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The spring is bright, and the noonday sunshine is soft and warm. But the sight in front of him made a chill in Dulu’s heart.

He had seen smoke rising before, and thought it was someone smoke.

Gondola came in and drove it over, it was indeed a crowd. At the source of the smoke is a small village outside the forest, but there are no living people at this time.

Ten houses have been burned by flames. The fire had disappeared, leaving only smoke.

As for the villagers.

Du Lu looked at the mortal corpses hanging on the outdoor wooden piles in each house, and his eyes flashed with shock and Wrath.

The man’s body, all four limbs were chopped off, and the stick was cut into a pile. Women are not covered, and they are piled up at random. What makes Duru feel chills the most is that the child’s body is also present in four places. Both men and women, they are all lying down and their bodies are dirty.

There are no living people, all corpses with great resentment.

Some people’s eyes haven’t even been closed. Before the pupils diverged, the expression of resentment and curse hadn’t disappeared. Let Dulu see it, have one’s hair stand on end in my heart.

He had seen dead people, whether it was a corpse with only a skull gnawed by Sea Beast, or a soldier who had been divided into corpses on the battlefield; even, he had seen a Magus Lord in captivity in the city of Bebehai Ghoul eating.

But none of them made him feel like Wrath.

He squatted in front of a black charcoal-framed house, and in front of him was a rotten boy’s body. His eyes were not closed, and he looked at the sky indifferently. His pale cheeks were covered with the ashes of the burning house, but there was a white line from the corner of his eye to the pinna.

Dulu could even come up with the picture at that time. The boy wept silently before his death. His tears crossed the corners of his eyes and fell on the pinna, leaving this light white line.

Dulu gasped for a long time, reaching to act and stroking the boy’s eyes.

“Sleep, in another World, you will be happy.” Dulu murmured softly in his mouth. As the palm touched, the boy’s eyes closed.

“The world is the most evil, but the hearts of people.” Angel stood behind Dulu and sighed softly. “From a certain point of view, humans are actually beasts, thinking that they are clear about the self and surpassing them; but sometimes they do Things are more frustrating than beasts that follow primitive instincts. “

Dulu looked angry: “Pat Lord, do you know who did it?”

“I don’t know, the fire annihilated all traces.”

Dulu was silent for a moment, “Lord, can I bury them? Spring is cold and the bones are sleeping, they should be cold.”

“They are already dead.” Angel would like to continue saying that after a person dies, there is no soul, no natural aura, and the body is a useless skin sac. Moreover, they have nothing to do with you.

But he did not say the unfinished words, only nodded, let Dulu do it.

He can guide Dulu how to face the winter in the Magus world, but Dulu does not want to intervene too much in how he chooses to do things for himself.

Perhaps, in the future, Dulu will become a Dark Magus or a light Magus. When he recalls this experience, will he be disgusted or sighed? Or maybe you laughed at being too stupid?

Angel stood quietly without interfering with Dulu’s movements.

He was willing to let Dulu spend time doing this, in fact, because he was a little bit homely. Before returning to Continent, he wished to fly back immediately. But the closer he was to his hometown, the more timid he was.

The village is small and there are not many people.

Angel threw Dulu a handy smelt hoe, and it took a little time to dig a big pit.

When Dulu covered the soil, it was almost dusk.

Dulu held a handful of white flowers in front of the big pit and stood silently for a long time. Until Wanxia dyed his eyes into pale red and the evening wind rolled up the petals, he walked to Angel and whispered.

“Lord’s time wasted. I’m too capricious.”

“Careful or not, wait for you to truly set foot in the Magus world, and make your own judgment.” Angel took the lead to turn around and took out Gondola: “Come on, before the night has come, find the people and ask for your current location.”

After returning to Gondola, Dulu was obviously in a lower mood than before. After a long time of silence, he suddenly asked: “Lord, will Magus also do this kind of slaughter?”

“Yes.” And more ruthless than you think.

Angel’s answer made Dulu’s eyes sorrowful.

“Magus is also a person, and people’s inferiority, no matter which class they are in, will have a corresponding performance. It is just a whitewash, or an explicit difference.” Angel paused: “However, because the class gap is too large. Magus is for mortals , As such as cloud and mud. Therefore, if mortals did not provoke Magus, Magus would not deliberately deal with mortals. This is the default natural law of the Magus world. After all, the backbone of Magus, Strength, must be born from mortals. “

“On the contrary, it is between mortals, not burdened, and keen on internal struggles.”

The topic ends here. Dulu is in charge of Gondola and continues to go inside the Continent. Angel leans on the side of the ship and looks at the distant mountains and forests red by the sunset, with nostalgia in his eyes.

Angel intended to find people before nightfall. But unfortunately, when the night stars rise, they have found no trace of living people.

“It seems that we are going the wrong way.” Angel yawned: the small village should not be a solitary village. There will definitely be a town nearby, so they chose to go along the road outside the small village.

However, the small village finally leads to the mountain forest, and there are no fixed trails in the mountain forest, so they chose a direction at will, didn’t expect flew nearly 1000 miles, and did not see any traces.

“Then do we want to return again? If we try our best, we will arrive soon.” Dulu asked. They used to fly very low and slow in order to find people, so they took a long time to fly so short.

“You do it yourself.”

After thinking about it, Du Lu decided to go back and go back to the previous forest to choose another direction.

But just as he turned his head, a dark red light suddenly appeared in the dark forest in the distance at night.

“Firelight? Is there anyone in the forest at night?” Dulu suddenly remembered: “Is it a forest guard?”

Thinking of this, Dulu immediately drove the gondola to the fire.

When the flying boat fell, it was found that it was not a so-called forest keeper, but a young girl shiver coldly wrapped in a layer of animal skin in front of a campfire.

Their landing filled the girl’s eyes with fear and curiosity.

She has never seen a ship that can fly in the sky, and that ship is still so beautiful, which makes her curious about their identity when they are scared of the comers.

Dulu jumped off the boat first, jumped onto the tree, slid down the trunk, and fell in front of the girl.

“Don’t be afraid, we just …” Dulu thought for a long time, and finally divine light flashed: “Traveler, we are traveling travelers. It won’t hurt you, so I want to ask for directions.”

Dulu’s words, not at all resonated with the girl. She still looked at Dulu cautiously, while covering the package in her arms with one hand and waving a dagger in the other.

“Well, I won’t go, just ask here?” Dulu sighed: “Where is this? How far is it from the nearest town? Which way should I go?”

Du Lu asked the girl to pause a little before slowly speaking: “I don’t believe you, you go away immediately! If you want to find people, go over there …”

The girl pointed southeast.

“Is that direction a town? What is the name of the country we are in now?”

The girl no longer answered, just holding the package, fiercely glaring at Dulu.

Dulu didn’t know what to do, should he deal with a woman? At a loss, Angel’s sound came down: “Dulu, come on.”

Du Lu was stunned, climbed up the treetop 3 times and 2 times, and jumped into Gondola.

Angel is now a girl looking towards below, the girl also not to be outdone and staring at Angel.

Angel chuckled softly, dropping a black hu hu thing from the bracelet, and moved straight towards her, falling down.

The girl was startled, thinking that the other party had to count him. She was about to run away, but she found that her body was suddenly bound by a strange strength, and she saw that the black hu hu thing would hit her face straight.

She screamed in shock.

But after a while, she found that not at all anything fell on her head. She glanced secretly, but saw a white fluffy fur floating in the air, and then slowly wrapped her body.

Warmth, wrapped her in an instant.

At the same time, her body can move. She looked up to find the flying boat in the sky, but the flying boat had disappeared by now.

On the other side, Gondola got on.

Dulu curiously said: “Why did Lord care about the girl suddenly?”

“As a man, shouldn’t I be a gentleman when I see a woman with shiver coldly?” Angel raised an eyebrow.

“Uh … I just think Lord’s behavior seems to be a bit inconsistent? Is it that Lord likes this one?” Dulu murmured.

Angel said angrily: “Don’t you see that the girl is carrying a child in her belly? Look at that size, it’s estimated to be on the verge of birth. In this deep mountain and old forest, it’s so cold, I can help only this . “

“Is pregnant with a child?” Dulu was stunned. He recalled the scene before, and the other party had been covering his stomach. At that time her belly was bulging, he thought it was a package, and the result was a pregnant woman!

Thinking this way, her kind of cautious behavior just now also figured out. After all, it is a pregnant woman, and it is normal to not want others to come close.

“But it’s a little weird, why would a pregnant woman appear here alone at this point?” Dulu wondered.

In fact, the strange thing is more than Dulu said. Angel can hear the accent of the girl just now, which is a very orthodox noble pronunciation. From the delicateness of her skin and the pierced ears on her ears, it can be seen that this girl is most likely born of noble.

A noble girl is so rare at this point.

However, Angel also accidentally explored.

While Dulu was still talking about something strange, Angel whispered: “Go to the southeast where she refers to and look understood.”

Angel didn’t forget that the hatred and anger flashed in her eyes when she showed her way before.

Angel estimated that the girl was using them as guns, and that there were her enemies in the southeast, or someone who was hunting her. However, he does not matter, anyway, it is to ask for directions that’s all.

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