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Jetway has now been transformed into Water Element, swimming in the direction of the sea through the Shengyin River.

When he was about to arrive at the estuary, Water Element incarnation couldn’t see clearly, and suddenly appeared near him.

“Teacher.” Jie Bo stunned and whispered.

The person who came was the Water Element incarnation of França. He looked towards Jetway and sighed softly: “I have got the news from Slieu.”

“I’m sorry, I messed up the matter.” Jiebo’s expression was frustrated, and he lowered his head and whispered.

“It’s no wonder you, no one can imagine, that mysterious thing will appear here.” Forsa not at all blame Jiebo, “Although you did something wrong, but at least you have no choice Fight directly with him. As long as the face is not completely torn, the result will not be at its worst. “

Jetway: “Do you want to continue to follow Angel, mentor? But he has found that I am following him, and warned me not to follow him.”

França didn’t immediately answer Jebo’s doubts, but asked: “That Alchemy device that is useful for marine lineage, have you ever met him in front of him?”

“No. The situation just now was very complicated. Angel was very resistant to me. I didn’t mean to mention it.”

“It’s better not to mention it.” Forsa thought for a moment: “Do you want to continue following him?”

“I don’t want to follow up. Angel has passed the Sliu’s mantra test, and he really doesn’t know about mysterious Space.” After Jebo said, he was a little hesitant: “However, I haven’t done that Alchemy appliance yet. To … “

“Since you don’t want to continue to follow Angel, then forget it.” França: “Moreover, this situation has occurred and Angel has preparedness. If he continues to follow and is discovered by him, it is estimated that the relationship will be worse.”

“If I don’t follow Angel, do we need that Alchemy appliance?” Jay Bo asked suddenly.

“Yes, of course it is. I have a feeling that the instrument has improved our deep sea song like a strategic level.” Forsa Paused: “As long as we can get it, our lineage people will be slow from the foundation. Slower than other peers, when faced with Emagan, our Space operation will be greater. “

“But now my relationship with Angel has been messed up, how can I get this item again?” Jebo asked.

“In the Magus world, as long as there are enough interests to drive, even if it is a Magus who cast aside all considerations for face, it may be possible to sit down and trade peacefully. Even more how, our relationship with Angel is not inseparable.” Foran Sa didn’t care about the relationship with Angel.

“Mentor means, use temptation?”

Frenza nodded with a smile: “Your Senior Sister Mulberry has recently returned. During her travels, she once discovered an abandoned laboratory of the deceitful Grand Magus, and found an Illusion item in it.”

For this reason, Franz said, how could Jiebo not understand Franz’s intentions.

“It was originally intended to allow you to exchange with him for Diplomacy through friendship, but since you made a mistake on this side, you can only use this Illusion item as a bargaining chip.” Florence said with a sigh: “Yes, anyway, this It is also an auxiliary Illusion technique item. Our lineage also does not have Illusion technique Apprentice, and the transaction is not a loss. “

“When will the transaction take place?”

“Now at this moment, his rebellious psychology may not have subsided. The youth’s mood is always difficult to calm down, so the transaction can not be busy. As for when … you temporarily stay in the inspiration Continent, Angel will come back after visiting home, you will definitely return, you Arrange a few people to track the ships of Continent Baibei Shipping Company. When the Angel trail is found, arrange again. “

Hearing this, Jiebo finally let go. He didn’t want to follow Angel himself, and now he can get what he wants.

“What’s the problem with your cultivation during this time?” After arranging the next work, França asked about the latest cultivation of Jetway.

“Cultivation has no problem, but I met an interesting thing in Bolai Township …”


Gondola flew leisurely above the sea.

After entering the whale sea channel, Dulu finally woke up. His face still hung with the philosophy of “Who am I, where am I, what am I going to do”, but Angel didn’t wait for him to understand, and directly gave him the helm.

When Dulu began to master Gondola, Angel was in deep contemplation.

He was still thinking about what Flode said before he left.

In fact, he didn’t understand the meaning of Frode. If he swore early in the morning, Angel would naturally keep his promise to let him study it in person, but he refused. When he was finally leaving, Frode expected him to join in again after he had researched the results, even willing to swear.

Is this not contradictory? Angel doesn’t understand his logic circuit at all.

However, even if this research topic allows Frode to join, all he can do is provide ideas. All the practices and the operations, techniques, and even inspirations need Angel to understand.

Angel himself can operate alone.

If he really did research in the end, he would n’t mind seeing Frode. After all, he made this point.

After throwing the switch on Frode, Angel resumed his lazy behavior. He leaned on the side of the ship in a daze during the day. When Dulu rested at night, he took out dream learning and used Dulu as an experimental object; from time to time Spiritual Force tentacles probe deep into the sea, feel the energy fluctuations of the square, and detect if anyone is following him.

However, it is clear that Jetway has learned well, and Angel not at all feels that someone is following him along the way.

Days are so lazy.

speaking of which, after he made the bloody night asylum, he basically didn’t have to worry about the people meeting the mouse and ant underground. Also in other words, he can actually remove the Transformation Technique and restore his true appearance.

It’s just that the lazy and untidy uncle people are so comfortable. Even if he is lazy and impudent and uninhibited, he is not at odds. Once the true appearance is restored, if he continues to spend his life lazily, not to mention the other, just being discovered by Sanders, it is estimated that Fiercely will beat him.

Sanders’ life is extremely rigorous and refined. Before Sanders left, he lived in Phantom Island for a period of time. Although Sanders did not say anything during that period, once he showed Sloth, or the clothes had a certain Wrinkled everywhere, his eyes will spontaneously move to him.

It is precisely because of this trembling with fear that the first character that Angel turned into after he left was the lazy waste wood uncle.

In such a lazy life, more than half a month passed.

The whale sea route is the last section of the road before reaching Continent.

According to Dulu’s calculations, it is probably in these days that the Continent can be reached. The thought of Angel’s mood inevitably floats when he wants to reunite with the long-disappeared piece of land.

Probably, it’s timid near home.

Even though he has only been away for 4 years, for Angel who has never left his loved one and lived independently, he has to learn independence and embark on the road of Magus. In fact, it seems that many years have passed.

When he wants to return to his hometown and hometown again, it is hard to hide his excitement. The dusty memories and the nostalgia that he deliberately suppressed were all released by him. He misses Jon ’s mentor, Brother Lyon, Miss Mana ’s maid, everything about Pat Manor, and all the villagers in Gruen.

This kind of miss made Angel’s mood float, and his heart was like an arrow.

Finally, in the middle of the flowering month, Angel saw the coastline of the old Continent.

Angel, who left 4 months ago in the month of the frozen soil, is only now in spring, and is about 5 years ahead of the time limit of about 8 years.

The so-called Wangshan Mountain Horse, although the coastline has emerged faintly, but it will take some time to drive past.

When approaching the Continent frame, Angel frowned suddenly.

He obviously felt the active elemental energy around him, and suddenly became Sloth. If he wanted to mobilize, he needed to pay more energy. However, except for the inertness of the elements, the performance of other energy is no problem. Angel cast a illusion, which is relatively easy.

When he used to live in Continent, he didn’t find anything awkward. But when he became a Transcending, he clearly felt the incompatible elemental energy of Continent and other Continent.

It is nothing more than an insulating ground for Magus on the element side.

When Angel left the Savage Cave, he not only accepted the Guide task, but also the task of “the mystery of the disappearance of the edge island element” that hung for a long time, and no one completed it. The reason for taking this task is mainly because there is no punishment for giving up this task. Anyway, he wants to go home, and he simply took it together.

However, when he experienced the indistinguishable distribution of elemental energy in the old soil Continent, he realized the difficulty of this task.

There is no differential distribution of elemental energy, which means that the source of the disappearance of elemental energy cannot be located.

The inability to locate the source is tantamount to saying that if you want to find the secret of the disappearance of the element, you must conduct a carpet investigation. Although the size of the old soil Continent does not seem to be large, it will take many years if a little investigation is required.

It may not be successful after spending time. This is probably why this task is basically hung by every Magus organization, but no one has completed it so far.

After determining the difficulty of this task, Angel decisively left it behind.

The most important thing now is to go home early.

They landed on an uninhabited coastal beach with no people nearby and no fishing boats stranded. For a while, Dulu didn’t know where to go.

In the end, they can only choose the way they used to enlighten Continent, and then go inland regardless of the situation, and ask for directions after meeting someone.

After a while, they flew into the forest. After crossing a mountain, Dulu suddenly pointed in a direction: “Lord, there is smoke rising over there, maybe someone.”

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