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Tea Party organizer-“Rose Crown” Lianna?

Angel froze for a moment, and suddenly remembered that he had indeed heard from David before that Lianna was going to hold a tea party.

And it’s a large tea party.

Tea party, it sounds like a group of witches gathered to drink tea and chat, in fact … it is indeed the case.

However, the status of the tea party is not low in the South Territory Magus world. Even, in the consideration of the various Grand Magus organizations, tea talk will be more important than any new star game, even comparable to the stargazing day of the Crown Star Church.

At the tea party, most of the Magus witches from South Territory will gather. Use the tea party as the basis for the exchange of information.

From the average, women’s sensitivity to information and capture ability are often higher than men’s. The witches naturally did not destroy the innate skill imprinted deep in the bone marrow, they communicated at the tea party … or eight gossips, they often get some very secret news.

For example, the sewer ruins that were originally discovered in Vince Bills, the maze of King Sherman’s joy, and the Demon Sage hidden in the Roman mountains were all exchanged and inferred by the witches at the tea party.

It can be said that the tea party is a large information interactive chat room.

In addition to chat outdoors, there are also witches who use tea parties as climbing contests, perfume shops, help stations, psychologist clinics, or Transcending item fairs. After all, with so many witches gathered, how to maximize their use is also considered by Sorcerer Union.

Of course, the tea party is not necessarily full of advantages, but also has some disadvantages. For example, there will be some unscrupulous people who deliberately abet, amplify, and spread rumors that are not true or not true.

It is difficult to clear the rumor after a few mouths. After so many mouths, the rumor will become a terrifying strength.

Angel has heard a rumor that there was a person who was devoted to Magus, because he deeply loved his partner who grew up with himself, and refused a courtship from Dark Magus. Under the witches, this witch portrayed the devoted Magus at the tea party. Become a ruthless person, rumor the other party through various means. Although at the tea party, many witches confirmed that she was making rumors through their own methods, but no one onlookers clarified, and even the vast majority of people held a good play mentality and even helped.

This led many people who did not understand the complete truth to believe this rumor. The rumors spread more widely, because of the rumors, the last Magus partner left South Territory alone. It is said that the dedicated Magus has so far been lonely waiting.

apart from this, there are many rumors of the tea party. Nereus, the song of the deep sea, is rumored to have an abnormal relationship with some marine creatures, such as dolphins … in fact, it was also exaggerated at the tea party.

Of course, most people now know that Nereus may be a rumor, but it does not matter. It is enough to be able to hurt Nereus through this rumor.

Therefore, even in the Magus realm where Jianzhenshu was studied very deeply, rumors could not be completely removed, because some people could not see clearly, and some people could see clearly, but pretended not to see clearly.

Even though tea talks have such negative news, in general, tea talks are still a very important medium of information exchange.

Because of this, various Magus organizations and the Magus family are happy to host tea parties.

The location of the tea party generally depends on who is hosting the tea party.

For example, in the next tea party, the host is Lianna, so the venue is naturally placed in the barbaric cave.

Thinking of this, Angel also understood why the Witch Mulberry just said “They will meet again soon”. Because once the tea party is officially held, the barbarian caves will definitely be open to this group of witches participating in the tea party to a limited extent, and then the mulberry leaves witch will naturally have the opportunity to find themselves.

“So that’s how it is.” Angel looked at the Mulberry Witch and paused, “Then I can only watch it later.”

The Sangye witch raised a smile: “There will also be a lot of trading items at the tea party. If Chaowei Magus is interested in which one, I will also try my best to win it, as long as it can be exchanged to the ocean rhythm.”

The meaning of the Sangye Witch is obvious. Even if Angel ca n’t look down on the price she offered, she will find a way to get something for the tea party, and use it to trade with Angel.

Angel took a deep look at the mulberry leaf witch, the nodded of the differential expression, and then spun upstairs.

The Witch of Mulberry watched Angel’s silhouette gradually disappear into the line of sight, revealing a certain ambition in her eyes. Then he converged his expression looked towards Greia on the other side: “Let ’s go, this small tea party with the theme of drama shadow box will start soon. After attending the tea party, we can stop by and say The one … what … “

“Magic show.” Greia reminded.

“Yes, you can go and see Xia Li’s magic show.”

2 As the woman spoke, she walked out of the hall and moved towards the main city.

Angel walked in the corridor on the second floor, feeling that the breath of Greia and Witch of Sanye disappeared from the manor, and he gently sighed.

Do n’t look at him saying “I ’ll say it later” to Sang Yeti, but his inner feelings are simply not going to be traded.

Angel thought about it. During the time when Lianna hosted the tea party, he had better make an excuse to leave the barbaric cave and avoid meeting with Sang Ye.

Anyway, there is still some time before the tea party. Angel shook his head and put these things aside for a while. Now it is still a matter of busy leaving first.

Next, Angel went to the study to find Sanders, and discussed the itinerary with him.

Because Sanders still has something to do to find Horus, he has to reserve about ten hours. In the end they decided to leave tomorrow afternoon.

Angel can also use the period before leaving to say goodbye to her friends.


Early in the night, Angel raised his head from the desk pen.

The dim light can illuminate the parchment in front of him, drawing a draft picture of Incomplete, and there are various lines and symbols full of mysterious Strength below.

At the same time, on the side of the draft picture, there are also three images, namely, a small seabird, a griffon and a snake bird.

Angel This is to design a universal Alchemy equipment for Toby, which is a gift for Toby’s promotion.

Toby’s attack power is already very strong, and self-contained system, Angel to design any weapon, in fact, it is somewhat addictive. As for the defensive props, the snakebird’s scale armor is already a natural defense, and it will not slow down Toby’s speed. There is no need to deliberately refine the defensive props.

After careful consideration, Angel planned to design the Alchemy equipment, which was more inclined to increase the Toby energy attribute.

It’s just that it is not so easy to use 3 forms at the same time.

If you want to solve the problem of form transformation, I am afraid that more conditions must be considered.

Although it can’t be done overnight, Angel is not prepared to give up like this. After all, Toby is strong and can also help himself to a certain extent.

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