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Angel again designed the Alchemy drawings on the paper, and then temporarily stopped.

As a result, it is not easy for Alchemy drawings to be completed in a short time, and Angel has made a long-term plan. 2 Come … Angel looked up towards the window, the clear night sky without cloud cover, the moonlight was particularly sultry.

“It’s almost time.” Angel stood up, ready to go out.

Perhaps Angel’s breath was far away, and Toby, who was sleeping on the mini-bed, sensed something. It strongly supported his eyelids and looked at Angel suspiciously, as if asking Angel where to go.

“I went to Fangling Hall, you can continue to sleep.” Angel whispered.

Toby didn’t follow Angel’s suggestion, he stood up dizzy from the soft bed, and then saw a wave of Space. There was no folded quilt and elegantly carved mini-bed, all of them were included in the snow. Yu Yu.

After Toby had done all this quickly, he yawned, fluttered with wings, and flew up like a drunk bee, wandering around for a while before finding his destination—the chest pocket of Angel’s indigo trench coat.

I saw Toby planting his head in his chest pocket, regardless of whether he was still in 4 posture or 8 prong position, and fell into sleep again.

Angel felt the warm fluctuations coming from her chest, and her expression was uneasy.

Toby has been crazy training some time ago, coupled with a long time without real sleep, recently he finally got rid of the entanglement of grievances and began to enter a long period of sleep. But even so, Toby seems to stick to his mind: follow the Young Lord and protect it.

Angel naturally knows Toby’s intentions, but … you are sleeping so soundly now, who is protecting who?

Angel shook her head, not caring about Toby’s situation, but put on gloves, picked up the cane, and moved towards the outside.

He not at all lied to Toby, he is indeed ready to go to Fangling Hall now.

In addition to saying goodbye, it is mainly to ask the big brother Lyon’s intentions. During this period in Lyon, in addition to training is to go to the sky tower to climb the tower, generally speaking, returning from the sky tower is close to early morning, which is now.

Therefore, Angel will choose this time to find Lyon.

He will be ready to leave tomorrow. If Lyon wishes, Angel can also take him to the barbaric cave; if Lyon intends to stay here, or return to the old soil Continent, Angel will also support.

Anyway, Lyon can enter the wilderness of dreams. If there is any urgent matter, he can be notified at any time.

It didn’t take long for Angel to step into the night and came to Fangling Hall under the comfort of soft moonlight.

As he imagined, everyone was there, not just seeing Lyon. There are also Sarum, Shiriu who originally lived here, and Allen and the others who lived here.

Half an hour later, Angel left Fangling Hall.

Lyon not at all chose to follow Angel to leave, but was going to stay in Sky Machinery City, he planned to continue to temper his battle strength at Sky Tower.

Lyon’s choice is not unexpected. Angel can see that Lyon has a very strong desire to become stronger. He has a tenacious calm heart, and he has his own plans for his future and responsibilities.

So he makes any choice, and Angel will not interfere.

Like, when Angel left Pat Manor alone to pursue Transcending, Lyon even worried, but respected and did not interfere with his freedom.

This is a tacit understanding between their brothers without having to speak, and it is an understanding and respect that stems from the bondage of bloodline.

Today, Lyon also has its own circle of friends in Sky Machinery City, and with the help of Sailum and the others, Angel believes that Lyon should not be too bad in Sky Machinery City.


As time passed, Greia didn’t return from outside until noon on the 2nd day.

Lying on the sofa in the lobby, Greia played boring poker 100 boringly.

Angel was also reading a Magus magazine he had bought in the lobby at this time. He had sorted out the packed things, and now he waited for Sanders to come back and left together.

“Where did your mentor go?” Greia asked.

“I’m going to see Lord Horus.” Angel put down the magazine in his hand, not to show solemnity, just to finish reading.

“Horus? What do you do to find him?” Grea whispered: “speaking of which, your tutor has some mysterious and secretive recently, has been studying what energy properties, data balance and magic origin , Do you know what he is doing? “

Greia seemed to mention accidentally, but she was actually very curious.

“Perhaps the tutor was touched by something and got some inspiration, so he started to study the topic of energy.” Angel said without thinking.

Greia: “What specifically touched him?”

Angel spread his hand and said that he didn’t know.

Greia narrowed her eyes, and she always felt that Angel might know something, or that Angel and Sanders must have some secrets about the master and disciple.

It’s just that Angel doesn’t want to say for the time being, Sanders is even more likely to pry the opening.

Greia in the heart secretly sighed a sip, and then said: “I thought that the energy problem your tutor studied was to help me find the Fleshy body.”

Angel was waiting for a reply, and a low and cold male voice passed into their ears.

“Although my research on energy has little to do with you, if you study it thoroughly, it will also help you. After all, the place where your fleety body fallen to the enemy is also a place where energy is mixed.”

Angel looked through the sound, but saw Sanders in a standard noble gentleman costume, and came in from the outside.

He glanced at Angel: “My business is done and I am ready to leave.”

After speaking, Sanders glanced lightly at Greia: “You too, are you going to follow us, or is back to the candy house?”

“If you plan to return to the candy house, I will find someone to notify you when I am ready to retrieve your fleshy body.”

Greia waved her hand directly: “No, there is Felixia over there in the candy house. It doesn’t matter if I’m present or not. I still follow you.”

For Greia’s choice, Sanders nodded the differential expression, and then looked towards the outside.

To be precise, it looked towards the magical hut by the small lake in the courtyard, where Azaz currently lives temporarily.

Without Sanders, Greia also understands Sanders’ meaning: “Asaz’s situation is very special. The specific situation of the Demon behind him has not yet been clarified and cannot be allowed for the time being.”

“Moreover, I am not relieved that Magus, the delicacy of the Demon offering such as Assaz, is out. So, I am going to take him.”

Sanders thought for a while, how can Assas be a gastronomy department, even Apprentice can cook Transcending food. Greia has her own restraint and principles, and usually does not cook easily, but in the words of Asaz, waiting for the magic island, he can let him use the role of a temporary cook in exchange for his right to survive on the magic island.

Thinking about this, Sanders is nodded: “Yes.”

Sanders said, looking towards the wall clock in the corner: “Give him a half-hour preparation time, and we will leave on time at 1 pm.”

After Sanders finished speaking, each minding their own business went up the stairs. Halfway through, he suddenly turned his head towards towards Greia, to be precise, it looked towards the poker in Greiya’s hands.

“The card in your hand …” Sanders looked at one of the ghost cards, reminding him of what happened in the Night Demon City and Yong Ye Kingdom.

Greia does n’t know what Sanders is thinking, said without thinking: “All the audience who watched Charlie ’s magic show will give a gift of playing cards after the end. Speaking of which, also comes with a manual for playing cards. . “

“Is there a game?” Grea waved the poker in her hand.

Sanders was silent for a moment, without speaking, went straight upstairs.

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