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When Venus stared through the night sky, daybreaks began to spread in the barracks.

Angel, who was busy for a night, also returned to the temporary wood house. He recorded the dreams of 5 people last night, and the final result is still relatively clear, basically like the Number One Person. Although the body died, the dream still has aura.

After Angel recorded these data in the handbook, he fell into a memory.

Although at present, no matter the progress or development, it is going in the good direction, but there are some doubts, Angel has been unable to let go.

It is very strange that every time he enters a dream, when he opens the dream bridge and enters other people’s Dreamscape, he always sees a picture of a wilderness in a flash.

So far, he has been dreaming more than 200 times, and this flashing scene has never been absent.

Although it does not affect the dream, and it is only a moment of glittering every time, Angel is very concerned about this strange situation.

When he went to enlighten Continent to seek Flode before, he asked him about the situation when he was in a dream. When he was in a dream, he directly stepped on the dream bridge and entered Dreamscape. There will be no abnormalities in the middle.

“So, this is my personal situation?” Angel muttered to himself, but why would he be different from Frode?

Looking back at the source, he learned dreaming in two different ways. First, he is forcibly constructing a trick model. But Angel felt that this should not be the reason. In fact, Apprentice, who first entered the Magus world, basically constructs a trick model when constructing Level 2 tricks. However, after the trick level is increased, the difficulty of this forced construction is extremely high, and the trick model is also different from person to person. So basically only step by step learning.

Second, the reason why he can quickly learn to dream is that he has the power of nightmare.

His dreaming technique is based on nightmares. Strictly speaking, the exact name of his dreaming technique should be called: Nightmare Dreaming.

“Is it because of the relationship between the nightmare? The endless wilderness is actually some kind of mysterious connection with the nightmare?” Angel wrote this speculation on the handwriting and waited for future research.

In fact, the nightmare world and dream world are indeed somewhat similar. Even, Angel has previously received a mystery that the ancient Magus also called the nightmare world as the dream world, but this dream world refers to the realm of fantasy dreams; and the dream world entered by the dream technique is the realm of sleep. The name is the same, but the understanding is actually different. It is not until the last 100 years that the nightmare world has its own real name.

Although it seems that the two are very different, in terms of some characteristics, the dream world and the nightmare world do have the same point.

The characteristics of the nightmare world are: projection reality, shining into illusion, generating reality.

As far as the situation studied by Angel is concerned, Dreamland also has a certain ability to “projection reality, shine into illusion”. However, the details may not be as clear as the nightmare world, and it cannot be “generated into reality.”

But simply looking at these two similar characteristics, the connection between dreams and nightmares is 2 threads and 1000 threads. Maybe that piece of boundless wilderness is really a combination of nightmares?

“It would be nice if I could go in and see.” Angel sighed in his heart. Unfortunately, he had tried it before, but he couldn’t get in.

On the 2nd day of the night, Angel continued to dream and explore Mingmeng.

This night, 2 people had a dream, and they all died silently in the night, but in the dream they went to unknown distance.

Angel stayed for another 3 days and got a total of nineteen Mingmeng samples. Although there are still not many, the samples have different personalities, ages, genders, and backgrounds. The final conclusions are roughly the same.

It is basically certain that death in Mingmeng may indeed continue to exist in the dream world. It’s just the time of existence, Angel can’t be sure, because once they are physically dead, Dream Bridge will soon be disconnected, and he can’t continue to track their situation in the dream world.

But before Dream Bridge broke, Angel could feel that they were not at all in the dream.

It is conservatively estimated that they are more likely to become dream residents.

At this point, there were ten prisoners left in the camp. Angel allows them to continue to increase their chances of dreaming. It is best to be able to do real dreams, not only to preserve perfect consciousness, but also to keep clear logic in the dream world.

However, the real dream is still more difficult, and it is not possible to meet it. Angel was only hopeful, and never thought they could really do it.

After the explanation was completed, Angel temporarily left Haiyue City and returned to Pat Manor.

It’s been almost a week since I learned to read dreams. He has always felt like an arrow, eager to communicate with Jon. Now, once back to the manor, I can’t wait to come to the ice room.

He accidentally saw big brother Lyon in the ice room.

Lyon is recording physical data for Jon. He comes every week to record Jon’s physical changes.

According to Lyon, this was not a task given to him by Eureka, but a request from his “mentor”.

It can be seen from this that, to some extent, Eureka does not have much interest in Jon. Instead, the “red-haired” Hughes is more like a normal Magus, and he is very excited in the special case of Jon .

After Lyon recorded Jon ’s data, he turned to Angel and said, “I heard Eureka Lord say, what experiment did you go to Haiyue City these days?”

Angel nodded, he not at all intends to tell Lyon the content of the experiment.

Lyon looked at Angel for a long time and finally sighed: “Although I don’t like this old man very much, I hope you will succeed.”

“Thank you.”

Lyon patted Angel’s shoulder: “I’m going out first, you rarely come back once, remember to come to the restaurant for dinner at night.”

After Lyon left, Angel turned his attention to Jon. Not seen in a week, Jon ’s condition is not bad at the moment, with a smile on his lips.

Looking at the smile, Angel’s sense of urgency slowly relaxed.

Angel sat quietly in the ice room for a while, and then he performed the dream technique, opened the dream bridge, and gave birth to the tentacles of dreams. At the same time, Angel also constructed a trick model for reading dreams.

With the development of dream reading, Angel felt that there was an extra “mouth” on the tentacles of dreams, and this “mouth” was not a literal mouth, but a vague feeling, as if he could speak. ?

Walking anxiously on the dream bridge, I didn’t accidentally see the flashing wilderness scene.

Stepping over the Dream Bridge, Angel came to Jon’s Dreamscape entrance.

As soon as Angel entered Jon’s Dreamscape, he heard a series of laughs. Among them, the male voice is Shulang like a breeze, and the female voice is like a bird out of the valley.

Earlier, Angel had thought about what dream Jon was doing and why he was smiling when he fell asleep.

He guessed a lot, but when he entered his dream, he saw the scene in front of him, but there was a black line all over his head.

I saw a lush young boy, who was cheerfully chasing and laughing with a good-looking elder sister under the shaded promenade.

The little boy climbed a tree, revealing Junxiu’s head, and pointed to the little elder sister in the distance: “Xiao Mu, you are chasing me.”

After the elder sister smiled forward, the sun shone on her face with a bright halo, and she looked youthful.

“I’m older than you, you have to call me Xiaomu elder sister … oh no, it’s Xiaomu Queen, Angel younger brother.”

Angel watched the scene silently. The little boy was Angel, and the little elder sister was Jon ’s daughter Qiao Mu. The two laughed in the shade and looked very sweet.

However, if the protagonist of this scene is not himself.

Angel sighed in his heart. When he came back to his dream last time, Jon just asked Angel and Xiao Mu, who are like Douding, to cultivate childhood sweethearts. This time, they played a chase directly.

Angel is very skeptical, will the next time directly begin to harmonize?

Jon is now walking with his wife Xia Yuwei behind Angel and Qiao Mu.

Xia Yuwei covered her mouth with a smile: “Look, Xiao Mu and Angel are more suitable, and the relationship is to be nurtured from an early age.”

Jon was stern, and he didn’t worry: “Well, I didn’t recognize this Smelly Brat. I dared to treat my daughter to delusion. When I went back, even the old Pat, who I had learned, couldn’t recognize him! “

Angel: “…” This is your dream, it’s obviously your intention in your heart! You actually accused me!

Angel gnashing teeth, some gnash the teeth.

At this time, the gentle wind once again passed the silver-like laughter from afar.

Angel looked over and saw that the little boy was being overtaken by the little elder sister. At this time, they were chasing around in a circle around a tree, and the two were doing circular movements. They didn’t think this behavior was naive at all.

Xia Yuwei and Jon chuckled.

If Angel had hands at this time, she would definitely not want to cover her face: too shameful, so shameful!

Moreover, there was a constant smile there, and the laughter of demonic essence made Angel a little crazy.

Seeing that the plot continued to play in the direction of collapse, Angel finally couldn’t bear it and started to stop:

“Not even in the TV series, so old school!”

As Angel’s words appeared, there was a trace of stagnation throughout Dreamscape, as if time had been suspended. The only person who can move is Jon.

Jon’s expression became very deep, he always knew that he was dreaming, and this dream evolved in his heart, but in his evolution, this sound would not appear in the dream.

This is an unexpected sound!

“Who is talking? Who are you?” Jon murmured the sound, seemingly preparing to run Dreamscape, to catch the speaker. As the creator of Dreamscape, he can indeed do this.

Seeing that Jon is immediately asking, not directly, Angel also sighed in relief.

At least he guessed right, Jon had absolute reason in his dreams, fully inherited his character and demeanor as a scholar, and because of this, he understood restraint.

It is completely different from those prisoners Angel had done experiments in Haiyue City before. They are humble like ants in reality, but all dreams are carried out in the dream.

Angel sighed and whispered, “Teacher, it’s me!”

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