been fighting again and again. Perhaps the accumulated pressure is too great, so he has an illusion.

“He asked me before and asked if I heard sound. I did n’t hear anything at the time and asked him what happened. He said at first not at all, it took a while to support us, some people said He kept whispering in his ear, calling him to go to a place … Later, he said that he saw it, and the person who called him was waiting for him there. “

After Sinafa listened, a little thought flashed through her eyes and looked at Maher.

“I see.” Sinaif nodded, looked towards middle-aged man: “You … pay attention to him, try not to let him out of sight.”

Sinaif said this very lightly. The middle-aged man did not hear the sound outside the string, only thinking that Sinaif worried that Gucia would yell and affect others, so he was nodded: “I will look good on him.”

Sinaif did not say anything, but sighed undetectably, then turned to the crowd and said: “Here is not far from the gray-scale layered area, we try to reach the destination within ten hours.”

After Sneifa finished speaking, everyone immediately started to act, and with the Frost Moon Guards, one by one left the cave from the channel.

Angel left behind, and his eyes have always been curious about Gucia.

Most people think that Gucia is talking nonsense, and Angel once thought Gucia was too stressed, which resulted in a rebound effect.

But Madeleine said at this time: “The eyes of Sneifah and Maher were not right just now. There may be something stupid about what Gucia said.”

Not only Madeleine, Angel also found a part of the official Magus, and was also looking at Gucia with a searching eye. Obviously, they also found some strange things.

Because of this, Angel also looked at Gucia curiously with Madeleine’s eyes.

Gucia seemed to be more calm, not at all. Along with other Apprentice, the bonfire was extinguished, and then moved towards the direction of the corridor. Next to him was the middle-aged man who was talking and talking to him.

However, this calm did not last long.

While they were walking outside, Angel’s eyes were still on Gucia, and in a blink of an eye Gucia disappeared.

Angel’s pupils shrank, looked carefully, and indeed did not see the shadow of Gucia. The middle-aged man next to him hasn’t found anything strange yet and is still talking.

Angel looked back at Madeleine and then at the other Magus, and found that their faces were all suspicious. Obviously, this Apprentice called Gucia suddenly disappeared, and even they did not find clues.

“Sure enough, I said why Sinaif had just added a sentence to let his companions stare at him. It seems that she had long known that this would happen.” Madeleine thought for a moment, “Maybe, this is Han Gu The dangers in the ruins? “

From Madeleine ’s mouth, Angel also learned that she was actually paying attention to Gucia. Gucia ’s disappearance was without any sign. There were no Space fluctuations or energy ripples, so she disappeared in front of her.

Madeleine even deliberately inspected where Gucia disappeared, and found no strange places.

The middle-aged man was cried out in surprise when everyone came out of the bleak tunnel, “Large … Lord, Gucia is gone!”

Sinaif’s response was only a little nodded, not at all said.

“Me, shall I go back and find it?” Middle-aged man stammered.

“You don’t have to look for it, you can’t find it.” Sinaifa’s eyes flashed coldly, shaking her head.

Continue to ask where Gucia has gone. Sinaif only used the ambiguous answer: “Perhaps, as he said, who was called away.”

Listening to Sinaifah’s words, other people felt that there was a one’s hair stand on end, and a large living person disappeared among them. The reason is unknown. How can people not feel panic?

“Did this really be the crisis of the ancient ancient ruins?” Angel nana said.

“It’s more than that.” A smooth male voice came from one side.

Angel turned around and saw Blu Fin appearing on his side, said with a smile.

“You mean, there are other terrifying crises in the ancient ruins?” Madeleine looked towards Blu Finn.

Blu nodded.

Madeleine: “What does this crisis mean?”

Blu Finn sold a pass at this time: “I can share this secret with you, but … don’t mind taking a ride with me?”


After a long while, Angel’s gondola got a fat ball Blufen.

Angel’s vigilance against Blu Finn didn’t stop, and it was originally intended to be far away. But Madeleine quietly sound transmission said: “Relax, with me, Blu Fen would not dare to deal with you.”

Since Madeleine had spoken, Angel naturally refused.

As soon as Blu Finn boarded Gondola, he immediately began to conduct various studies on Gondola, mutter incantations in his mouth, and a look that I want to study thoroughly.

“This starry sky yarn has a little charm … Hey, this is the special effect of Inspur shell, luck is not bad … Actually use the Meteor Star Core here …”

When Blu Finn saw Gondola in the giant stone forest before, his eyes had already started to shine, and he wished to step forward to study immediately. Just because of his previous behavior, plus Madeleine, there was no chance to board the ship.

Nowadays, it is difficult to find opportunities, how can we not study thoroughly.

However, after all, Enchantment Alchemy is different from Blu Finn. He wants to copy a gondola, which is very similar, and finally he can only shake his head regretfully.

“It’s time to finish reading, is it time to talk about the topic?” Madeleine is speaking. Now Madeleine and Angel are sitting on the same side, and Blu Finn is sitting opposite them.

The main reason is that the volume of Blu Fin is too large, and one person occupies 2 positions.

Blu Finn: “What do you want to ask about the crisis of Hangu ruins? In fact, the small Apprentice called Gucia, which suddenly disappeared, is a kind of crisis.”

Blu Fen had a trace of fear in his eyes: “As early as 100 years ago, when the Frost Moon Alliance planned to build a stronghold city here, something was wrong. Someone with unfathomable mystery disappeared here, and the reasons are all as previously mentioned by Gucia Like that, I felt someone calling him. “

“Because there are not many people who disappeared, at first did not arouse alertness. Until, the sinners also disappear here …”

Madeleine’s eyes flashed with shock: “Sinners? You mean Pusio ?!”

Blu fen nodded, a flash of nostalgia flashed in his eyes: “Yes, Pusio also disappeared here.”

“This 100-year-old genius really knew Magus, and it also disappeared here.” Madeleine murmured: “No wonder, in the past 100 years, Pusio has not appeared …”

“The disappearance of Pusio has made the people of the Union start to pay attention to it. Then, after reviewing the previous records, it has been found that the number of people who have disappeared here in 1000 years has reached 1000, including 2 official Magus. It is suspected that this also disappeared! Since then, the sound of the stronghold city built in the Han ancient site has gradually become smaller. “

“The loss of a true Magus for no reason is a major event in the alliance. Someone deliberately investigated and found nothing. Later, even Lord Monge came here to explore …”

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