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The disappearance of Siman is really not a big deal in this Magus world on the verge of disorder. In addition, Angel and Siman are not familiar, he has no reason and does not want to intervene.

However, since Helen cares about Siman so much, it doesn’t matter if he helps her bring a word to Law Enforcement Group.

Helen’s eyes lit up when he heard Angel.

In the eyes of Law Enforcement Group, the disappearance of Siman is certainly not a big deal. After all, she is not an important person. Even if Siman was taken away in Sky Machinery City, it is estimated that it will not cause any waves. Even more how is still in Sky Machinery Near the city.

However, if it is Angel who will tell Law Enforcement Group as his research institute, Law Enforcement Group will certainly take it seriously.

With the help of Law Enforcement Group, there might be news of Siman!

Thinking of this, Helen couldn’t wait for Angel nodded, and then said what happened that day, 5-1.

Time back to half a month ago-

As Little Liu said, Siman rarely went to the endless corridor that day, but said to accompany Helen to go shopping.

At that time, they were really just shopping. After all, Sky Machinery City was the first such huge Transcending city helen saw after Helen entered the Magus world. During the Star Race, Helen didn’t visit much. Now he is accompanied by Siman, and naturally explores the city with great curiosity.

After visiting the city for half of the city, perhaps Siman felt that the rebuilt fortress, which was basically made of metal, had nothing to look at, so he proposed to go to other cities in Italy.

Helen naturally nodded to agree, but didn’t expect that this trip has encountered a big change.

300 kilometers north of Sky Machinery City, they met a strange group of people who appeared abruptly from a void crack and rode a weird shuttle.

At that time, they specifically avoided it, but who knows that the shuttle-shaped car stopped directly in front of them, and then the person sitting on the car came down and stopped them.

The strange group of people seemed to communicate for a while, and finally they set their eyes on Siman, and then took her away indiscriminately.

“Did they say the reason for the captivity?” Angel asked doubtfully.

Helen shook his head: “No.”

“Will that be Siman’s enemy.” Little Liu also asked at this time.

Helen still shook his head: “No, Siman said that she didn’t know this group of people. Moreover, the leader of this group of people is an official Magus, and Siman can’t have an enemy with official Magus.”

It was because the visitor had an official Magus, so a coercion was pressed down, Si Man was caught, and Helen was seriously injured and comatose on the spot.

When Helen woke up, there was no one around him. Helen supported the aching body, and used the flying feathers to give Feiyu back to the Sky Machinery City.

After Helen finished speaking, there were still complex emotions in his eyes, Wrath, helplessness and sorrow.

Angel listened to the whole process and could not hear any useful clues, but it was a bit strange to just grab people for no reason.

Angel thought for a while and asked 2 places he was very puzzled in.

First, who is the official Magus?

For this problem, Helen is not familiar with Magus’s appearance because he hasn’t been in Magus for a long time. However, through Helen’s description, Angel uses the Illusion technique to reproduce the other party’s appearance.

Is a serious looking square-faced middle-aged, with a very striking aquiline nose.

When the Illusion technique outlined the other person’s appearance, doubts flashed in Angel’s eyes, and he didn’t know the person. He recently added a lot of common sense, not to mention that all the official Magus knows, at least the famous people have a familiar face.

But this person, Angel has no impression at all.

Even Little Liu is confused. Little Liu is one of the administrators of the Baige Library. Her daily job is to organize books. Her knowledge is definitely less than Angel, but she said that she is more familiar with the appearance of official Magus than Angel.

Even Little Liu doesn’t know this person, and the identity of the other party is even more confusing.

Since there is no clue in appearance. Angel asked the second question: What was the shuttle-like car they were riding on?

It’s not Angel’s strength to discern the appearance, but Angel still has a lot of experience in identifying Alchemy props.

When Helen painted the shuttle-like speed, Angel seemed to think of something.

He quickly presented the illusion of a shuttle-shaped car to Helen. When Helen confirmed that it was correct, Angel was stunned.

Angel sees this shuttle for the first time. However, Angel is no stranger to the starting system of the shuttle.

The Alchemy books he obtained from the nightmare city of Naojie have recorded similar forms. Although this shape has been improved for the shuttle-shaped speed car, the core meaning of the shape has not changed.

Angel was stunned because this shape is not popular in South Territory, because there is a key material in this shape-Bai Lengshui, South Territory and the pan-plane around South Territory. There is no such material at all.

This material and this special Alchemy shape are generally popular in the Magus kingdom of the Northern Territory and the source World.

If this is the case, then the group of people is not South Territory? But from the Magus world of foreign domains?

While Angel was thinking, Little Liu was also communicating with Helen: “Since the other party is not Siman’s enemy, will he have hatred against Xialu Hailing, so the object of revenge is transferred to Siman?”

Helen thought for a moment, and still shook his head: “If it is said that they have hatred against Xialu Hailing, why don’t they fight me? Logo. “

Little Liu: “Well … what do they want to do to take the silk away?”

Logo? The conversation between Little Liu and Helen came into Angel’s ear. He thought about it and asked, “So, are there any special emblems on them?”

“Yes!” Little Liu’s eyes lit up. Although she didn’t know who the official Magus was, if she knew their logo, she might be able to know the origin of the other party, and then check the corresponding organization or family. That’s it!

“A special logo?” Helen was immersed in the memories, but after all, it happened after half a month. Although she remembered the appearance of the other party, she ignored many details.

When Helen had no income for a long time, a cool breath suddenly passed into her within the body, and the feeling of coolness rushed directly into the brain.

Like pouring cold water on a hot summer day, many tedious thoughts are gradually being sorted out.

Helen looked up and saw that it was the glittering light of Angel’s fingertips.

“A small Illusion technique can help you remember.” Angel explained softly.

Helen understood what he meant and didn’t say anything, but began to think quietly while his mind was clear.

The scenes in those memories are like pictures, but except for the outline and appearance, they are all fuzzy. But when the feeling of coolness remained in my mind, the blurred areas that seemed to be covered with a layer of water mist began to slowly dissolve, and the details that I couldn’t remember before were finally revealed.

Helen jerked eyes opened ——

“I remembered!”

“Although this group of people have different clothes, they all have a similar logo!”

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