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However, there are too few dreamers.

Generally speaking, everyone has the possibility of dreaming, but only once in a while, and the frequency of this “occasional” is extremely low, maybe only once every few years. Angel feels that instead of hitting big luck, it is better to train some people who have dreams.

That’s right, Mingmeng can be cultivated the day after tomorrow. Moreover, this is not limited to whether a person has an innate skill, basically as long as you can dream, there is a possibility of training.

Of course, according to Frode, there are tricks in the dream system that can make people directly dream, but Angel is not a Transcending person who specializes in dreams. It is impossible to run Continent again to find Frode to learn tricks, so he still intends to use his own method to cultivate.

In Earth, Mingmeng was also called lucid dream. There are always studies on lucid dreams since ancient times, and there are more ways to train yourself to lucid dreams.

After Angel returned home, she took out the holographic tablet and found a way to improve her chances of lucid dreaming, and was ready to leave again.

He has visited the prison in Watford, so this time he went to Haiyue City.

Since the naval battle outside Haiyue City, Shannon princess has moved to Heiwuxing Province, and now Commander who is staying in the garrison camp of Haiyue City was General Aaron who volunteered from the capital.

After Angel came to Haiyue City, he went directly to Aaron.

In the face of Angel, Aaron’s attitude is very respectful, not only because of Angel’s Transcending status, but also because he owes Angel a favor.

After learning that Angel’s intention was to get a group of criminals who were guilty of death, Aaron not at all went to explore Angel’s intentions, and the nodded of the slightest hesitation should be.

Within an hour, Aaron brought out a group of ragged prisoners from the prison in Haiyue City.

Angel not at all intends to bring this group of people back to Pat Manor. Instead, he directly circled a wasteland near the military camp to gather the prisoners together.

“You are destined to die, only if you promise me one thing and do it. I can give you 1 gold coins as rewards for your loved ones or friends.” Angel disdain deception and directly stated the request directly. .

For a time, the following prisoners appeared riots one after another.

But the barracks were right next to it. Aaron arranged a team of elite soldiers to patrol. Angel did not have to act personally, and the group was suppressed by the soldiers.

After undergoing this crackdown, the group of prisoners finally accepted their fate.

They themselves are destined to die, at least they can leave a fortune to their families before they die.

Then Angel gave everyone a way to increase their chances of dreaming, and then no longer paid attention to them, letting them learn for themselves.

After all, the method of improving the chance of dreaming is not difficult. There are only four steps in a simple summary: obsession, detail, suggestion and discrimination.

Dreamscape reflects the subconscious mind of the human body, so the more obsessive, the easier it is to dream. Before starting to dream, when you clarify your obsession, as long as you think about the details, the richer the details, the more the obsession will occupy your mind, the easier it will be to dream of it.

And when obsession really turns into Dreamscape, through the long-term psychological Suggestion, there will be a “doubt” at this moment: Am I dreaming or sober?

Finally, when you distinguish: this is a dream. It means that you have entered the stage of Mingmeng.

However, the junior dream is just to let you know that this is a dream. In the dream, you still need to keep Suggestion yourself, otherwise it is easy to make yourself forget about dreaming again.

When in the long-term Suggestion, a real bright dream is easy to do. In the dream, you can have a complete consciousness, and you want to split heaven and earth apart.

Angel does not expect all of them to have real dreams, as long as they can clarify themselves in the dream, it is enough to conduct research.

Although this group of prisoners didn’t know why they wanted to study this kind of thing, they didn’t have the right to ask, they could only start practicing step by step.

Angel stayed in Haiyue City temporarily during this time.

He needs to observe the dreams of these people every night, and then to determine the next research.

While cultivating them to learn Mingmeng, he also collated the data he had obtained in Heisha Prison at the same time, and began to take the time to learn dream reading.

Dream reading and dreaming are the same, Angel intends to use the same method, through the calculation ability of the holographic tablet, plus the positioning ability of 10000 image axis, to force the construction of the model.

According to the rough estimate of the holographic tablet: the end time of the calculation is half a month.


Because Angel dreams every night, he knows the progress of all prisoners. Every 3 days, he will pick out the passive slackers among the prisoners and let Aaron take them away.

As for the end of these people, everyone understands without asking.

Soon, a week passed.

Angel also took the time to return to Pat Manor several times during this time. As Mertell began to function, everyone ’s appearance had changed significantly no matter how he went up or down in the manor. His face is also changing.

All people within the envelope of Metel will maintain their best condition all year round, regardless of body and mind. For Magus, this is actually nothing, but it is absolutely immediate when placed in a mortal.

Angel also went to meet Eureka once.

Eureka’s complexion was much better than before. Later, according to Bree, he secretly told him that Mertel’s natural breath could soothe her injuries, which is why Eureka’s complexion turned better.

Eureka approached Angel and asked what he was doing.

Angel only said that he was doing human experiments in Haiyue City. The specific experimental content was not at all. After listening to Eureka, she did not ask much. Instead, she talked about potions.

Last time when helping Jon to maintain his 3-state balance, he used to come up with many precious potions, and Eureka asked him what potions were on him.

Obviously, Eureka got Angel’s idea when Spiritual Force had nowhere to return.

Angel has a lot of potions, but all of them are aimed at Jon’s physical condition. Of course, there are also potions that restore Spiritual Force, but they are all low-level and mild potions. After all, Jon ’s physical condition is not suitable for fierce medicine.

He did not conceal his possession of the Potions to restore Spiritual Force, because Jon did need such potions.

After listening to Eureka, it was a bit regretful, but it was clear.

Eureka eventually bought some bowls of “Hikato Witch Soup” from Angel. Even if the recovered Spirit Force injury was insignificant, it was better than nothing.

After Angel left, Eureka thought about the materials brought back by the ashes in his Space props, and secretly hoped that Red Hair would return soon …

Another week later, before the analysis of the dream reading trick model was completed, a prisoner finally successfully completed a dream.

Angel watched this person’s Dreamscape all the way, and the content of his dream was his deepest obsession—revenge for his father.

Revenge his father. Judging from this obsession, it seems to be a filial son. However, his father was also a very sinful person. He completely inherited father ’s violent bloodline, and his domestic violence wife died to death. He secretly confessed to the murder of countless people for money. There is also a son.

He is so active in learning the dream method, but also wants to get gold coins and give his son a last legacy.

That night, Angel shielded his pain and killed his fleshy body. When Dream Bridge is about to break, Angel can clearly see that he still maintains a little consciousness in Dreamscape, looking for his father’s enemies in the dark.

After quitting from his dream, Angel fell into thought.

In Dreamscape, he still maintains a little consciousness, maybe this person is really transformed into a resident of the dream world?

Angel recorded the observation information of this time in detail. Although from the conclusion of this observation, it seems that death in the dream can maintain a little aura in the dream world, it is only an example after all, and he needs more and more detailed data to support it. .

On the 2nd day, Angel fulfilled his promise and ordered the soldiers to hand over the ten gold coins to the person’s son.

However, according to the soldier’s feedback, although the man’s son was only fifteen years old, he was already addicted to gambling. Immediately after getting the money, he went to the casino, and when he came back at night, the money had already been lost.

The ten gold coins were originally enough to make Perfection live into adulthood.

Angel does not comment on this. In this society, the innate environment is destined to the acquired personality. It is difficult to produce a flower from the sludge.

Even if it can really bloom, it is a evil flower.


The study of dream reading seems to be adventurous and full of crisis. If you are not careful, you will backlash. But in fact it is as stable as a mountain. With the shining of the trick model, it means that the construction of dream reading is successful.

Although this way of swords deflecting, it seems that it can only be used in dream tricks that have a relationship of 1000 threads and 10000 threads with the nightmare technique, and it is not possible to build a trick model in an instant. But this trick is not an offensive trick after all, at worst slowly constructed. It also saves a lot of learning time. If you are interested in dreaming in the future, at worst, you will learn in the normal way.

After the successful construction of dream reading, Angel not at all hastily communicated with others in dreams.

After all, his dream-reading technique only has the function of “listening and communicating”. If he communicates with these criminals in his dreams, if he is found, the irregularities will be cut off the dream tentacles in the dream world. But it’s big.

Therefore, this trick is currently only intended for Jon.

Even Brother Lyon, he dared not use it. After all, Lyon has never learned Mingmeng, and even if he enters his dream, he may be injured by mistake.

Angel originally planned to go back to Pat Manor directly to have a dream communication with Jon, but with the emergence of the first bright dream among the prisoners, the phenomenon of bright dreams appeared throughout the prison area.

In order to get more experimental data, Angel can only temporarily suppress the urge to go home.

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